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Chapter 10
Chapter 10 Assignments
1. Read Chapter 10, “Neurology” in the text “Medical Language: Immerse Yourself. 2. Complete ONLY the textbook exercises listed below by the due date for 5 points toward your grade.
(The other exercises do NOT need to be completed). Chapter exercises will be checked on the due dates on the class Schedule. Homework turned in after the due
date will receive 50% credit.
Textbook Exercises – Complete ONLY the following:
Vocabulary Review
Labeling, p 501-2 Building Medical Words Combining Forms, p 503 Combining Form and Suffix, p 504 Prefix, p 505 Building Medical Words Combining Forms, p 537 Related Combining Forms, p 538 Combining Form and Suffix, p 538-9 Prefix, p 539 Multiple Combining Forms and Suffix, p 540 Abbreviations Matching, p 540 1. Pearson MyMedicalTerminologyLab Website Assignments
Each of these exercises must be completed to 90% or greater to get credit for the activities.
repeat online activities as many times as necessary in order to obtain 90%. You may
You are allowed to consult your textbook and medical dictionary for homework assignments.
Each chapter must be completed by the due date for full credit (5 points for required activities and 2
points for extra credit).
“Save and Exit” must be clicked before leaving each activity to be added to the Gradebook. View your grades
in the Gradebook on the MyMedicalTerminologyLab Course Home page. Required online activities at: MyMedicalTerminologyLab:
“Word Surgery”
See directions in Chapter 1 Assignments / Word List
“Spelling Challenge”
Optional (extra credit)
“Popping Words”
Chapter 10 Study Guide:
Review all previous word lists and study guides as we move ahead through the remaining course.
You may find questions on a test from a previous chapter. You will need to know all of these terms
from memory. The midterm and final exam are “closed book” exams.
Learn the combining forms, prefixes, suffixes and any additional medical terms from the Word List below.
Recognize, pronounce, build, and correctly spell medical terms related to the above system.
Chapter 10 Word List Combining Forms Combining Form access/o‐ affer/o‐ alg/o‐ alges/o‐ angi/o‐ arachn/o‐ arteri/o‐ arter/o‐ astr/o‐ audit/o‐ autonom/o‐ axi/o‐ blast/o‐ bi/o‐ carp/o‐ caus/o‐ cavit/o‐ cav/o‐ cephal/o‐ cerebell/o‐ cerebr/o‐ clon/o‐ cochle/o‐ comat/o‐ concuss/o‐ conduct/o‐ contus/o‐ convuls/o‐ cortic/o‐ crani/o‐ cutane/o‐ cyt/o‐ dendr/o‐ diabet/o‐ disk/o‐ dors/o‐ dur/o‐ effer/o‐ electr/o‐ emiss/o‐ encephal/o‐ ependym/o‐ epilept/o‐ esthes/o‐ esthet/o‐ excis/o‐ express/o‐ faci/o‐ fibrill/o‐ fibr/o‐ fiss/o‐ foc/o‐ format/o‐ front/o‐ gemin/o‐ gli/o‐ glob/o‐ gloss/o‐ Medical Meaning supplemental or contributing part bring toward the center pain sensation of pain blood vessel; lymphatic vessel spider; spider web artery artery starlike structure the sense of hearing independent; self‐governing axis immature; embryonic life; living organisms; living tissue wrist burning hollow space hollow space head cerebellum (posterior part of the brain) cerebrum (largest part of the brain) identical group derived from one; rapid contracting and