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Lecture 14: Neuron Circuits, Sensory Pathways & Somatosensory Cortex
G & H chapters 45 - 48
Review Synaptic Functions:
• synaptic transmission & summation: chemical synapses release
neurotransmitter that binds to chemically gated channel on postsynaptic cell
(paracrine function):
- postsynaptic cell (usually another neuron) may become depolarized (EPSP),
which moves it closer to threshold (= facilitated) (fig. 45 - 9 & ppts.1 & 2)
- postsynaptic cell may become hyperpolarized (IPSP), which moves it further
from threshold (= inhibited) (fig. 45 - 9 & ppts. 1 & 2)
- many EPSPs are required to reach threshold (fig. 45 - 10 & ppt. 3);
summation must occur (usually via currents passing through soma to initial
segment of
- signal strength (frequency of APs) reflects magnitude & duration of
summated PSPs that exceed threshold (fig. 46 - 2 & ppt. 4)
Sensory Receptors, Afferent Neurons: (chapter 46)
• part of afferent pathway of reflex arc: receptor  sensory neuron  CNS
• types of sensory receptor (table 46 – 1):
- mechanoreceptors: senses respond to touch, pressure, vibration, tickle &
itch (tactile senses); hearing & equilibrium (special senses); visceral
pressure, stretch
- thermoreceptors: respond to temperature changes on body surfaces or
deeper tissues (somatic)
- chemoreceptors: respond to chemicals dissolved in mucus, tissue fluid,
etc.; senses of smell & taste; level of chemicals in body fluids (osmoreception)
- photoreceptors: respond to electromagnetic energy (visible light); sense of
- nociceptors: pain receptors respond to various sensory modalities that are
extreme: mechanical, thermal, & chemical; tissue damage is involved
• labeled line principle: sensory modality is not a property of a receptor, but
determined by destination in sensory areas of brain, e.g., touch is experienced
because receptor stimulates sensory fiber to tactile area of brain
PMD 604, lec 14
- p. 2 • sensory adaptation (fig. 46 – 5 & ppt. 5): chronic stimulation causes decline
in sensitivity to stimulus (reducing signal strength in response to continuing
often to zero sensitivity; speed of adaptation varies widely
- zero adaptation is characteristic of most pain receptors
- slowly adapting receptors detect persistent stimuli (tonic receptors);
examples include receptors monitoring musculoskeletal activity, blood pressure
chemistry, static equilibrium
- rapidly adapting receptors detect rates of stimulation, vibrations,
movements across sensory field; rate receptors help anticipate expected changes
body position so adjustments can be made (e.g. standing on a moving bus or
e.g., receptors monitoring tactile stimuli, rate of change of position, dynamic
• receptor potential: sensory receptors respond to their own modality by
transducing one form of energy (physical, chemical, etc.) to electrical energy
(change in
membrane potential); generates graded potential or action potential in sensory
nerve fiber
• classification (velocity of transmission) of nerve fibers (fig. 46 – 6 & ppt.
variability based on axon diameter and state of myelination or non-myelination
- A fibers (myelinated) – fast neurons; fastest = A least fast = A
- C fibers (non-myelinated) are slow neurons
• alternative classification (certain sensory nerve fibers) (fig. 46 – 6 & ppt.
