Download Chapter 1 Section 2 Eukaryotic Cells

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The Basic Unit of Life
Eukaryotic Cell
Cell Wall
Cell Wall: rigid structure that surrounds the cell
membrane and provides supports to the cell
Plants and algae have cell walls made of cellulose
and other materials
Cell wall allow plants to stand up right
Fungi have a cell wall made of chitin
Eubacteria and archaebacteria also have cell walls
different from plants
Cell Membrane
All cells have a cell membrane which is a protective barrier
that enclose the cell
outer most structure in a cell with out a cell wall
cell membrane contain protein, lipids, and phospholipids
lipids- fats and cholesterol (don’t dissolve in water)
Two layers of phospholipids
Hydrophobic – water fearing
Hydrophilic – water loving
Control the movement of materials into and out of
the cell
A web proteins in the cytoplasm
Acts as both a muscle and a skeleton
Made of three types of protein
hollow tube
long stringy fibers
A large organelles in a eukaryotic cell
contains the cell’s DNA or genetic material
DNA contains how to make a cell’s protein
provide structural support for cells and tissues
Nucleus is covered by two membranes
materials cross through these membranes by
going through pores
Nucleolus - a dark area in the nucleus where cell
begins to make it ribosomes
Organelles that make proteins
proteins are made of amino acids
all cells need proteins to live
Are the smallest organelles
More ribosomes than any of organelles
Some float freely in the cytoplasm
Other attached to membranes or the cytoskeleton
Ribosomes are not covered by a membrane
all cell have ribosomes
Endoplasmic Reticulum
rough or smooth ER
rough from near the nucleus, cover by ribosomes
and make many of the proteins
smooth makes lipids and breaks down toxic
most of the chemical reactions take place in this part
of the cell
proteins, lipids and other material are made here
part of the internal delivery system
contain many tubes and passageways
the main power source of a cell
breaks down sugar to produce energy
covered by two membranes
energy stored in ATP
are the size of some bacteria
they have there own DNA
Unlike animals cell plant and algae can make their
own food because they have chloroplast
photosynthesis take place here which is the process
by which plants and algae use sunlight, CO2 and
water to make sugar and oxygen
the are green because they contain chlorophyll
chlorophyll traps the energy of sun
Golgi Complex
the organelle that packages and distributes
looks like a smooth ER
Lipids and proteins from the ER are delivered
to the GC
GC then modify them to do different jobs
They are put into bubbles to transport them
Cell Compartments
Vesicle - small cavity or sac that contains
materials in a eukaryotic cell
all eukaryotic cells have vesicles
also move material within a cell
Cellular Digestion
Lysosomes - cell organelle that contains digestive
they destroy worn-out or damaged organelles,
get rid of waste materials, and protect the cell
from the foreign invaders
come in wide variety of sizes and shapes
found mainly on animal cells
eukaryotic cells engulf particles in vesicle
Lysosomes bump into these vesicle
Enzymes digest the particles in the vesicles
a large vesicle
in plant and fungal cells act like large
they store digestive enzymes and aid in