relaxing cochlea (of the inner ear) unconsciousness violent shaking or jarring carrying; conveying bruising seizure cortex (outer region) cranium (skull) skin cell branching structure diabetes disk back; dorsum dura mater go out from the center electricity to send out brain cellular lining seizure sensation; feeling sensation; feeling to cut out communicate face muscle fiber; nerve fiber fiber splitting point of activity structure; arrangement front set or group cells that provide support shaped like a globe; comprehensive tongue Combining Form lumb/o‐ lymph/o‐ magnet/o‐ malign/o‐ man/o‐ mening/o‐ meningi/o‐ ment/o‐ micr/o‐ mot/o‐ myelin/o‐ myel/o‐ my/o‐ narc/o‐ neur/o‐ nerv/o‐ nuch/o‐ occipit/o‐ ocul/o‐ olfact/o‐ olig/o‐ opt/o‐ pariet/o‐ pathet/o‐ peripher/o‐ peritone/o‐ pharyng/o‐ phas/o‐ phob/o‐ phot/o‐ pleg/o‐ potent/o‐ psych/o‐ punct/o‐ radicul/o‐ recept/o‐ retard/o‐ rhiz/o‐ scler/o‐ sect/o‐ sen/o‐ sens/o‐ somat/o‐ somn/o‐ spast/o‐ spin/o‐ stere/o‐ surg/o‐ syncop/o‐ tact/o‐ techn/o‐ tempor/o‐ thalam/o‐ tom/o‐ ton/o‐ tract/o‐ transmitt/o‐ trochle/o‐ Medical Meaning lower back; area between the ribs and pelvis lymph; lymphatic system magnet intentionally causing harm; cancer thin; frenzy meninges meninges mind; chin one millionth; small movement myelin bone marrow; spinal cord; myelin muscle stupor; sleep nerve nerve neck occiput (back of the head) eye the sense of smell scanty; few eye; vision wall of a cavity suffering outer aspects peritoneum pharynx (throat) speech fear; avoidance light paralysis being capable of doing mind hole; perforation spinal nerve root receive slow down; delay spinal nerve root hard; sclera (white of the eye) to cut old age sensation body sleep spasm spine; backbone three dimensions operative procedure fainting touch technical skill temple (side of the head) thalamus cut; slice; layer pressure; tone pulling to send across or through structure shaped like a pulley gustat/o‐ hemat/o‐ herni/o‐ hydr/o‐ ict/o‐ infarct/o‐ isch/o‐ lamin/o‐ lex/o‐ log/o‐ the sense of taste blood hernia water; fluid seizure area of dead tissue keep back; block lamina (flat area on the vertebra) word word; the study of troph/o‐ vag/o‐ vascul/o‐ ven/o‐ ventricul/o‐ ventr/o‐ vestibul/o‐ vis/o‐ development wandering; vagus nerve blood vessel vein ventricle (lower heart chamber; chamber in the brain) front; abdomen vestibule (entrance) sight; vision Medical Meaning pertaining to pertaining to pertaining to pertaining to pertaining to a condition; composed of a process; being or having hernia head cell surgical excision pertaining to condition of the blood; substance in the blood pertaining to a condition of the blood or a substance in the blood condition of the brain pertaining to one who performs person or thing that produces or does process of cells that provide support a record or picture instrument used to record process of recording condition; state; thing pertaining to skilled professional or expert pertaining to Suffix ‐ion ‐ist ‐ite ‐itis ‐ity ‐ive ‐lepsy ‐lysis ‐meter ‐oid ‐oma ‐omatosis ‐on ‐opsy ‐or ‐ory ‐ose ‐osis ‐ous ‐pathy ‐plasm ‐sphere ‐steroid ‐tic ‐tomy ‐ure Medical Meaning action; condition one who