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Biology Standards Based Benchmark Assessment (5th Quarter)
Evolution (8a-e) and Physiology (9a-e)
1. Natural selection could not occur without
a. genetic variation in species.
b. environmental changes.
c. competition for unlimited resources.
d. gradual warming of Earth.
PTS: 1
STA: Evolution: 8a
Use the Figure below to answer the following question(s).
2. Refer to the diagram above. The finches that Darwin studied differed in the shape of their beaks.
According to Darwin, the finches probably
a. all had a common ancestor.
b. were born with identical beaks.
c. were descended from similar birds in Africa.
d. ate the same diet.
PTS: 1
STA: Evolution: 8a
3. Earth has undergone some catastrophic changes from time to time. Which of these most likely
explains why life on Earth continued following these catastrophes?
a. Dominant species had a slow mutation rate.
b. Many species filled the same niche.
c. A strong species had many different characteristics.
d. A wide diversity of species existed.
PTS: 1
STA: Evolution: 8b
4. The major idea that Darwin presented in his book The Origin of Species was that
a. species changed over time and never competed with each other.
b. animals changed, but plants remained the same.
c. elephants and bacteria changed constantly.
d. species changed over time by natural selection.
PTS: 1
STA: Evolution: 8c
5. A change in the frequency of a particular gene in one direction in a population is a result of
a. natural selection.
b. acquired variation.
c. chromosome drift.
d. balancing selection.
PTS: 1
STA: Evolution: 8c
6. New species form
a. when populations diverge more and more.
b. because of natural selection.
c. when members of the same species become adapted to new environments.
d. All of the above.
PTS: 1
STA: Evolution: 8c
7. Darwin thought that the plants and animals of the Galápagos Islands were similar to those of the
nearby coast of South America because
a. their ancestors had migrated from South America to the Galápagos Islands.
b. other scientists in South America had written about similar species.
c. the island organisms had the same nucleotide sequences in their DNA as the mainland
d. he found fossils, proving that the animals and plants had common ancestors.
PTS: 1
STA: Evolution: 8d
8. Fossil evidence suggests that a number of members of one fish species from an ancient lake in Death
Valley, California, became several isolated species. Each of these new species lived in a different
pond. Which of the following best explains the cause of this speciation?
a. episodic isolation
b. temporal isolation
c. geographic isolation
d. behavioral isolation
PTS: 1
STA: Evolution: 8d
The Figure below represent bones in the limbs of fossil horses and modern horses.
9. Refer to the Figure above. The fossils indicate that horse evolution probably has taken place
a. rapidly.
b. in only one place on Earth.
c. gradually.
d. five times by the process of punctuated equilibrium.
PTS: 1
STA: Evolution: 8e
10. Which of the following are NOT examples of fossils?
a. Shells or old bones found in sedimentary rocks.
b. Any traces of dead organisms.
c. Footprints of human ancestors found in mudstone.
d. Insects trapped in tree sap, and animals buried in tar.
PTS: 1
STA: Evolution: 8e
11. The extinction of species
a. is a problem limited to the tropics.
b. has been accelerated up by the activities of people.
c. is a problem only where topsoil and ground water are limited.
d. is not a problem today.
PTS: 1
STA: Ecology: 6a
12. Destruction of the tropical rain forests
a. threatens the existence of thousands of species.
b. provides for more pasture and farmlands.
c. is done partly because of the need for lumber.
d. All of the above
PTS: 1
STA: Ecology: 6a
13. If a paleontologist finds fossils of many different species existing in the same area at approximately
the same time, the paleontologist can conclude that the ecosystem in this area had a high degree of
a. climatic variation.
b. episodic speciation.
c. biological diversity.
d. geographic isolation.
PTS: 1
STA: Ecology: 6a
14. Scientists found that, over a period of 200 years, a mountain pond was transformed into a meadow.
During that time, several communities of organisms were replaced by different communities. Which of
these best explains why new communities were able to replace older communities?
a. The original species became extinct.
b. Species in the older community died from old age.
c. The abiotic characteristics of the habitat changed.
d. Diseases that killed the older organisms disappeared.
PTS: 1
STA: Ecology: 6b
Figure 1
15. When looking at Figure 1 above, identify the four body systems shown.
a. digestive, reproductive, circulatory, nervous
b. digestive, respiratory, circulatory, nervous
c. immune, respiratory, circulatory, excretory
d. digestive, respiratory, circulatory, excretory
STA: Physiology 9a
16. Identify the body system that is matched correctly with the nutrient moving into or out of the
Body System
A. glucose
1. circulatory
B. oxygen
2. digestive
C. carbon dioxide
3. excretory
D. urea
4. respiratory
a. A = 1
b. C = 3
c. D = 3
d. B = 2
STA: Physiology 9a
17. The function of the digestive system is to
a. chemically break down food.
b. mechanically break apart food.
c. absorb nutrient materials.
d. All of the above
STA: Physiology 9a
Figure 2
18. Figure 2 shows two human blood vessels, A and B, connected by a capillary bed, C. Blood
pressure is higher in vessel B than in vessel A. The arrows indicate the direction of diffusion
of O2 and CO2.
