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Genetic Mutations &
Genetic Engineering
Ch. 12-4 (pgs. 307-308)
Ch. 13-2 thru 13-4 (pgs.
12-4 Mutations
Mutations= Changes in genetic material
• 2 Types of mutations :
• Chromosomal and Gene
Gene Mutations= Changes to the
codons & genetic message
• Point Mutations: Caused by changes in one or
a few nucleotides
• EX:
substitutions, insertions or deletions
12-4 Mutations
Gene Mutations Cont…
Frameshift Mutations: Occur from insertions or
deletions because they shift the “reading frame” of
the genetic message.
• They never occur from substitutions
Chromosomal Mutations: Involve changes in
the # or structure of chromosomes:
• EX: Inversions, duplications, deletions & translocations
• Some neither help nor harm, some are beneficial for
genetic variation, some cause disorders and cancer
13-2 Manipulating DNA
Scientists have discovered how to use
their knowledge of DNA to study &
change DNA molecules
• EX: Extract DNA from cells, cut DNA into smaller
pieces, identify sequence of bases in DNA, make
unlimited copies of DNA
13-2 Manipulating DNA
Genetic Engineering: Making changes
in the DNA code of a living organism.
Occurs by:
• DNA Extraction: The cells are opened & DNA
is separated from other cell parts
Cutting DNA: Uses restrictions enzymes to
cut specific sequences of nucleotides creating
“sticky ends” that will match up with
complimentary bases
13-2 Manipulation DNA
Restriction enzyme cutting DNA between
Guanine & Adenine
13-2 Manipulation DNA
Separating DNA= Commonly done by
gel electrophoresis. Electric volts applied
to DNA cause negative DNA fragments
to move to positive ends of the gel
EX: 2 DNA samples showing identical bands of the
same size and thickness show: same amount
of DNA, fragments of the same size, the
same DNA molecules
• Locates specific genes, compares genetic
composition like paternity tests
13-2 Manipulation DNA
Knowing the sequence of an Organisms
DNA allows scientists to study specific
Reading DNA Sequences= Enzymes trigger
DNA replication by adding nitrogenous bases
(A,T,G,C) to an unknown single-stranded DNA
Uses fluorescent dyes to label the different
nitrogenous bases & stop replication
Uses nucleotide bases to trigger & stop replication
Uses gel electrophoresis to show DNA bands
13-2 Manipulating DNA
Making Copies: Uses PCR (polymerase
chain reaction).
• Triggers DNA replication by using
complimentary “primers” added to singlestranded DNA molecule that scientist wants to
DNA polymerase makes copies of the area
between the two primers
13-3 Cell Transformation
Transformation: A cell takes in DNA from outside the cell
Plasmid: Foreign DNA formed into a small circular DNA
molecule. Used to incorporate foreign DNA into bacteria
that will replicate allow it to be replicated
Genetic Marker: Gene that makes it possible to distinguish
bacteria that carry plasmids from those that don’t.
EX: Gene for antibiotic resistance is used to select for
bacteria that carry plasmids when that antibiotic is added
13-3 Cell Transformation
Transforming Plant Cells Can Occur 3
• Use bacteria that are able to insert plasmids
into the plant
Remove plant cell walls so plasmid DNA is
taken in by the nucleus
Insert DNA directly into the cell
Cell Transformation
Transforming Animal Cells Can Occur
• DNA injected directly into the nucleus
• Enzymes help injected DNA become
incorporated in the cell’s chromosomes
Foreign DNA contains genetic markers that to
determine which genes have been
13-4 Applications of Genetic
Transgenic Organism: Organism that
contains genes from other species
• Scientists use Genetic Engineering to make
transgenic organisms
13-4 Applications of Genetic
Transgenic Microorganisms: bacteria
transformed w/ human genes produce
pharmaceutical compounds like insulin
Transgenic Animals: Have been used to
study how human genes function
EX: Mice are created with human-like immune
Transgenic Plants: Have been important to
increasing the food supply.
EX : Plants have genes that code for natural
13-4 Applications of Genetic
Clone: Member of a population of
genetically identical cells produced from
a single cell.
EX: a bacterium taken from a
bacterial colony
First Mammal cloned was Dolly- a sheep
cloned in Scotland in 1997