specializes in thing that pertains to inflammation of; infection of state; condition pertaining to seizure process of breaking down or destroying instrument used to measure resembling tumor; mass abnormal condition of multiple tumors or masses a substance; structure process of viewing person or thing that produces or does having the function of full of condition; abnormal condition; process pertaining to disease; suffering growth; formed substance sphere; ball steroid pertaining to process of cutting or making an incision system; result of Medical Meaning away from; without without; not against reversal of; without painful; difficult; abnormal innermost; within upon; above one half above; more than normal below; deficient within Prefix
mal‐ para‐ poly‐ post‐ pre‐ quadri‐ sub‐ sym‐ trans‐ tri‐
Medical Meaning bad; inadequate beside; apart from; two parts of a pair; abnormal many; much after; behind before; in front of four below; underneath; less than together; with across; through three Suffixes Suffix ‐al ‐ant ‐ar ‐ary ‐ated ‐ation ‐cele ‐cephalus ‐cyte ‐ectomy ‐eal ‐emia ‐emic ‐encephaly ‐ent ‐eon ‐er ‐ery ‐glia ‐gram ‐graph ‐graphy ‐ia ‐ic ‐ician ‐ile Prefixes Prefix a‐ an‐ anti‐ de‐ dys‐ endo‐ epi‐ hemi‐ hyper‐ hypo‐ intra‐ Additional Medical Terms (know the highlighted terms) Term abducens absence seizure acetylcholine alpha fetoprotein (AFP) Alzheimer’s disease amnesia aura automatism axon Babinski’s sign benign brain brainstem canal carotid cauda equina central cerebellum cerebrum coma corpus callosum cortex cranium Curtzfeldt‐Jacob disease deficit dopamine dura mater endorphins epilepsy epinephrine evoke Glasgow Coma Scale grand mal seizure Guillain‐Barré gyrus (pl. gyri) Huntington’s chorea infarct hypothalamus lobe medulla oblongata meninges migraine myelin nerve nerve root norepinephrine nucleus nucleus pulposus palsy Parkinson’s disease pia mater plaque pons Medical Meaning 6th cranial nerve, sends motor commands to one of the extraocular muscles to move the eye impaired consciousness with slight or no muscle activity (also petit mal seizure) a neurotransmitter in the parasympathetic division and somatic nervous system test performed on sample of amniotic fluid taken from the uterus by amniocentesis a hereditary dementia that is known to run in families with inherited chromosomal mutations partial or total (global) loss of memory of recent or remote (past) experiences a visual, olfactory, sensory, or auditory sign (flashing lights, strange odor, tingling, or buzzing sound) an automatic action, any action performed without the doer's intention or awareness an elongated extension of cytoplasm at the end of the neuron a neurologic test to determine injury to the parietal lobe of the cerebrum or to the spinal nerves of no danger to health, especially relating to a tumorous growth; not malignant the largest part of the central nervous system located in the cranium a column of tissue that begins in the center of the brain and continues to meet the spinal cord tubular passageway or channel (Latin) of, situated near, or involving a carotid artery a group of nerve roots at the inferior end of the spinal cord of, relating to, or comprising the brain and spinal cord the separate rounded section of the brain that lies inferior and posterior to the cerebrum the largest and most obvious part of the brain deep state of unconsciousness and unresponsiveness caused by trauma, disease, metabolic , or glucose imbalance