Identify the correct statement below.
a. Vessel A is an artery, vessel B is a vein.
b. O2 concentrations in the blood will be higher in location Y and lower in location
c. CO2 concentrations in the blood will be higher in location Y and lower in location
d. This capillary bed, C, is found in the lungs and exchanges gasses with the aveoli.
STA: Physiology 9a
Use the Figure below to answer the following question.
19. Look at the Figure above. Many times a person encounters a dangerous stimulus, such as
touching a hot stove. The body reacts almost instantly to prevent injury. Which of the
following statements best explain how this process can happen?
a. The message travels from the fingertips through the motor neurons to the brain,
then back through the sensory neurons to the muscles, called a reflex.
b. The message travels from the fingertips through sensory neurons to the spinal cord,
then back through the motor neurons to the muscles, called a reflex.
c. The message travels from the fingertips through the sensory neurons to the brain,
then back through the motor neurons to the muscles, called a reaction.
d. The message travels from the fingertips through the motor neurons to the brain,
then back through the sensory neurons to the muscles, called a reaction.
STA: Physiology 9b
20. Which division(s) of the peripheral nervous system is (are) responsible for the soccer player to
kick a soccer ball?
a. Both the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions are used.
b. Only the motor division is used.
c. Only the somatic nervous system is used.
d. Both the motor and sensory divisions are used.
STA: Physiology 9b
21. The autonomic nervous system controls
a. reflexes.
b. voluntary movement.
c. involuntary functions of the internal organs.
d. locomotion.
STA: Physiology 9b
22. Increased perspiration, a higher body temperature, and a rapidly beating heart are all possible
responses to a stressful situation. These body responses are most likely a direct result of the
interaction between the
a. digestive and endocrine systems.
b. digestive and respiratory systems.
c. nervous and endocrine systems.
d. nervous and circulatory systems.
Figure 6
STA: Physiology 9b
23. Observe in Figure 6, the pancreas produces one hormone that lowers blood sugar level and
another that increases blood sugar level. Which statement best describes the feedback
mechanism involving the human pancreas?
a. The pancreas always produces less glucagon than insulin, regardless of blood
glucose levels.
b. The level of oxygen in the blood is related to the production of insulin..
c. The level of sugar in the blood is affected by the amount of insulin in the blood.
d. The pancreas produces insulin and glucagon at the same time and the same
STA: Physiology 9c
Figure 4
24. In Figure 4, as blood pressure increases, this triggers a response from the brain to decrease
heart rate. The effect was a decrease in blood pressure. What is this process an example of?
a. A positive feedback loop.
b. A negative feedback loop.
c. A negative cardiac loop.
d. A positive neurological loop.
STA: Physiology 9c
25. There are some diseases that cause paralysis due to the loss of the myelin sheath from spinal
nerves. Why is the myelin sheath so important for the nervous system to function properly?
a. The myelin sheath transmits impulses from one neuron to another.
b. The myelin sheath insulates synapses between the neurons to keep the charges
from leaking to other neurons.
c. It provides nourishment for the neurons in the form of glucose.
d. It insulates the axons to prevent the positive or negative charges from leaking out
of the neuron.
STA: Physiology 9d
Figure 5
26. Identify the structures labeled A, B and C in Figure 5.
a. A is the cell body, B is a dendrite, C is an axon.
b. A is a dendrite, B is an axon, C is a cell body.
c. A is a dendrite, B is a cell body, C is an axon.
d. A is an axon, B is a cell body, C is a dendrite.
STA: Physiology: 9d
27. Refer to Figure 5. At the locations labeled 1, 3, and 4, the inside of the neuron is negatively
charged compared to the outside. At the location labeled 2, the inside of the neuron is
positively charged. Which direction does the nerve impulse travel?
a. A --> B --> C.
b. B --> A --> C.
c. C --> B --> A.
d. C --> A --> B.
STA: 9.d
28. If the axon in Figure 5 is part of a motor neuron, to what cell are the impulses being passed?
a. brain and spinal cells.
b. muscle and gland cells.
c. brain and muscle cells.
d. optic (eye) and auditory (ear) cells.
STA: 9.e
29. Motor neurons transmit messages to __________ and sensory neurons transmit messages to
a. motor neurons to the brain // sensory neurons from the central nervous system to a
muscle or gland.
b. motor neurons to the spinal cord // sensory neurons from the brain to the spinal
c. motor neurons from the spinal cord to the brain // sensory neurons from the brain
to the spinal cord.
d. motor neurons from the central nervous system to a muscle or gland // sensory
neurons to the spinal cord or brain.
STA: 9.e
Figure 6
30. A main component of the central nervous system is the spinal cord. Many reflex messages do
not pass up to the brain, but are integrated in the spinal cord, as seen in Figure 6. What part of
the spinal cord is responsible for integration?
a. The white matter which is made of cell axons is used.
b. The gray matter which is made of cell axons is used.
c. The gray matter which is made of cell bodies is used.
d. Both gray and white matter are made of a mix of cell bodies and axons and is used.
STA: 9.e