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Genetics in
What is a DNA?
• A nucleic acid that carries the genetic
information in the cell and is capable of
self-replication and synthesis of RNA.
• DNA consists of two long chains of
nucleotides twisted into a double helix
and joined by hydrogen bonds between
the complementary bases adenine and
thymine or cytosine and guanine.
• The sequence of nucleotides determines
individual hereditary characteristics.
What is a Nucleotide?
• A single molecule of DNA comprised of 2
basic parts made from 3 distinct molecules.
– Sugar/Phosphate Backbone
– Nitrogenous Base
Sugar/Phosphate Backbone
• Comprised of deoxyribose sugar and a
simple phosphate molecule
• Forms a strong bond that creates the
backbone of a DNA strand
Nitrogenous Base
• Bond with complimentary bases in other
nucleotides to form the rungs of the DNA
ladder (zip DNA together)
• Only 4 types in all DNA-Adenine, Cytosine,
Guanine, and Thymine
• Adenine and Thymine bond only with each
• Cytosine and Guanine bond only with each
DNA form
• DNA nucleotides combine in cells to form
long strands in the shape of a double helix
(looks like a twisted ladder)
DNA Form
• Nucleotides bond at two spots
– Sugar/Phosphate molecules form the backbone
(outside rails)
– Nitrogenous bases bond in the middle by hydrogen
bonds (steps or rungs)
– Hydrogen bonds between nitrogenous bases are
• The order of the nucleotides is the
determining factor in the expression of
genes in organisms.
Characteristics of DNA
• Accounts for all genetic variation between
different individuals and organisms by the
use of different:
– Sequences of nitrogenous bases
– Lengths of DNA segments
– Numbers of Chromosomes and amounts of DNA in
an organism
• The amount of DNA in an organism DOES
NOT relate to the size or complexity of an
DNA Replication
• The process through which cells copy DNA
for transmission to daughter cells during
cell division.
– The double helix structure allows DNA to easily
unzip down the center between nitrogenous bases.
– Free floating nucleotides attach to each of the
separated DNA strands forming 2 new strands of
DNA, each an exact copy of the original.
DNA Replication
• A mutation is an unexpected change in a
DNA sequence, usually occurring during
the replication/cell division.
• Mutations are common in most organisms
(especially simple organisms) though only a
small percentage produce noticeable
changes in organisms.
Genetic Hierarchy
Genetic Hierarchy
• A group of nucleotides=a gene/allele=45150 base pairs
• A group of genes=1 strand of DNA
• Several condensed strands of DNA=1
• 2 chromosomes=1 chromatid pair
• All possible gene forms in a
Gene Mapping
• Mapping the genome of a species allows
scientists to identify beneficial and harmful
genes in a population, and is the first step
in determining the location of specific genes
on chromosomes.
– Changes in the genome of a species occur slowly
in response to environmental changes.
Transferring of DNA
• Polygenic traits are controlled by more
genes and therefore it is more difficult to
improve polygenic traits.
• DNA is passed to offspring during sexual
reproduction through single chromosomes.
Human Genetics
• Almost all humans have 46 chromosomes.
– Individuals with Down Syndrome have one extra
• Humans generally differ from each other by
approximately 3 million nitrogenous base
pairs, or 0.1% of the total gene sequence.
Genetic Disorders
Genetic Disorders
• Diseases or other problems resulting from
errors in the transmission of genetic
information, or the expression of certain
negative gene sequences.
Genetic Disorders
• Most genetic disorders are recessive, and
thus cannot be predicted without genetic
– Recessive disorders are transmitted by carriersparents with one dominant gene (normal) and one
recessive gene (disorder)
• Example-Tt
Genetic Disorders
• Certain disorders are more common in
certain populations
– Example: The occurrence of sickle
cell in African Americans.
Common Genetic Disorders
• Inherited Disorders
– Examples: Tay-Sachs, Sickle Cell Anemia,
• Mutations
– Cancer-uncontrolled division of abnormal cells
– Treatment must destroy mutated cells
Genetic Mutations
• Sudden unexpected changes in the genetic
code of an organism which appear most
often during the process of replication
Genetic Mutations
• Often result from increased levels of stress
on cells just prior to or during cell division
• Stresses include-radiation, UV rays,
environmental, etc.
Genetic Mutations
• Almost all mutated cells die immediately, or
never impact living organisms
– Most mutations in humans are harmful such as
– A small fraction of noticeable
mutations are beneficial, such as
Chimeras which are used to give us
variegated plants.