a connecting arch of neurons deep within the brain allowing the two hemispheres to communicate with each other bark of a tree (Latin) elevated fold a fatal neurologic disorder, caused by a small infectious protein particle from cows infected with mad cow disease a lack or impairment in mental or physical functioning neurotransmitter in the cerebral cortex, hypothalamus, midbrain, and limbic system the outermost layer of meninges below the bony cranium neurotransmitter in the hypothalamus, thalamus and brainstem, also natural pain relievers recurring condition in which neurons in the brain spontaneously send out electrical impulses in an abnormal, uncontrolled way a neurotransmitter that stimulates the sympathetic division, “fight or flight” to elicit or draw forth numerical scale that measures the depth of a coma from 1 to 15. unconsciousness with excessive motor activity (also tonic‐clonic seizure) autoimmune disorder in which the body makes antibodies against myelin narrow groove progressive inherited degenerative disease of the brain that begins in middle age tissue death and an area of necrosis from disruption or blockage of blood flow a portion of the brain that functions as part of both the endocrine and nervous systems sections or divisions of each hemisphere of the cerebrum the most inferior part of the brainstem, containing the respiratory centers a three layer membrane around the brain specific recurring headache with sudden onset and severe, throbbing pain, often with nausea and vomiting and sensitivity to light a fatty, white insulating layer on large axons bundles of individual nerve cells (neurons) a nerve fiber bundle that emerges from either side of the spinal cord and joins with a complementary bundle to form each spinal nerve in the series of spinal nerves major neurotransmitter of the sympathetic division, also in cerebral cortex, hypothalamus, cerebellum, brainstem, and spinal cord a group of specialized nerve cells or a localized mass of gray matter in the brain or spinal cord an elastic pulpy mass lying in the center of each intervertebral fibrocartilage complete or partial muscle paralysis, often accompanied by loss of sensation and uncontrollable body movements or tremors chronic, degenerative disease of imbalance in neurotransmitters in the brain the innermost layer of the meninges next to the brain a deposit of fatty material on the inner lining of an arterial wall, characteristic of atherosclerosis. a relay station in the brain that links nerve impulses from the spinal cord to the midbrain, hypothalamus, thalamus, and cerebrum positron proprioception reflex resonance Romberg test sciatica Schwann cells schwannoma serotonin shunt spina bifida status epilepticus substantia nigra sulcus (pl. sulci) synapse syncope thalamus vagus nerve ventricle von Recklinghausen’s disease a positively charged particle