also based on axon diameter and state of myelination or non-myelination
- IA fibers (myelinated) – correspond to A orfaster A
- II & III fibers (myelinated) – correspond to slower A A A
- IV fibers (non-myelinated) – correspond to C fibers
• signal strength: stronger stimuli generate stronger receptor potentials, which
of prolonged duration; if sensory neuron is raised to threshold  AP results; if
neuron is kept above threshold  volley of APs results (signal) (figs. 46 - 7,
46 - 8 &
ppts. 7 & 8)
Neuron Pools: (chapter 46)
• patterns of signals in neuron pools: synaptic connections from input cells
range from a few to hundreds or to thousands of presynaptic terminals;
(output) cells may have elaborate dendritic branching (extends # of postsynaptic
- signal pattern that passes within CNS is based upon # of input synapses
firing at a given postsynaptic (output) cell (figs. 46 – 9, 46 - 10 & ppts. 9 &
10): if input
produces subthreshold potential, output cell is facilitated; if input produces
summation above threshold, output cell is excited (i.e. discharges APs)
• some typical patterns (figs. 46 – 11 to 46 – 14 & ppts. 11 - 14):
- divergence of output: may result in amplification or distribution to
multiple destinations
- convergence: designed to maximize temporal &/or spatial summation
- lateral inhibition: input transmits to excitatory and parallel inhibitory
output  sharpens output signal
PMD 604, lec 14
- p. 3 - after discharge: slowly acting neurotransmitters or synapses with
presynaptic cells may produce prolongation of output signal
- reverberating circuits exploit self-stimulation to produce a continuous output
for prolonged period of time
- rhythmic outputs result from collaboration of reverberating circuits with
excitatory vs. inhibitory outputs, e.g., respiratory centers (fig. 47 - 17 &
ppt. 15)
PMD 604, lec 14
- p. 4 Sensory Pathways: (chapter 47)
• tactile and position senses: free nerve endings (cornea), Meissner’s
corpuscles (non-hairy skin, fingertips), Merkel’s discs (fingertips), hair end
Ruffini’s end organs, Pacinian corpuscles (fig. 46 - 1 & ppt. 16)
- most are rapidly adapting types that detect movement across skin and/or
- slowly adapting (e.g., Ruffini’s) respond to continuous touch or
continuous pressure
- transmit via A fibers or A fibers (some free nerve endings)
• dorsal column – medial lemniscal system (figs. 47 – 2 to 47 – 4 & ppts. 17
- two fascicles (gracilis – medial & cuneatus – lateral) reside in the white
matter posterior to the grey matter of the cord (dorsal columns)
- first order fibers synapse in cord grey matter & send fibers up dorsal
column – (mostly fast A fibers) to medulla where they synapse with second order
neurons (fig. 47 - 2 & ppts. 17 - 19)
- second order fibers cross over to opposite side (decussate) & ascend
medial lemniscus to the thalamus (nuclei of ventrobasal area) (fig. 47 - 3 &
ppt. 20)
- third order fibers from thalamus relay signals to somatosensory cortex
(fig. 47 - 4 & ppt. 21)
- high degree of spatial orientation of fast fibers (e.g., lower sensory
fibers enter medially {fasciculus gracilis}, higher sensory fibers enter
{fasciculus cuneatus}); pathway adapted for precision mechanoreception at high
velocity of
- divergent circuitry including some lateral inhibition facilitates precision
in detection of stimulus strength as well as point for point discrimination
(figs 47 9, 47 - 10 & ppts. 22 & 23)
• tickle & itch senses: mostly free nerve endings in superficial skin; transmit
via slow, type C fibers
• anterolateral system (spinothalamic tracts) (figs. 47 – 2, 47 – 13 & ppts. 17,
& 25): two extensive tracts (lateral to lateral grey matter & anterior to
anterior horn)
- carries slower fibers – A fibers & C fibers
- first order fibers synapse in dorsal horn of grey matter
- second order fibers cross over to opposite side of cord to enter anterolateral
- higher order fibers terminate in various brainstem regions (mainly reticular
nuclei) as well as thalamus (ventrobasal area -- mostly tactile fibers;
intralaminar nuclei -mostly pain fibers); some thalamic fibers ascend to
somatosensory cortex
- slower, less organized tract that transmits crude touch, tickle and itch;
also transmits warmth, cold, sexual sensations & pain signals
PMD 604, lec 14
- p. 5 Pain: (chapter 48)
• free nerve endings located abundantly in skin, sparser in deep tissues
- respond to three modalities: mechanical, thermal (in skin) & chemical
(mostly in deeper tissues, which sense all three)
- two types: fast (skin) and slow (more often deep)
- receptors are essentially non-adapting; may even intensify signals as time
• fast pain (acute pain, sharp pain, pricking pain) is experienced in a fraction