Genetic Mutations
• Most mutations occur in developed plants
and animals, affecting isolated groups of
• Mutations are most devastating when the
occur in the early development of
organisms. (STEM CELL STAGE)
Types of Mutations
• Point mutation
– A mutation that changes DNA at a single point,
substituting one nucleotide pair.
• Frameshift
– Nucleotides are inserted or deleted, altering the
entire DNA sequence after the mutation
DNA Extraction and
DNA Extraction
• The process of isolating nucleic acids
(DNA) from organic material.
• DNA can be extracted from almost any
intact cellular tissue (more cells make it
– Skin, blood, saliva, semen, mucus, muscle tissue,
bone marrow, etc.
– DNA cannot be extracted from hair, unless skin is
attached at the bottom
• Mitochondrial DNA can often be extracted
long after nuclear DNA has degraded.
Simple DNA Extraction
• For observation only, not feasible for
analyzing DNA
• Works well with fruit (Example:
Simple DNA Extraction
• Step 1
– Physically break apart plant material, usually fruits
• Step 2
– Use a detergent to break apart the cell membrane
• Step 3
– Treat with ethyl alcohol to isolate DNA from
remaining proteins and sugars
• Step 4
– Spool using a glass rod to view a large clump of
nucleic acids (DNA)
Advanced DNA Extraction
• The organism to be tested is chosen, and a
sample is taken from which DNA can be
• Detergents are used in simple DNA
extraction procedures to break down cell
membranes, blending the contents of the
Advanced DNA Extraction
• The DNA sample is treated with enzymes to
isolate nucleic acids, usually both DNA and
– Enzymes dissolve proteins, sugars, and other
– Examples: protease, amylase, etc (enzymes end
with the suffix –ase)
• A second enzyme may be applied to cut
DNA into gene segments for analysis called
restriction enzyme
Restriction Digests and Enzymes
• Restriction enzymes are used to cut
extracted DNA into smaller gene
– Make analysis easier during the process of gel
– Enables scientists to isolate specific genes with
specific enzymes for use in genetic engineering.
Restriction Digests and Enzymes
• Cuts the gene from the chromosome
making a sort of gene soup after the
removal of proteins
• Leaves the ends of gene segments “sticky”
with usually 3 exposed nucleotides on one
side of the double helix, so that ends may
be rejoined later.
Methods of DNA Analysis
• There are several simple methods used for
analyzing DNA
– Paternity Testing
– Gel Electrophoresis
• Advanced Methods
– Polymer Chain Reaction (PCR)
– Amniocentesis
Paternity Testing
• Simple method of DNA analysis that
compares the DNA of an offspring, plant or
animal, with a known mother and suspected
Paternity Testing Process
• DNA sample taken usually from saliva or
blood in animals and leaf or callus tissue in
plants. (Hair does not contain DNA, but the
hair follicle does.)
• DNA isolated in sample through the use of
protein “eating” enzymes.
Paternity Testing Process
• Sample run on gels or through a gene
sequencer to indicate the presence of
certain genes.
• Comparison of genes-anything present in
genes present in the child that are not in the
mother, but present in the father make a
99% match.
Polymer Chain Reaction (PCR)
• Method used in forensic science to amplify
genetic material for identification or
• Newer technique used only in advanced
• Only a few cells are needed with this
• Method used to analyze the DNA of a
mammal (occasionally other animals) prior
to birth.
• Used widely in humans to predict the
expression of lethal genes or genetic
disorders in high-risk pregnancies.
• Gaining favor in high expense animal
breeding (Ex. Race horses)
Gel Electrophoresis
• Method used to analyze extracted DNA
through the distribution of genetic markers
on an agar media.
• Smaller genes travel further distances on
the gel. Samples extracted through the
same process can be easily compared on a
single gel.
Gel Electrophoresis Process
• An agar gel is placed into a mold to dry,
then placed into an electrophoresis
• DNA extraction is placed in small wells at
one end of the agar gel. Each well
represents a different sample or individual.
Gel Electrophoresis Process
• Low voltage direct current is run through a
buffer solution surrounding the agar gel
distributing DNA fragments across the gel
– Fragments separated by the size of the gene
segment; smaller move faster than larger
– Negative charged DNA fragments are repelled away
from the negatively charged wells to the positive
charged end.
Gel Electrophoresis Process
• Buffer solution provides a means of
transmission for electrical current, but also
keeps DNA samples in place in wells in the
– Buffer is heavier than DNA
Gel Electrophoresis Process
• Strength of the electrical current determines
the speed at which DNA moves across the
• Ethidium Bromide or another Bromine
based solution is applied at the end of the
electrophoresis process to stain DNA for
better viewing under certain bands of light.