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Mrs. Shaw’s Anatomy and Physiology Honors
Chapter 9 Nervous System Worksheet Part 1
9.1 Introduction
1. What are 3 functions of the nervous system?
2. The structural and functional units of the nervous system are called ______________________. They are
specialized cells that function to react to _________________ and _______________________ changes in their
surroundings. They then transmit information in the form of electrochemical changes called
3. The 3 basic parts of a neuron are the ______________ body, the ____________________, and the axons.
4. __________________ are bundles of axons. Nervous tissue also includes _______________________
cells that provide physical _____________________, ____________________________, and nutrients for
5. The nervous system is divided into two parts. The __________________ nervous system (CNS) which
includes the _____________________ and ______________________ cord. The ______________________
nervous system (PNS) consists of the ______________________ nerves that connect the CNS to the other body
9.2 General Functions of the Nervous System
6. What do sensory receptors do?
7. Sensory receptors convert ________________________ information into _________________ impulses which
are then transmitted over peripheral nerves to the _________________________ nervous system.
8. At the CNS, information is ___________________________ which means that it is brought together, creating
sensations, adding to memory, or helping produce thoughts that translate sensations into perceptions.
9. What do motor functions do? Effectors?
10. Explain the functions of the two types of motor functions of the nervous system.
9.3 Neuroglial Cells
Types of Neuroglial Cells
Location Found
Microglial cells
Ependymal cells
Schwann cells
9.4 Neurons
Label the structure on the right using Fig. 9.4 on page 207.
1. ________________________________
2. ________________________________
3. _________________________________
4. _________________________________
5. _________________________________
6. _________________________________
7. _________________________________
8. _________________________________
9. Define the following parts of a neuron and then add them to
the diagram on the right if they are not already there.
a. Myelin:
Schwann cell:
c. Nodes of Ranier:
d. Neurilemma:
10. Differentiate between white matter and grey matter.
Mrs. Shaw’s Anatomy and Physiology Honors
Chapter 9 Nervous System Worksheet Part 2
Pg. 208 Classification of Neurons
1. Neurons differ in __________________________, size, and ___________________ of their cell body.
2. Neurons are classified based on structural differences in 3 major groups. Describe briefly these 3 groups.
3. Neurons are also classified based on functional differences in 3 major groups. Describe briefly these 3 groups.
9.5 Cell Membrane Potential
4. The surface of the __________________________ is usually electrically charged, or _______________________, with
respect to the inside. This polarization arises from an unequal distribution of _______________________ and
________________________ ions between the sides of the membrane, and it is particularly important in the conduction of
muscle and _________________________ impulses.
5. What process helps to bring sodium and potassium ions across the cell membrane?
9.6 Nerve Impulses
7. Explain how impulse conduction differs in myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers.
9.7 The Synapse
8. Describe what happens at a synapse.
9. Differentiate between excitatory and inhibitory actions.
Skip 9.8 Impulse Processing
9.9 Types of Nerves
10. Differentiate between sensory (afferent) nerves, motor(efferent) nerves, and mixed nerves.
11. What is a nerve pathway?
12. Fill in the parts of a reflex arc from page 218.
Table 9.4 Parts of a Reflex Arc
Sensory neuron
Motor neuron
Mrs. Shaw’s Anatomy and Physiology Honors
Chapter 9 Nervous System Worksheet Part 3
Nervous System Review ( 9-1 to 9.10 )
1. The skeletal muscles are controlled by the _______________________________nervous system.
2. The smooth muscles and glands are controlled by the __________________________ nervous system.
3. Neurons are composed of a network of fine threads called _________________________________
4. The nervous system consists of two parts, the brain and spinal cord make up the ______________ nervous system, and
the nerves throughout the body make up the ___________ nervous system.
5. ______________________________are cells found between neurons and blood vessels.
6. Neurons consist of a cell body, axons, and _________________________, which receive information.
7. Neurons that have a single process extending from the cell body are classified as _________, if they have two processes,
they are classified as _____________
8. White matter is composed of axons that are sheathed in _________________________
9. Two ions necessary to create an electric current in a nerve fiber are potassium and ______________.
10. The ______________________ function of the nervous system refers to information being interpreted so that the brain
can make decisions.
11. The junction between two communicating neurons is called the ____________________________
12. Acetylcholine, serotonin and endorphins are all forms of ___________________________
13. The _________________________arc refers to a simple nerve pathway that would be involved with involuntary actions
(like knee-jerk, or withdrawal)
14. Groups of neurons that perform a common function, such as the storing of procedural memory (tying your shoe) are
called neuronal __________.
15. __________________________________cells help destroy bacterial cells and cellular debris.
16. There are 31 pairs of ____________________________ nerves.
17. These types of neurotransmitters increase membrane permeability, thus increasing the chance that threshold will be
achieved. ______________________________
18. When a threshold is achieved, an event called the __________________ potential occurs.
19. Gaps in the myelin sheath are called Nodes of _________________________________
20. These support cells are responsible for secreting the myelin sheaths: _________________________
21. A nerve impulse is received by the dendrites and then travels down the ___________________
22. There are twelve pairs of ________ nerves.
23. This neurotransmitter stimulates the muscles to contract. __________________
24. These cells form a membrane that covers specialized brain parts: ___________
25. These cells have the same function as oligodendrocytes, but are packed within the myelin: _____________
Draw a picture of a synaptic transmission.