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Cell Analogy
1. The different parts and activities of a cell can be compared to a factory.
2. The parts of a cell are called organelles.
3. The activities that a cell does are called functions.
4. Like a fence, the cell membrane controls what goes in and out of the cell.
5. Like a computer holding instructions, chromosomes contain the instruction
for directing the activities of a cell.
6. Like a control room, the nucleus is surrounded by the nuclear envelope
(controls what goes in and out)
7. Like a power plant, the mitochondria convert the energy in food to energy
the cell can use.
8. Like an assembly line, the endoplasmic reticulum is where stuff is made.
9. Like robots, ribosomes make the proteins produced by the cell.
10. Messenger RNA takes instructions from the chromatin to the ribosomes for
making proteins.
11. Like stuff made by robots, the proteins produced by ribosomes are used to
build and do things.
12. Like a packaging room, the Golgi body puts a membrane around materials
that need to be transported.
13. The nucleolus is a darker area in the nucleus where ribosome parts are
14. Like a garbage service, lysosomes contain chemicals that break down things
in the cell