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Potential risks of GM crops
1. Economic risks:
transgene silencing: losing trait
2. Environmental
a. pollen mediated escape
b. volunteer seed mediated dispersal
c. horizontal gene transfer
3. Health: unknown allergens
Heteroencapsidation has long been recognized in mixed infections
involving different groups of aphid-borne viruses that are
transmitted in a persistent, semi-persistent or non-persistent
manner. Exchange of capsid subunits between viruses of the same
group can be responsible for the modification of vector specificity.
In another case, a non-aphid transmitted (NAT) strain may become
aphid-transmissible through phenotypic mixing.
Heteroencapsidation has also been observed between the coat
protein (CP) produced in transgenic plants and the CP of incoming
homologous or heterologous viruses (Osbourne et al., 1989;
Farinelli et al., 1992; Lecoq et al., 1993). In the latter report, a
ZYMV-NAT strain was transmitted by aphids when encapsidated
with a plum pox potyvirus (PPV) CP synthesized in transgenic
Nicotiana benthamiana plants.
Journal of General Virology (1998), 79, 1509–1517
Use of modified plum pox virus coat protein genes developed to limit
heteroencapsidation-associated risks
Aphid transmission of a non-aphid-transmissible strain of zucchini yellow mosaic
virus (ZYMV-NAT) occurs in transgenic plants expressing the plum pox potyvirus
(PPV) coat protein (CP) gene. Heteroencapsidation has been shown to be responsible
for this modification in the epidemiological characteristics of the infecting virus. In
order to prevent this biological risk, several modified PPV CP constructs were
produced that were designed to interfere with heteroencapsidation itself or to block
aphid transmission of heteroencapsidated virions. These constructs were first
expressed in Escherichia coli in order to check for the accumulation of pseudoparticles by electron microscopy. Virus-like particles (VLPs) were found with the
full-length CP and with a PPV CP lacking the DAG amino acid triplet involved in
aphid transmission. However, no VLPs were observed with CP lacking R220, Q221
or D264, amino acids known to be essential for the assembly of other potyvirus CPs.
Transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana lines expressing the different PPV CP constructs
were infected with ZYMV-NAT. Aphid transmission assays performed with these
plants demonstrated that the strategies developed here provide an effective means of
minimizing the biological risks associated with heteroencapsidation.
Nature 422, 72 – 76, 2003
Direct measurement of the transfer rate of chloroplast DNA into
the nucleus
Seedling tests for resistance to spectinomycin
and kanamycin. a, b, Seedlings from six
progenies grown on medium containing
500 µg ml-1 spectinomycin (a) or 150 µg ml-1
kanamycin (b) with positive (SSuH2 or NS23)
and wild-type controls. c, One kanamycinresistant plant among the progeny of selfpollinated tp7 plants on kanamycin (150 µg ml1) and geneticin (20 µg ml-1) medium. d,
Segregation of kanamycin resistance in progeny
of wild typeX tp-kr1 plants on 150 µg ml-1
kanamycin medium. e, A kanamycin-resistant
plant obtained in the progeny of wild typeX tp7
cross. f, Progenies of four kanamycin-resistant
plants with controls on spectinomycin medium.
Transfer of neo to the nucleus took place in a total of 16 heritable
events in 250,000 seedlings — that is, at an incidence of around
6X10-5. Molecular analyses confirmed that the neo genes, together
with flanking plastid DNA of variable size, had indeed been
incorporated into the tobacco nuclear DNA at different genomic
Nonetheless, incorporation of transgenes in plastids should still be
effective for containment of those genes. If a transgene is
incorporated in the nucleus, each pollen grain will carry the
transgenic trait. By contrast, assuming that the probability of plastid
gene expression from a broken fragment is only 100 times lower
than the transfer rate of plastid DNA (nucleus translocated aadA
gene did not express because it contained plastid promoter,
however, broken pieces of plastid DNA could be expressed when
translocated into nucleus) , only 1 in 1.6 million pollen grains will
carry the expressed plastid gene.
Mobile genome
Genome sequences show extensive tracts of mitochondrial and plastid
DNA that are integrated in nuclear chromosomes. Evidence indicates that
an active process of DNA translocation from organelles to the nucleus
has been ongoing since the origin or organelles from free-living
Movement of DNA from organelles to the nucleus occurs at very high
rates. These rates have been measured experimentally for mitochondria
in yeast and more recently for plastids using transgenic chloroplast
technology in tobacco.
Phylogenetic analyses and genome comparisons show that influx of
organellar DNA to the nucleus has had a marked quantitative impact on
the gene content of eukaryotic chromosomes.
Translocated genes might be expressed to provide products that are
targeted to all parts of the cell; there is no magic homing device that
targets the products of transferred genes back to the organelle of their
Complete organelle genomes are cropping up in eukaryotic
chromosomes, so why are any genes left in organelles at all?
Observations from genomes and from experimental transfers favour the
view that bulk DNA from lysed organelles is the vector that is
responsible for gene relocation, although in some groups of eukaryotes,
RNA intermediates have been suggested to act as vectors as well.