of a second & is usually of brief duration
- transmitted by A fibers, which synapse (glutamate) in dorsal horn of grey
matter, sending second order fibers to opposite side of cord to enter
neospinothalamic tract within anterolateral system (fig. 48 – 2 & ppt. 26)
- fibers ascend to brainstem regions and mostly to ventrobasal area of
thalamus, which relays signals to somatosensory cortex (fig. 48 – 3 & ppt. 27);
localization is good, so long as fast pain signals are accompanied by tactile
via dorsal column-medial lemniscal system
• slow pain (aching, throbbing) is not experienced until after a second or
longer and is of prolonged duration
- transmitted by C fibers, which synapse (substance P) at least twice in grey
matter of cord; third order or higher fibers pass to opposite side of cord to
paleospinothalamic tract within anterolateral system (fig. 48 – 2 & ppt. 26)
- fibers mostly terminate in reticular areas of brainstem &/or intralaminar
nuclei of thalamus (fig. 48 – 3 & ppt. 27) (both arousal systems); accounts for
interference with sleep
- not well localized, fewer thalamic termini than fast pain
- slow pain usually associated with tissue damage that releases chemicals
(especially bradykinins); mechanical trauma, ischemia, muscle spasm are most
causes of tissue damage
- rate of tissue damage governs intensity of pain signals
• analgesia system: pain signals may be blocked by inhibitory synapses in
cord grey matter
- brain analgesic system: nuclei in periaqueductal grey matter &
periventricular grey matter of midbrain send fibers to synapse (enkephalin) with
raphe magnus nucleus of brainstem; raphe magnus fibers descend & synapse
(serotonin) with dorsal horn fibers, which in turn, release enkephalin to
inhibit pain
fibers (both A & C) (fig. 48 – 4 & ppt. 28)
- alternate inhibition by A fibers carrying tactile signals from nearby
areas of skin may also block pain; possible basis for massage &/or acupuncture
• referred pain: pain perceived to originate from a body surface area different
from the source (usually visceral)
- pain fibers (C fibers) from viscera appear to synapse with same second
order neurons as pain fibers from body surface (fig. 48 – 5 & ppt. 29); clinical
PMD 604, lec 14
- p. 6 interpretations of various body surface referred pains facilitate diagnosis of
tissue/organ damage (fig. 48 – 6 & ppt. 30)
- pain usually caused by diffuse stimulation of pain receptors in viscera
PMD 604, lec 14
- p. 7 Somatosensory Cortex: (chapter 47)
• located in post-central gyrus of parietal lobe of cerebrum (immediately
posterior to central sulcus) (fig. 47 – 5 & ppt. 31)
- localization of somatosensory experiences is organized according to body
region of origin: lower extremity and genitalia most medial, jaw & pharynx most
- density of sensory receptors of a body region reflected by size of region
in cortex – produces disproportionate map (e.g., large hand, head & lips; small
extremity – caricature) of body regions (figs. 47 – 6, 47 – 7 & ppt. 32)
• layers of neurons: cortex features six layers of neurons, each with specific
roles (figs. 47 - 8, 57 - 1 & ppt. 33); three types of neurons (granular or
pyramidal & fusiform) are included in distinct layers
- IV receives incoming signals from sensory input via thalamus and
distributes them to other layers of the cortex; stellate cells
- I, II & III, perform communication with other cortical areas; granular
and pyramidal cells
- I & II receive facilitatory signals from brainstem (probably reticular
areas); I sends signals to somatosensory association area
- II & III communicate with adjacent cortical areas & with contralateral
hemisphere via corpus callosum
- V sends signals to basal nuclei, brainstem & spinal cord; large
pyramidal cells
- VI sends signals mostly to thalamus; these are inhibitory and serve to
modulate intensity of sensory input; fusiform cells
- columns (each 0.3 - 0.5 mm. wide, with about 10,000 neurons) extending
through the layers are dedicated to specific modalities for various points of
on body surface (e.g., anterior columns receive from muscle spindles and tendon
organs & send information to adjacent motor cortex in precentral gyrus for
control of
• somatosensory association area – located more posteriorly in parietal lobe
combines somatosensory inputs with inputs from visual and auditory cortices
enabling interpretation of sensory information (i.e. perception of form,
texture) as a
meaningful experience or sense of form, e.g., ball, knife, cloth, awareness of
body, etc.)
1. Science
2. Biology
3. Anatomy
PMD 14. Neurophys I.doc
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