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Unit 2 Exam Review
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University
1. The chemical produced in a cell that activates cell
enzymes, producing a response to a signal
outside the cell is known as the
a. Ligand
b. Primary messenger
c. Secondary messenger
d. Protein kinase
2. Which of the following best describes the type of
signaling that involves voltage-gated ion
channels in nerve and muscle tissue?
a. Chemical signaling
b. Electrical signaling
c. Contact signaling
d. Facilitated diffusion
3. Far-sightedness associated with aging is called
a. Presbyopia
b. Emmetropia=normal vision
c. Myopia=near sighted
d. Hyperopia= far sighted
e. Astigmatism=asymmetric lens
4. Name the receptor associated with static equilibrium:
a. Ampulla
b. Cristae
c. Maculae
d. Cupula
5. Hair cells in the organ of Corti detect pressure changes
in the
a. Scala vestibuli
b. Scala media
c. Scala tympani
6. Which neurotransmitter acts as a natural opiate? (beta
endorphin, dynorphin, enkephalins)
a. Acetylcholine
b. Dopamine
c. Serotonin
d. Enkephalin
Leader: Kali
Course: BIOL 256
Instructor: Dr. Haen
c. Increased diameter
d. Decreased diameter
Myelin sheath
9. The resting membrane potential is preserved by what
a. The passive leakage of K+ and Na+ through ion
b. Active transport of Na+ out of and K+ into the cell<c. Increased Na+ permeability of voltage gated channels
d. Increased K+ permeability of voltage gated channels
10. What is the graded potential threshold?
a. -90 mV
b. -70 mV
c. -55 mV
d. +30 mV
e. +55 mV
11. The second messenger used for detecting the presence
of an odorant molecule is:
a. A chemoreceptor
b. cAMP
c. G protein
d. Phosphodiesterase
e. Extracellular ligand
12. Very low pitched sounds we can barely hear bend
organ of Corti hair cells
a. In the portion of the organ of Corti in the scala media
b. In the portion of the organ of Corti in the endolymph
c. In the portion of the organ of Corti near the round and
oval windows
d. In the portion of the organ of Corti near the helicotrema
13. Light passes through the following structures in which
a. Cornea, vitreous humor, lens, aqueous humor
b. Lens, vitreous humor, cornea, aqueous humor
c. Cornea, aqueous humor, lens, vitreous humor
d. Cornea, lens, aqueous humor, vitreous humor
e. Lens, aqueous humor, cornea, vitreous humor
7. The sum of visual input from ____ rod(s) stimulates
___ ganglion cell(s). This results in _____
a. Many, many, indistinct
b. Many, one, indistinct
c. One, one, indistinct
d. Many, many, distinct
e. One, one distinct
Cones=1, 1, distinct
14. When most dreaming takes place, your sleep is
characterized by:
a. Temporary skeletal paralysis, except for the extrinsic
eye muscles
b. Decreased oxygen use, especially in the cerebral cortex
c. Vital signs decreasing, deepened sleep
d. Irregular EEG patterns showing alpha bursts or K
8. Which would increase transmission speed of an axon
a. No myelin sheath
b. Increased length
15. Which controls the motor aspects of speech?
a. Broca’s area of the cerebellum
b. Broca’s area of the cerebrum
c. Wernicke’s area of the cerebellum
1060 Hixson-Lied Student Success Center  515-294-6624  [email protected] 
d. Wernicke’s area of the cerebrum=understanding speech
d. Hyper potential
16. Which of the following inhibits inspiration?
a. Medullary rhythmicity center=breathing rate
b. Amygdala=emotions
c. Hypothalamus=control center
d. Pons pneumotaxic center
e. Pons apneustic center=stimulates inspiration
24. The role of acetylcholinesterase is to
a. Stimulate the production of serotonin by limbic system
b. Amplify or enhance the effect of Ach
c. Act as a transmitting agent
d. Destroy Ach shortly after its release by axonal endings
17. An inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) is
associated with:
a. Resting potential
b. Graded potential
c. Depolarization-EPSP
d. Repolarization
e. Hyperpolarization
25. Which of the following neurotransmitters is used by
the forebrain and is associated with
behavior and rewards, e.g. addictions?
a. Serotonin=sleep cycles, emotions
b. Dopamine
c. Norepinephrine-fight or flight, stimulates
d. Substance P=pain
e. Nitric Oxide=relaxes smooth muscles, learning and
18. Which autonomic fiber releases norepinephrine as its
a. Pre-ganglionic sympathetic fiber
b. Post-ganglionic sympathetic fiber
c. Pre-ganglionic and post-ganglionic sympathetic fiber
d. Pre-ganglionic parasympathetic fiber
e. Post-ganglionic parasympathetic fiber
f. Pre-ganglionic and post-ganglionic parasympathetic
A,d,e =Ach
19. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors bind receptors
on the
a. Postsynaptic neuron
b. Synaptic cleft
c. Synapse
d. Presynaptic neuron
e. Myelin sheath
20. The sodium-potassium pump:
a. Pumps 3 Na+ ions out of the cell and 2 K+ ions into the
b. Pumps 3 Na+ ions into the cell and 2 K+ ions out of the
c. Pumps 2 Na+ ions out of the cell and 3 K+ ions into the
d. Pumps 2 Na+ ions into the cell and 2 K+ ions out of the
21. Neurotransmitter is released from rods and cones in
a. Light=decrease neurotransmitter
b. Dark
c. There is no neurotransmitter released from rods and
22. Exocytosis of synaptic vesicles is dependent upon:
a. Decreased extracellular sodium
b. Increased intracellular calcium
c. Increased intracellular sodium
d. Decreased extracellular calcium
e. Decreased intracellular potassium
23. In which type of potential is the magnitude directly
proportional to the stimulus?
