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Biology 160
Exam 2 Study guide
Chapters 8-12
Ch. 8: Cell replication
Cell cycle (Interphase vs. Mitotic Phase)
Mitotic stages and what they look like (as seen in lab)
Meiosis: produces haploid gametes , divides the homologous pairs of chromosomes
(Meiosis I) and then divides sister chromatids (Meiosis II)
Vocab: Cell cycle, Interphase, Mitotic phase, DNA replication, cytokinesis, Prophase,
Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, Meiosis, gamete, haploid, diploid, chromosome,
homologous pair of chromosomes, sister chromatids, sex chromosomes,
Independent assortment of chromosomes, Crossover,
Ch. 9: Inheritance
Mendelian Inheritance: Mendel’s 4 hypotheses (p148),
How to construct and use a Punnett square
Dominant and recessive alleles
Genotype vs. Phenotype
Variations on Mendel’s laws: Incomplete dominance, Codominance, Pleiotropy,
Polygenic inheritance (aka epistasis or genetic interaction).
Vocab: Inheritance, Mendel(and Mendelian), Character, Trait, true-breeding,
homozygous, heterozygous, locus, allele, dominant, recessive, genotype, phenotype,
Punnett square, test cross, incomplete dominance, pleiotropy, epistasis/polygenic
inheritance, codominance.
Ch. 10: Structure and Function of DNA
Strands of nucleotides held together by sugar-phosphate backbone.
Two strands are paired together with hydrogen bonds between paired bases. One
strand is the template for the other (base pairing rules— this property gives DNA its
unique quality of being able to self-replicate)
DNA replication
DNA transcription (to mRNA)
Editing of mRNA
Translation from mRNA to protein (following the genetic code).
We looked also at the ways that different types of mutations in the DNA sequence
can have dramatically different effects on the protein product (ranging from no
effect to a dramatic change in the protein’s amino acid sequence).
Vocab: sugar phosphate backbone, base, base pair, replication, proofreading,
transcription, translation, DNA, RNA, protein, genetic code, ribosome, mRNA, tRNA,
codon, initiation, elongation, termination.
Ch. 11: Gene Regulation and control:
We covered this chapter very quickly in class and really only touched on two main
themes: First the “gene expression pipeline” as depicted in figure 11.3 which shows
all the many levels at which the expression of a gene (and therefore the creation of
the protein that it codes for) can be controlled in each cell; Second we briefly talked
about the genetic basis of cancer (see figure 11.17).
Ch. 12: DNA technology (Study for this chapter along with the lab exercise from this
week and last)
In class we used a template strand of DNA and made the complementary strand,
using a made-up plasmid. We then created a restriction enzyme cut of the plasmid
and inserted a synthetic DNA sequence. We followed that “transgenic” plasmid
through transcription to mRNA, and then translation to an amino acid sequence.
We briefly discussed what a clone is.
We also discussed the use of genetic markers for distinguishing different levels of
relatedness: DNA fingerprinting looks for highly variable markers that can
distinguish two individuals from the same species, while conservation biologists
look for more conserved sequences to tell us which populations and species are
more closely related to each other.
In lab we learned about the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and gel
Vocab: Recombinant DNA, Genetic Engineering, Transgenic, GMO, plasmid, gene
cloning, restriction enzyme, DNA ligase, genomic library, genetic markers, short
tandem repeats, gel electrophoresis, genomics, proteomics, gene therapy.