having the same mass and magnitude of charge as the electron and constituting the antiparticle of the electron (also positive electron) the unconscious perception of movement and spatial orientation arising from stimuli within the body itself a rapid, involuntary muscle reaction that is controlled by the spinal cord the enhancement of an atomic, nuclear, or particle reaction or a scattering event by excitation of internal motion in the system a neurological test to detect poor balance. Specifically, it detects the inability to maintain a steady standing posture with the eyes closed pain, numbness, and prickling or tingling along a dermatome of a spinal nerve cells that produce myelin that surrounds the larger axons of the neurons of cranial and spinal nerves brain tumor in the Schwann cells near the cranial or spinal nerves neurotransmitter in synapses between neurons of the limbic system, hypothalamus, cerebellum, and spinal cord a passage between two natural body channels, such as blood vessels, especially one created surgically to divert or permit flow from one pathway or region to another; a bypass. congenital abnormality of the neural tube with incomplete formation of vertebrae a state of prolonged continuous seizure activity or frequently repeated individual seizures that occur without the patient regaining consciousness a gray‐to‐black pigmented area of the brain that produces dopamine that regulates muscle tone a furrow or groove a space between two neurons temporary loss of consciousness a portion near the center of the brain that acts as a relay station for sensory information the 10th cranial nerve, receives sensory information for taste, touch, temperature, vibration and pain four interconnected cavities within the brain (also neurofibromatosis) hereditary disease with multiple benign fibrous tumors that arise from peripheral nerves. Abbreviations (know the highlighted abbreviations) Abbreviation AFP ALS AVM BAEP BAER CNS CP CRPS CSF CT CTS CVA EEG END GCS HNP Medical Meaning alpha fetoprotein amyotrophic lateral sclerosis arteriovenous malformation brainstem auditory evoked potential brainstem auditory evoked response central nervous system cerebral palsy chronic regional pain syndrome cerebrospinal fluid computed tomography carpal tunnel syndrome cerebrovascular accident electroencephalography electroneurodiagnostic (technician) Glasgow Coma Scale (or Score) herniated nucleus pulposus
ICP LP MRI MS NICU PET RIND SCI SSEP SSER TENS TIA VEP VER Medical Meaning intracranial pressure lumbar puncture magnetic resonance imaging multiple sclerosis neurologic intensive care unit positron emission tomography reversible ischemic neurologic deficit spinal cord injury somatosensory evoked potential somatosensory evoked response transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (unit) transient ischemic attack visual evoked potential visual evoked response CHAPTER 10 Pronunciation Checklist Read each word and its pronunciation. Practice pronouncing each word. Pronunciation help can be found at: or ❏ abducens nerve (ab‐DOO‐senz NERV) ❏ amnesia (am‐NEE‐zee‐ah) ❏ absence seizure (AB‐sens SEE‐zher) ❏ amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ah‐MY‐oh‐TROH‐fik LAT‐eh‐ral skleh‐