a. Action potential
b. Resting potential
c. Graded potential
26. The post-ganglionic neuron arises in ganglia ___ the
central nervous system and travels to the
a. Outside, effector
b. Inside, effector
c. Outside, spinal cord
d. Inside, cerebrum
27. When you experience a sour taste,
a. Sweet molecules bind to the receptor, closing K+ and
causing depolarization
b. There is a decrease in Ca2+, causing depolarization
c. H+ blocks the K+ channel, causing depolarization
d. Bitter molecules close K+ channels, causing
e. Na+ goes inside the cell, causing depolarization
28. Odor signals are processed and sent to the olfactory
cortex by the:
a. Cribiform plate=bone
b. Mitral cells
c. Saccule=in ear
d. Retina=eye
e. Nasal concha=bone
29. When a postsynaptic neuron receives repeated stimuli
in a short time, this causes
a. Spatial summation
b. Temporal summation
c. Tonic reception
d. Phasic reception
30. A neuronal circuit that concentrates or directs a large
number of incoming impulses to a rather
small number of neurons is called a(n)
a. Converging circuit
b. Diverging circuit
c. Increasing circuit
d. Decreasing circuit
31. Which of the following effects gene expression
a. Non-polar primary signal molecules
b. Polar primary signal molecules
c. Secondary signal molecules
d. All the above
32. Which is the correct order of an action potential down
a neuron?
a. Soma-dendrite-axon terminals
b. Dendrite-axon terminals-soma
c. Axon terminals-dendrite-soma
d. Dendrites-soma-axon terminals
33. Which is more common in mammals?
a. Electrical synapse
b. Chemical synapse
34. In an inhibitory post-synaptic potential, the cell
membrane becomes more permeable to
a. Na
b. Cl
c. Ca
d. Fe
35. Which one is correctly paired up?
a. CNS and nerves
b. CNS and tracts
c. PNS and tracts
d. None of the above
36. Which is true regarding norepinephrine?
a. It is mostly taken up by the presynaptic cell
b. Utilized by the sympathetic nervous system
c. Also called adrenaline=epinephrine
d. All of the above->just A and C
37. Which amino acid neurotransmitter is related to
Huntington’s disease?
a. Glutamate
c. Glycine
d. Strychine
38. Which would be the best method for viewing sleep
a. fMRI=measures oxygen in blood
b. EEG
c. PET=measure metabolic activity
d. TMS=magnetic field stimulates part of the brain
39. Which wave is rhythmic, more irregular waves
occurring during the awake and mentally alert state?
a. Alpha
b. Beta
c. Theta
d. Delta
40.What stage of NREM are “K-complexes” found?
a. Stage 1
b. Stage 2
c. Stage 3
d. Stage 4
41. Which is not involved in fact memory?
a. Ventromedial prefrontal cortex
b. Hippocampus
c. Amygdala
d. Corpus striatum of basal nuclei
42. Which of the following is false regarding cholinergic
neurotransmitters in the ANS?
a. In all the pre-ganglionic neurons of the parasympathetic
b. In all the post-ganglionic neurons of the
parasympathetic NS
c. In all the pre-ganglionic neurons of the sympathetic NS
d. In all the post-ganglionic neurons of the sympathetic
division exerts short-lived, highly
localized control.
a. Sympathetic
b. Parasympathetic
c. CNS
d. Thalamus
44. Where is the main integration center of ANS activity?
a. Cerebral cortex
b. Thalamus
c. Limbic system
d. Hypothalamus
45. What is the difference between the spinothalamic and
dorsal column-medial lemniscal pathway?
a. Second order fibers in the spinothalamic pathway cross
to contalateral side in medulla
b. Third order neurons in the dorsal column-medial
lemniscal pathway bring the stimulus to the premotor
c. First order neurons in the dorsal column-medial
lemniscal pathway ascend from the spinal cord to the
d. Third order neurons in the spinothalamic pathway bring
stimulus to the cerebral cortex
46. Which does not contain taste buds?
a. Fungiform
b. Circumvallate
c. Filiform
47. What must happen to the chemical in order for “taste”
to take affect?
a. Filiform is depolarized
b. Contact gustatory hairs
c. Dissolved in water
d. All of the above
48. Which of the following respond to changes in velocity
of rotational head movements?
a. Ampulla
b. Semicircular canals
c. Crista ampullaris
d. Hair cells
49. Which is the correct order of the visual pathway?
a. Primary visual cortex-optic radiations-optic chiasm
b. Nasal retina-lateral geniculate- optic chiasm-optic nerve
c. Optic nerve-optic chiasm-optic tract-lateral geniculate primary visual cortex
d. Primary visual cortex-optic radiations-nasal retina-optic