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MONDAY 1/30/17
• AIM: How are nucleic acids built?
• DO NOW: 1- Explain the difference between structure and function
• 2- Identify and label the building blocks of DNA.
• 3- Identify each letter of D,N and A
• HOMEWORK: 1- Bring in review book
• 2- Textbook reaqd pages 329-331. Answer questions 2 and 3 on page
• Structure is how something is built
• Function is what something does
• EX: DNA is built from nucleotides which combine in specific
sequences to carry instructions for building new cells
Nucleotide: phosphate group+ 5 Carbon
sugar + Nitrogen Base
Nucleic Acids are built from Nucleotides
• DNA: Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid
• RNA: Ribonucleic Acid
Nucleic Acids are chains of Nucleotides
Nucleotide structure
5-Carbon Sugar: Ribose or Deoxyribose
Nitrogen Bases: A,T,C,G,U
• Adenine
• Thymine
• Cytosine
• Guanine
• Uracil
DNA base pairs:
RNA Nitrogen Bases
DNA is a double helix
• James Watson and Francis Crick
• Cold Spring Harbor
• 2 strands of nucleotides
• Bonded together to form a spiral
or helix
• Sugar phosphate backbone
• Nitrogen bases in the middle
• A-T
• C-G
DNA double helix
• The two strands are antiparralle:l they run in opposite directions
• Nitrogen bases are held together by weak hydrogen bonds
• Two hydrogen bonds between Adenine and Thymine
• Three hydrogen bonds between Cytosine and Guanine
Explain the difference
between DNA and RNA
Tuesday 1/31/17
• AIM: How does DNA replicate?
• DO NOW: Create a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting DNA and
• Homework: Textbook Read pages 333-334. What is an okazaki
fragment? Answer q 1 and 2 pg 335
Create a Venn diagram of DNA and RNA
Similarities between DNA and RNA
• Phosphate group
• A,C,G
• Both are made in the nucleus
What is the complementary strand of DNA?
Where is DNA located?
Where is RNA located?
DNA is in the nucleus. RNA is made in the
nucleus but travels to the cytoplasm
• RNA is made in the nucleoli but can travel out to the cytoplasm
How is the structure of DNA
related to its function?
Function of DNA is to carry the hereditary information
from cell to cell and parent to offspring
• Specific sequences of
nucleotides make up a gene
• Genes are only parts of DNA
• DNA condenses to form
• So Chromosomes carry genes
• Chromosomes carry information
from cell to cell and from parent
to offspring
• Coding regions of DNA
• Hold the code or instructions to build a protein
• The protein causes a chemical reaction that results in a physical trait
Wednesday 2/1/17
• AIM: How Is the semi-conservative model of DNA created?
• Do now: 1-Explain the relationship between DNA, gene and
• 2-Why does DNA replicate?
• 3-When does DNA replicate?
• HOMEWORK: Text read 336-338. q 2 pg 341
• We have 46 chromosomes
• Each cell has 1 nucleus that
contains 46 chromosomes that
carry thousands of genes
Why does DNA replicate?
To make genetically identical cells. Identical to
each other and to the parent cell that they
came from.
DNA replication
• During S phase of Interphase
• Purpose is to make genetically identical cells
• ALL 46 chromosomes are copied
Homologous Chromosomes: Sister Chromatids
DNA Replication
How are nitrogen bases held
Weak Hydrogen bonds hold nitrogen bases together
C= G
DNA replication
• Because the two DNA strands run antiparallel
• One strand is synthesized continuously and one in fragments
DNA replication: Enzymes catalyze each step
• DNA helicase: unzips Hydrogen
bonds between nitrogen bases
• Primase: bonds to the origin site
• DNA polymerase: attaches free
nucleotides to synthesizing
• Base pair rules
• DNA ligase: glues okazaki
fragments together
Replicate the following
DNA Replication creates semi-conservative model:
the replicated DNA consists of one original and
one new strand
• On a clean sheet of paper, show the final product of DNA replication.
You may use pen and pencil or obtain a colored pencil to represent
the new strand.