❏ accessory nerve (ak‐SES‐oh‐ree NERV) ROH‐sis) ❏ acetylcholine (AS‐ee‐til‐KOH‐leen) ❏ analgesic drug (AN‐al‐JEE‐zik DRUHG) ❏ afferent nerve (AF‐eh‐rent NERV) ❏ anencephaly (AN‐en‐SEF‐ah‐lee) ❏ alpha fetoprotein (AL‐fah FEE‐toh‐ PROH‐teen) ❏ anesthesia (AN‐es‐THEE‐zee‐ah) ❏ Alzheimer’s disease (AWLZ‐hy‐merz dih‐ZEEZ) ❏ anesthetic drug (AN‐es‐THET‐ik DRUHG) ❏ angiogram (AN‐jee‐oh‐gram) ❏ corticosteroid drug (KOR‐tih‐koh‐STAIR‐oyd DRUHG) ❏ angiography (AN‐jee‐AWG‐rah‐fee) ❏ cranial cavity (KRAY‐nee‐al KAV‐ih‐tee) ❏ anticonvulsant drug (AN‐tee‐con‐VUL‐sant DRUHG) (AN‐tih‐con‐VUL‐
❏ craniotomy (KRAY‐nee‐AW‐toh‐mee) sant) ❏ antiepileptic drug (AN‐tee‐EP‐ih‐LEP‐tik DRUHG) (AN‐tih‐EP‐ih‐LEP‐
tik) ❏ aphasia (ah‐FAY‐zee‐ah) ❏ aphasic (ah‐FAY‐sik) ❏ arachnoid membrane (ah‐RAK‐noyd MEM‐brayn) ❏ arteriogram (ar‐TEER‐ee‐oh‐gram) ❏ arteriography (ar‐TEER‐ee‐AWG‐rah‐fee) ❏ arteriovenous malformation (ar‐TEER‐ee‐oh‐VEE‐nus MAL‐for‐MAY‐
shun) ❏ astrocyte (AS‐troh‐site) ❏ astrocytoma (AS‐troh‐sy‐TOH‐mah) ❏ auditory cortex (AW‐dih‐TOR‐ee KOR‐teks) ❏ aura (AW‐rah) ❏ automatism (aw‐TAW‐mah‐tizm) ❏ autonomic nervous system (AW‐toh‐NAWM‐ik NER‐vus SIS‐tem) ❏ axon (AK‐sawn) ❏ Babinski’s sign (bah‐BIN‐skeez SIGHN) ❏ benign (bee‐NINE) ❏ biopsy (BY‐awp‐see) ❏ brain (BRAYN) ❏ brainstem (BRAYN‐stem) ❏ carotid duplex scan (kah‐ROT‐id DOO‐pleks SKAN) ❏ carotid endarterectomy (kah‐RAWT‐id END‐ar‐ter‐EK‐toh‐mee) ❏ carpal tunnel syndrome (KAR‐pal TUN‐el SIN‐drohm) ❏ cauda equina (KAW‐dah ee‐KWY‐nah) ❏ causalgia (kaw‐ZAL‐jee‐ah) ❏ central nervous system (SEN‐tral NER‐vus SIS‐tem) ❏ cephalalgia (SEF‐al‐AL‐jee‐ah) ❏ cerebellar (SAIR‐eh‐BEL‐ar) ❏ cerebellum (SAIR‐eh‐BEL‐um) ❏ cerebral hemisphere (SAIR‐eh‐bral HEM‐ih‐sfeer) (seh‐REE‐bral) ❏ cerebral palsy (SAIR‐eh‐bral PAWL‐zee) (seh‐REE‐bral) ❏ cerebrospinal fluid (SAIR‐eh‐broh‐SPY‐nal FLOO‐id) (seh‐REE‐broh‐
SPY‐nal) ❏ cerebrovascular accident (SAIR‐eh‐broh‐VAS‐kyoo‐lar AK‐sih‐dent) (seh‐REE‐broh‐VAS‐kyoo‐lar) ❏ cerebrum (SAIR‐eh‐brum) (seh‐REE‐brum) ❏ coma (KOH‐mah) ❏ comatose (KOH‐mah‐tohs) ❏ computed axial tomography (com‐PYOO‐ted AK‐see‐al toh‐MAWG‐
rah‐fee) ❏ concussion (con‐KUH‐shun) ❏ contusion (con‐TOO‐shun) ❏ convulsion (con‐VUL‐shun) ❏ corpus callosum (KOR‐pus kah‐LOH‐sum) ❏ cortex (KOR‐teks) ❏ cortical (KOR‐tih‐kal) ❏ cranium (KRAY‐nee‐um) ❏ Creutzfeldt‐Jakob disease (KROITS‐felt YAH‐kohp dih‐ZEEZ) ❏ dementia (deh‐MEN‐shee‐ah) ❏ dendrite (DEN‐dryt) ❏ diabetic neuropathy (DY‐ah‐BET‐ik nyoo‐RAWP‐ah‐thee) ❏ diskectomy (dis‐KEK‐toh‐mee) ❏ dopamine (DOH‐pah‐meen) ❏ dorsal (DOR‐sal) ❏ dural membrane (DOO‐ral MEM‐brayn) ❏ dura mater (DOO‐rah MAY‐ter) (DOO‐rah MAH‐ter) ❏ dyslexia (dis‐LEK‐see‐ah) ❏ dyslexic (dis‐LEK‐sik) ❏ dysphasia (dis‐FAY‐zee‐ah) ❏ efferent nerve (EF‐eh‐rent NERV) ❏ electroencephalogram (ee‐LEK‐troh‐en‐SEF‐ah‐lohgram) ❏ electroencephalograph (ee‐LEK‐troh‐en‐SEF‐ah‐lohgraf) ❏ electroencephalography (ee‐LEK‐troh‐en‐SEF‐ah‐LAWG‐rah‐ fee) ❏ encephalitis (en‐SEF‐ah‐LY‐tis) ❏ endorphins (en‐DOR‐finz) ❏ ependymal cell (eh‐PEN‐dih‐mal SELL) ❏ ependymoma (eh‐PEN‐dih‐MOH‐mah) ❏ epidural (EP‐ih‐DOO‐ral) ❏ epilepsy (EP‐ih‐LEP‐see) ❏ epileptic (EP‐ih‐LEP‐tik) ❏ epinephrine (EP‐ih‐NEF‐rin) ❏ evoked potential (ee‐VOKED poh‐TEN‐shal) ❏ excisional biopsy (ek‐SIH‐shun‐al BY‐awp‐see) ❏ expressive aphasia (eks‐PREH‐siv ah‐FAY‐zee‐ah) ❏ facial nerve (FAY‐shal NERV) ❏ fissure (FISH‐ur) ❏ flaccid paralysis (FLAS‐id pah‐RAL‐ih‐sis) (FLAK‐sid) ❏ focal seizure (FOH‐kal SEE‐zher) ❏ frontal lobe (FRUN‐tal LOHB) ❏ Glasgow Coma Scale (GLAS‐goh KOH‐mah SKAYL) ❏ glioblastoma multiforme (GLY‐oh‐blas‐TOH‐mah MUL‐tih‐FOR‐may) ❏ glioma (gly‐OH‐mah) ❏ global aphasia (GLOH‐bal ah‐FAY‐zee‐ah) ❏ glossopharyngeal nerve (GLAWS‐oh‐fah‐RIN‐jee‐al NERV) ❏ grand mal seizure (GRAN MAWL SEE‐zher) ❏ Guillain‐Barré syndrome (GEE‐yah bah‐RAY SIN‐drohm) ❏ gustatory cortex (GUS‐tah‐TOR‐ee KOR‐teks) ❏ gyri (JY‐rye) ❏ gyrus (JY‐rus) ❏ hematoma (HEE‐mah‐TOH‐mah) ❏ hemiparesis (HEM‐ee‐pah‐REE‐sis) (HEM‐ee‐PAIR‐eh‐sis) ❏ hemiplegia (HEM‐ee‐PLEE‐jee‐ah) ❏ hemiplegic (HEM‐ee‐PLEE‐jik) ❏ hemisphere (HEM‐ih‐sfeer) ❏ herniated nucleus pulposus (HER‐nee‐AA‐ted NOO‐klee‐us pul‐POH‐
❏ neurofibromatosis (NYOOR‐oh‐fy‐BROH‐mah‐TOHsis) sus) ❏ hippocampus (HIP‐oh‐KAM‐pus) ❏ Huntington’s chorea (HUN‐ting‐tonz kor‐EE‐ah) ❏ hydrocephalic (HY‐droh‐sih‐FAL‐ik) ❏ hydrocephalus (HY‐droh‐SEF‐ah‐lus) ❏ hyperesthesia (HY‐per‐es‐THEE‐zee‐ah) ❏ hypoglossal nerve (HY‐poh‐GLAWS‐al) ❏ hypothalamic (HY‐poh‐thah‐LAM‐ik) ❏ hypothalamus (HY‐poh‐THAL‐ah‐mus) ❏ infarct (IN‐farkt) ❏ inhibitor (in‐HIB‐ih‐tor) ❏ intracranial (IN‐trah‐KRAY‐nee‐al) ❏ intraventricular (IN‐trah‐ven‐TRIK‐yoo‐lar) ❏ ischemia (is‐KEE‐mee‐ah) ❏ ischemic (is‐KEE‐mik) ❏ laminectomy (LAM‐ih‐NEK‐toh‐mee) ❏ lobe (LOHB) ❏ lumbar puncture (LUM‐bar PUNK‐chur) ❏ lymphoma (lim‐FOH‐mah) ❏ magnetic resonance imaging (mag‐NET‐ik REZ‐oh‐nans IM‐ah‐jing) ❏ malignant (mah‐LIG‐nant) ❏ medulla oblongata (meh‐DUL‐ah AWB‐long‐GAW‐tah) (meh‐DOOL‐
ah) ❏ meningeal (meh‐NIN‐jee‐al) (MEN‐in‐JEE‐al) ❏ meninges (meh‐NIN‐jeez) ❏ meningioma (meh‐NIN‐jee‐OH‐mah) ❏ meningitis (MEN‐in‐JY‐tis) ❏ meningocele (meh‐NING‐goh‐seel) ❏ meningomyelocele (meh‐NING‐goh‐MY‐loh‐seel) ❏ mental retardation (MEN‐tal REE‐tar‐DAY‐shun) ❏ mental status (MEN‐tal STAT‐us) ❏ microglia (my‐KROHG‐lee‐ah) ❏ migraine (MY‐grayn) ❏ motor nerve (MOH‐tor NERV) ❏ multiple sclerosis (MUL‐tih‐pl skleh‐ROH‐sis) ❏ myelin (MY‐eh‐lin) ❏ myelinated (MY‐eh‐lih‐NAYT‐ed) ❏ myelogram (MY‐eh‐loh‐gram) ❏ myelography (MY‐eh‐LAWG‐rah‐fee) ❏ myelomeningocele (MY‐loh‐meh‐NING‐goh‐seel) ❏ narcolepsy (NAR‐koh‐LEP‐see) ❏ narcotic drug (nar‐KAWT‐ik DRUHG) ❏ nerve (NERV) ❏ nerve conduction (NERV con‐DUK‐shun) ❏ nervous system (NER‐vus SIS‐tem) ❏ neural (NYOOR‐al) ❏ neuralgia (nyoo‐RAL‐jee‐ah) ❏ neuritis (nyoo‐RY‐tis) ❏ neurofibrillary (NYOOR‐oh‐FIB‐rih‐LAIR‐ee) ❏ neurofibroma (NYOOR‐oh‐fy‐BROH‐mah) ❏ neuroglia (nyoo‐ROH‐glee‐ah) ❏ neurologic (NYOOR‐oh‐LAWJ‐ik) ❏ neurologic deficit (NYOOR‐oh‐LAWJ‐ik DEF‐ih‐sit) ❏ neurologist (nyoo‐RAWL‐oh‐jist) ❏ neurology (nyoo‐RAWL‐oh‐jee) ❏ neuroma (nyoo‐ROH‐mah) ❏ neuromuscular system (NYOOR‐oh‐MUS‐kyoo‐lar SIS‐tem) ❏ neuron (NYOOR‐on) ❏ neuropathy (nyoo‐RAWP‐ah‐thee) ❏ neurosurgeon (NYOOR‐oh‐SER‐jun) ❏ neurotransmitter (NYOOR‐oh‐TRANS‐mit‐er) ❏ norepinephrine (NOR‐ep‐ih‐NEF‐rin) ❏ nuchal rigidity (NOO‐kal rih‐GID‐ih‐tee) ❏ nucleus pulposus (NOO‐klee‐us pul‐POH‐sus) ❏ occipital lobe (awk‐SIP‐ih‐tal LOHB) ❏ oculomotor nerve (AWK‐yoo‐loh‐MOH‐tor NERV) ❏ olfactory cortex (ol‐FAK‐toh‐ree KOR‐teks) ❏ olfactory nerve (ol‐FAK‐toh‐ree NERV) ❏ oligodendroglia (OL‐ih‐gohden‐ DROHG‐lee‐ah) ❏ oligodendroglioma (OL‐ih‐gohden‐ DROH‐gly‐OH‐mah) ❏ optic nerve (AWP‐tik NERV) ❏ palsy (PAWL‐see) ❏ paralysis (pah‐RAL‐ih‐sis) ❏ paraplegia (PAIR‐ah‐PLEE‐jee‐ah) ❏ paraplegic (PAIR‐ah‐PLEE‐jik) ❏ parasympathetic nervous system (PAIR‐ah‐SIM‐pah‐THET‐ik NER‐vus SIS‐tem) ❏ paresthesia (PAIR‐es‐THEE‐zee‐ah) ❏ parietal lobe (pah‐RY‐eh‐tal LOHB) ❏ Parkinson’s disease (PAR‐kin‐sonz dih‐ZEEZ) ❏ peripheral nervous system (peh‐RIF‐eh‐ral NER‐vus SIS‐tem) ❏ petit mal seizure (peh‐TEE MAWL SEE‐zher) ❏ photophobia (FOH‐toh‐FOH‐bee‐ah) ❏ pia mater (PY‐ah MAY‐ter) (PEE‐ah MAH‐ter) ❏ plaque (PLAK) ❏ polyneuritis (PAWL‐ee‐nyoo‐RY‐tis) ❏ polysomnography (PAWL‐ee‐sawm‐NAWG‐rah‐fee) ❏ pons (PAWNZ) ❏ positron emission tomography (PAWZ‐ih‐trawn ee‐MISH‐un toh‐
MAWG‐rah‐fee) ❏ postictal (post‐IK‐tal) ❏ presenile dementia (pree‐SEE‐nile deh‐MEN‐shee‐ah) ❏ proprioception (PROH‐pree‐oh‐SEP‐shun) ❏ psychomotor seizure (SY‐koh‐MOH‐tor SEE‐zher) ❏ quadriplegia (KWAH‐drih‐PLEE‐jee‐ah) ❏ quadriplegic (KWAH‐drih‐PLEE‐jik) ❏ radiculopathy (rah‐DIK‐yoo‐LAWP‐oh‐thee) ❏ receptive aphasia (ree‐SEP‐tiv ah‐FAY‐zee‐ah) ❏ receptor (ree‐SEP‐tor) ❏ reflex (REE‐fleks) ❏ rhizotomy (ry‐ZAW‐toh‐mee) ❏ sympathetic nervous system (SIM‐pah‐THET‐ik NER‐vus SIS‐tem) ❏ Romberg test (RAWM‐berg TEST) ❏ synapse (SIN‐aps) ❏ Schwann cell (SHVAHN SELL) ❏ syncopal (SIN‐koh‐pal) ❏ schwannoma (shwah‐NOH‐mah) ❏ syncope (SIN‐koh‐pee) ❏ sciatica (sy‐AT‐ih‐kah) ❏ tardive dysinesia (TAR‐dive DIS‐kih‐NEE‐zee‐ah) ❏ seizure (SEE‐zher) ❏ temporal lobe (TEM‐poh‐ral LOHB) ❏ senile dementia (SEE‐nile deh‐MEN‐shee‐ah) ❏ thalamic (thah‐LAM‐ik) ❏ sensory nerve (SEN‐soh‐ree NERV) ❏ thalamus (THAL‐ah‐mus) ❏ serotonin (SAIR‐oh‐TOH‐nin) ❏ tic douloureux (TIK doo‐loo‐ROO) ❏ somatic nervous system (soh‐MAT‐ik NER‐vus SIS‐tem) ❏ tonic‐clonic seizure (TAWN‐ik CLAWN‐ik SEE‐zher) ❏ somatosensory (soh‐MAH‐toh‐SEN‐soh‐ree) ❏ transcutaneous (TRANS‐kyoo‐TAY‐nee‐us) ❏ spastic (SPAS‐tik) ❏ transection (tran‐SEK‐shun) ❏ spina bifida (SPY‐nah BIF‐ih‐dah) ❏ trigeminal nerve (tri‐JEM‐ih‐nal NERV) ❏ spinal canal (SPY‐nal kah‐NAL) ❏ trochlear nerve (TROH‐klee‐ar NERV) ❏ spinal cavity (SPY‐nal KAV‐ih‐tee) ❏ vagus nerve (VAY‐gus NERV) ❏ spinal cord (SPY‐nal KORD) ❏ ventral (VEN‐tral) ❏ spinal nerve (SPY‐nal NERV) ❏ ventricle (VEN‐trih‐kl) ❏ spinal traction (SPY‐nal TRAK‐shun) ❏ ventricular (ven‐TRIK‐yoo‐lar) ❏ status epilepticus (STAT‐us EP‐ih‐LEP‐tih‐kus) ❏ ventriculoperitoneal shunt (ven‐TRIK‐yoo‐loh‐PAIR‐ih‐toh‐ NEE‐al ❏ stereotactic neurosurgery (STAIR‐ee‐oh‐TAK‐tik NYOOR‐oh‐SER‐jer‐
SHUNT) ee) ❏ subarachnoid (SUB‐ah‐RAK‐noyd) ❏ subdural hematoma (sub‐DOO‐ral HEE‐mah‐TOH‐mah) ❏ substantia nigra (sub‐STAN‐shee‐ah NY‐grah) ❏ sulci (SUL‐sigh) ❏ sulcus (SUL‐kus) ❏ vestibulocochlear nerve (ves‐TIB‐yoo‐loh‐KOH‐klee‐ar NERV) ❏ visual cortex (VIH‐shoo‐al KOR‐teks) ❏von Recklinghausen’s disease (vawn REK‐ling‐HOW‐senz dih‐ZEEZ)