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Study Guide A
DNA replication copies the genetic information of a cell.
DNA polymerase
MAIN IDEA: Replication copies the genetic information.
Fill in the blank or circle the word or phrase that best completes the statement.
1. DNA replication is the process by which DNA is copied / observed during the cell cycle.
2. DNA replication takes place in the centrosome / nucleus of a eukaryotic cell.
3. DNA is replicated during the M stage / S stage of the cell cycle.
4. DNA replication needs to occur so that every cell / organism will have a complete set of DNA following cell
5. A template is something that serves as a ___________.
6. Suppose that one strand of DNA has the sequence TAGGTAC. Write down the sequence of the
complementary DNA strand. _______________________
MAIN IDEA: Proteins carry out the process of replication.
7. Circle all of the roles that proteins play during DNA replication.
a. They help unzip the DNA strand.
b. They hold the DNA strands apart.
c. They attach nucleotides to the nucleus.
d. They remove nucleotides from the DNA strands.
e. They bond nucleotides together.
Study Guide A continued
Fill in the blank with the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
8. In order for the DNA strands to separate, the ________________ bonds connecting base pairs must be
9. DNA replication is called semiconservative because each molecule consists of one ___________ strand and
one ___________ strand.
Place the following sentences in the correct order to summarize the steps of replication. Draw a diagram
showing each step.
a. Enzymes unzip the helix.
b. Two identical DNA molecules result.
c. DNA polymerase binds nucleotides together to form new strands that are complementary to the original
MAIN IDEA: Replication is fast and accurate.
Circle the word or phrase that best completes the statement.
13. Human chromosomes have only one / hundreds of origin(s) of replication, where the DNA is unzipped so
replication can begin.
14. DNA polymerase has a proofreading function that enables it to detect errors / enzymes and correct them.
Vocabulary Check
Fill in the blank with the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
15. The suffix -ase indicates an enzyme. A polymer is a string of repeating structural units. DNA polymerase is
an enzyme that makes DNA by forming bonds between _____________________.
Section 4: Transcription
Study Guide A
Transcription converts a gene into a single-stranded RNA molecule.
central dogma
messenger RNA (mRNA)
ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
transfer RNA (tRNA)
RNA polymerase
MAIN IDEA: RNA carries DNA’s instructions.
Label the diagram below with each of the following processes: translation, transcription, and replication.
For each process, write down whether it takes place in the nucleus or in the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell.
Place the following words and letters into the table below to contrast DNA
and RNA.
1. _______________
2. _______________
3. _______________
4. Contains the sugar ____________
Contains the sugar ____________
5. Has the bases A, C, G, and ________
Has the bases A, C, G, and ________
6. Typically __________-stranded
Typically __________-stranded
Study Guide A continued
MAIN IDEA: Transcription makes three types of RNA.
Fill in the blank with the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
7. The enzyme that helps a cell to make a strand of RNA is called ________________________.
8. The following sentences summarize the three key steps of transcription.
Circle the word or phrase that best completes the sentence,
i. A large transcription complex, including RNA polymerase and other proteins, assembles at the start of a
gene / nucleus and begins to unwind
the DNA / RNA.
ii. Using one strand of the DNA as a template, DNA polymerase / RNA polymerase strings together a
complementary strand of RNA.
iii. The RNA strand attaches to / detaches from the DNA as it is transcribed, and the DNA zips back
9. Identify which type of RNA (mRNA, rRNA, and tRNA) performs each of the following functions.
__________ brings amino acids from the cytoplasm to a ribosome to help
make the growing
__________ forms part of ribosomes.
__________ is an intermediate message that is translated to form a protein.
MAIN IDEA: The transcription process is similar to replication.
10. Check the appropriate boxes to identify whether each of the following processes is true of transcription,
true of replication, or true of both transcription and replication.
i. is catalyzed by large enzymes
ii. is highly regulated by the cell
iii. involves complementary base
pairing of the DNA strand
iv. involves unwinding of the DNA
double helix
v. occurs within the nucleus of
eukaryotic cells
Study Guide A continued
11. Check the appropriate boxes to identify whether each of the following end results is true of transcription,
true of replication, or true of both transcription and replication.
i. makes a double-stranded copy of all the
DNA in a cell
ii. makes a single-stranded complement of
only a particular DNA sequence.
iii. occurs only once during each round of
the cell cycle
iv. occurs repeatedly throughout the cell
cycle to make proteins, rRNAs, and
tRNAs, as needed by a cell
Vocabulary Check
Fill in the blank with the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
12. The name of each type of RNA tells what it does.
mRNA is a form of the DNA message that tells the cell what type of ________________ to make.
rRNA is a key component of ______________________.
tRNA transfers, or carries, _____________________ from the cytoplasm to the ribosome.
13. Transcription is the process of copying a sequence of __________ to produce a complementary strand of