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RNA synthesis/Transcription I
Biochemistry 302
February 4, 2005
Bob Kelm
RNA metabolism: major and minor
classes of RNA
Messenger RNA (mRNA)
– Relatively short half-life (∼3
min in E. coli, ∼30 min in
eukaryotic cells)
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
– Major structural components
of the ribosome
Transfer RNA (tRNA)
– Adaptor molecules allowing
physical linkage between
mRNA and amino acids
“Small” RNAs
– snRNAs (splicing)
– Components of RNP
enzymes (e.g. RNase P)
– miRNAs (micro RNAs
involved in PTGS)
Overview of RNA polymerases
• Prokaryotes
– Single processive RNA
polymerase (technically,
primase is a RNAP too).
– Inhibited by rifampicin
(binds RNAP β subunit &
blocks path of RNA chain
• Eukaryotes
– Three processive RNAPs
– Differential sensitivity to
inhibition by α-amanitin
• RNA Pol I (resistant)
→ rRNA
• RNA Pol II (low conc)
→ mRNA
• RNA Pol III (high conc)
→ tRNA plus 5S rRNA
Fig. 26.4
Note: α-amanitin, a non-competitive
inhibitor, stops the translocation of
RNAP along the DNA template after
the formation of the first phosphodiester bond.
Features of RNA vs DNA synthesis
• Similarities to DNA synthesis
Synthesis of ribonucleotide chain is template-dependent.
Substrates are nucleoside triphosphates (rNTPs).
Direction of chain growth is 5′→3′.
Same chemical mechanism applies (base-pairing of incoming
rNTP, 3′ OH attack, loss of PPi).
– Highly processive enzyme
• Differences from DNA synthesis
– One DNA strand is transcribed per gene w/o a primer.
– Only certain genes are transcribed at any given time.
– Kinetics favor “slow” transcription of multiple genes. (Vmax ∼50
nt/s for RNA Pol vs ∼103/s for DNA Pol III; ∼3000 RNA Pol/cell vs
∼10 DNA Pol III complexes/cell)
– Less accurate ∼10-5 vs 10-10
– Cofactor-mediated proofreading
Anatomy,chemistry, and nomenclature
of RNAP-mediated transcription in E. coli
~17 bp
~35 bp for RNAP
Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, 4th ed., Ch 26
Biochemical features of E. coli RNAP
holoenzyme assembly
contains part of active site
sliding clamp
450 kDa enzyme containing six subunits
Two Mg2+ and one Zn2+ required (chemistry and clamping)
No independent 3′→5′ exonuclease activity but may have
kinetic proofreading capabilities
Two binding sites for ribonucleotides
– Initiation site binds only purine rNTPs (GTP or ATP) with Kd =
100 µM…most mRNAs start with purine on 5′ end.
– Elongation site binds any of 4 rNTPs with Kd = 10 µM.
σ factors: regulatory factors which
direct transcription of certain genes
• Assist RNAP in binding DNA at the proper site for
initiation of transcription – the promoter.
• Different sigma factors orchestrate transcription
of different classes of genes.
– Heat shock (σ35)
– Other stress responses
– Metabolic enzymes (σ70, most abundant)
• Not required for core RNA polymerase activity.
Transcription like replication can be
construed to occur in distinct steps
• Initiation (requires special signals)
– RNAP recognizes the promoter, binds to DNA,
and starts transcription.
– Highly regulated
• Elongation
– RNAP tracks down the length of the gene
synthesizing RNA along the way.
• Termination (requires special signals)
– Transcription stops then RNAP and the
nascent mRNA dissociate.
Features of initiation phase in E. coli
1:RNAP binding and sliding
(electrostatic interaction)
Signal for specific
DNA-binding seen
by σ factor
2:Formation of closed complex
(–55 to –5, Ka∼107-108 M−1,T½~10 s)
3:Formation of open complex
(–10 to –1, Ka∼1012 M−1, T½~15s to
20 min), temp-dependent, stable
4:Mg2+-dependent conformational
change (–12 to +2), add 1st nt
5:Promoter clearance: RNAP
moves away from promoter
6:Release of σ after first 8-9 nts &
continuation of elongation (now
cannot be inhibited by rifampicin)
Fig. 26-6
7,8:Pausing → Termination
Transcription initiation: key role of the
gene promoter
• RNAP binding sequence: −70 to +30 in E. coli
• DNA sequence specifying start site and basal rate
of transcription
– Constitutive: Specify that a gene product will be
transcribed at a constant rate (e.g. genes involved in
metabolic control)
– Inducible or regulated: Specify transcription of certain
genes in response to external signals (requires
additional protein-DNA interactions)
• Promoter recognition by RNAP: rate limiting for
transcription (structure → frequency of initiation)
• Promoters: exhibit certain consensus sequences
Sequence conservation of core
promoter elements (RNAP-σ70)
•Variations in sequence and
core element position account
for differences in frequency of
• 1975, David Pribnow and
Heinz Schaller independently
defined consensus promoter
sequences, the –10 region or
Pribnow box (TATAAT) and
the –35 region (TTGACA).
