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Cell Structure and Function
• Objective: to be able to identify cell
organelles and their functions
• Warm up: how does cell structure relate
to cell function? How can this relationship
be seen between different organisms?
Hint: Smooth muscle cell of a human
Smooth Muscle cell of a cow
• Cell Structure determines cell function
• Cells that have similar functions in
different organisms tend to have
similar structures
What is a Cell?
• Cells are defined as the smallest working
unit of living things
Cell of a corn plant
Cell Theory
1. All living things are made of cells
2. Cells are the smallest working units of
living things
3. All cells come from pre-existing cells by
cell division
Types of cells
• Eukaryote- has membrane bound
organelles and nucleus
Example (humans)
• Prokaryote- do not have a nucleus
Example (bacteria)
“The Staph”: MRSA Bacteria
• Specialized structures that perform
specific functions within eukaryotic cells
• Means “ tiny organs”
Types of Organelles
• The Nucleus- the control center of the cell
Nucleolus- dark spot in the center of
the nucleus makes ribosomes
ChromosomesDNA and genetic
Cell Membrane
• Regulates movement of materials in and
out of the cell
• Semi-permeable- some things are allowed
in and out some are not
• “The gate keeper”
• Helps maintain cell
• Made of lipids
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
• Transportation network carries, vesicles to be
2 types
Rough ER- has ribosomes,
makes proteins
Smooth ER- Synthesizes lipids, no ribosomes
• Made of RNA and Protein
• The “Protein factories” of the cell, linking
together amino acids
Golgi Apparatus
• Stack of membranes
• Modifies, packages and sorts proteins
from the endoplasmic reticulum
• Found only in animal cells
• Filled with enzymes that breakdown
certain materials in the cell
Example: Old worn out
• Transports and stores nutrients, waste and
• Small -in animal cells
• Large – in plant cells
Contractile Vacuole
• Remove excess water from the cell by
“squeezing” it out
• Found in Paramecium
• “The Powerhouse of the cell”
• Makes energy for the cell
• Contains Chlorophyll (green color)
• Makes food for plants
• Found only in plants and algae
Cell Wall
• Found in plants, bacteria, and fungi
• Protective outer covering that helps give
plants their structure
• Made of cellulose
Date: 11/14/07
Objective: to be able to identify cell organelles
and their functions
Warm up:
• How is the cell membrane like a “gate
• How does the cell membrane’s function
contribute to Homeostasis?
Agenda: -Finish power point notes
-Prep for Friday in class project
• The cell membrane is Semi-permeable
only allowing certain things in and out.
• The cell membrane contributes to
Homeostasis because it regulates what
enters and exits the cell allowing it to
maintain a balanced state.
• Jelly like material inside cell membrane
• Where chemical reactions take place in
the cell
• Made of microtubules and microfilaments
• Helps the cell maintain its shape
• Involved in forms of cell movement
• Aid in animal cell division
Cilia and Flagella
• Aid in movement
Cilia- Short, numerous, hair-like
projections from the plasma membrane.
•Move with a beating action.
Flagella- Longer, less numerous
projections from the plasma membrane.
• Move with a “whip-like” action.
• Cilia animation
• Name the numbered organelles 1-8