• Among 114 E. coli promoters
studied, 6/12 nucleotides in the
two consensus elements
found in 75% of promoters.
Fig. 26-11
Transcription start site
Genetic evidence for functional
importance of core promoter elements
(naturally-occurring and site-directed mutations)
• The more closely core
elements resemble the
consensus, the more
efficient the promoter at
initiating transcription.
• ↑Mutations: those toward
the consensus sequence.
• ↓Mutations: those away
from the consensus
• Spacing (optimal 17 bp)
between core consensus
sequences is important.
Fig. 26-12
Biochemical evidence of RNAP binding
to lac promoter: Footprint analysis
Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, 4th ed., Ch 26
Putative structure of E. coli core RNA
polymerase during elongation phase
β and β′ subunits: light gray and white, α subunits shades of red, ω
subunit on other side not visible.
Note circuitous route taken by the DNA and RNA through the complex.
Transcription elongation: a detailed view
• Elongation complexes are
stabilized by contact between
specific regions/residues of β/β′
and the growing RNA chain
(RBS), heteroduplex (HBS), or
“downstream” DNA (DBS).
• Core RNAP moves along the
DNA template simultaneously
unwinding DNA ahead and
rewinding the template behind.
Zn2+-binding domain of β′
subunit is the sliding clamp.
RNAP activity requires Mg2+.
Formation of 5′ RNA hairpin may
be a signal for termination.
Fig. 26-9
But elongation of ternary complex
often proceeds discontinuously….
• Transcription “bubble”
model implies continuous
movement but RNAP may
pause at difficult to “read”
sites (e.g. high G/C content).
“backtracked” RNAP
Fig. 26-10
• Resolution of pause sites
may involve backtracking to
create a RNA 3′ end which is
displaced from the active
• GreA and GreB bind
transiently to RNAP active
site and stimulate its
intrinsic transcript (i.e. RNA)
hydrolysis activity creating
a new base-paired 3′ end.
Donation of catalytic residues to RNAP
by GreB (RNAP in hydrolysis mode)
Sosunova et al. PNAS
100:15469, 2003
relative to
Termination of transcription: another
process controlled by signals in DNA
• Termination signals are similar to signals
that promote pausing
– High G/C content (tend to form stem-loop structure)
– Palindromic sequences that de-stabilize the DNA/RNA
• Two types of termination mechanisms
– Factor independent: Dyad symmetry followed by
poly A sequence - intrastrand stem loop followed by
rU:dA that destabilizes RNA/template
– Factor (ρ, rho) dependent: Rho protein (RNA-
dependent ATPase) destabilizes the RNA-DNA duplex.
Rho factor-independent (or sequencedependent) termination
a: RNAP pauses when it reaches
G:C sequence that enzyme finds
hard to unwind.
b: Pausing allows time for selfcomplementary regions of RNA
transcript to bp. This displaces
some RNA from DNA & RNAP RBS.
c: Unstable A-U bonds cannot hold
weakened ternary complex (RNAP +
RNA + DNA) together. RNAP and
mRNA dissociate from the DNA
Note: Actual mechanism is more
complex and requires additional
signals both 5′ and 3′.
Fig. 26-15
Rho-dependent termination…less frequent
and more complex
1: Rho (ρ) protein binds as a
homohexamer to RNA at a
CA-rich site (rut for rho
utilization) near 3′ end and
slides toward paused RNAP.
2: RNA-DNA helicase and
ATPase activity of Rho
unwinds RNA away from
template DNA.
3: Template and transcript
Note: An additional protein,
NusA, may be required for
RNAP pausing. NusA binds to
core RNAP after σ has
Fig. 26-16
NusA = N utilization substance