The downpour of organelle DNA into eukaryotic chromosomes is an
unavoidable consequence of endosymbiosis. This mechanism of natural
variation is unique to eukaryotic cells and was an important force in the
genesis of eukaryotic genomes.
The impact of endosymbiotic gene transfer on eukaryotic chromosomes
was probably greatest in the early phases of organelle origins, before
the protein import machinery of mitochondria and chloroplasts had
been invented.
The rice nuclear genome continuously integrates, shuffles, and eliminates
the chloroplast genome to cause chloroplast-nuclear DNA flux.
The Plant Cell 17:665-675 (2005)
Locations of nupDNA (nuclear localized plastid DNA) fragments on the Rice Genetic Map.
The vertical axis represents the genetic map (cM) of each chromosome, and the horizontal bar shows the
sum of the nupDNA fragments (kb) located at each locus. nupDNA fragments larger than 10 kb are
denoted A to L in order of decreasing size and are indicated by heavy lines. Fragments B and H are located
within the same locus. A scale bar of 10 kb is shown in the box. Arrowheads indicate centromeres.
Direct integration of the organellar DNA into the nucleus or RNA-mediated DNA transfer
through the reverse transcription process. However, all parts of the plastid genome, including
spacer regions (and not only the transcribed regions), occur at similar frequencies in nupDNAs.
Therefore, DNA-mediated transfer, and not RNA-mediated transfer, is the predominant
mechanism conveying plastid DNA sequences to the nucleus.
DNA Flux from Plastid to Nucleus:
The nuclear genome continually engulfs the plastid DNA and eliminates it by
genome shuffling. This evolutionary process mainly proceeds at unique loci of the
nuclear genome, such as the pericentromeric regions. CP, chloroplast.
High-frequency gene transfer from the chloroplast genome to the nucleus
Stegemann, Sandra et al. (2003) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100, 8828-8833
A genetic screen for gene transfer from
the chloroplast to the nucleus.
(A) Physical map of the chloroplast
transformation vector pRB98. (Upper)
The region of the tobacco chloroplast
genome chosen for insertion of the two
foreign gene constructs: a chimeric aadA
gene conferring spectinomycin resistance
as plastid selectable marker gene and a
nuclear expression cassette containing
the kanamycin-resistance gene nptII.
(Lower) Homologous recombination
targets the two linked transgenes from
pRB98 to the intergenic region between
two tRNA genes (trnfM and trnG).
(B) Selection of cell lines that have
transferred the kanamycin-resistance
gene from the chloroplast genome to the
nuclear genome. Putative gene transfer
plants (arrow) were selected on plantregeneration medium containing 400
µg/ml kanamycin and typically appeared
after 3–6 weeks of selection.
Mendelian Inheritance of the Transferred
nptII Gene.
The estimated frequency of gene
transfer from the chloroplast to the
nucleus is remarkably similar to the
transfer rate of yeast mitochondrial
DNA to the nucleus, which has been
estimated to be 2 x 10–5 per cell per
generation. Interestingly, the number of
cells in a mature tobacco leaf is at least
10 times higher than the average
number of leaf cells required to select
one chloroplast gene transfer event,
which indicates that cells within a single
leaf are not genetically identical but
may differ in their nuclear genome with
respect to the pattern of chloroplast
DNA integrations. In addition, similar
to movement of transposable elements,
high-frequency insertion of chloroplast
DNA into the nuclear genome may be
responsible for somatic mutations by
integrating into functional nuclear
Agrobacterium-mediated DNA transfer, and then some
by Stanton B Gelvin
In addition to its plasmid DNA, Agrobacterium tumefaciens can transfer its chromosomal
DNA to plant genomes
Introgression of transgenes
Invasive species can be generated by traditional breeding as well as GE.
No study has conclusively examined whether introgression of transgenes
has occurred into natural population. However, past experience with crop
plants suggests that negative effects are possible. For 7 species (wheat,
rice, soybean, sorghum, millet, beans and sunflower seeds) of the
world’s top 13 crops, hybridization with the wild relatives has contributed
to the evolution of weeds. In some cases, high levels of introgression from
cultivated or introduced relatives have eliminated genetic diversity,
effectively contributing to their extinction. The challenge is how to
identify an invasive species. Simple comparisons of fecundity and
survival will not adequately predict invasiveness. Variation in the
competitive environment and timing of introductions can confound
predictions. Unknown factors cause unexplained time lags that occur
between the introduction of the species and the expansion of its population.
These represent key challenge for assessing the risk of invasiveness.
In this paper authors claim sample in lane e (see below) gave strongest
PCR band. Where is lane e???? A bulk of 150-400 grains were used
to carry out PCR.
This study demonstrates that cross-pollination between commercial
Canola fields occurs at low frequency but to considerable distance.
Risks of GE crops: invasiveness
Invasiveness is survival and reproduction outside of cultivation to generate selfsustaining population, which spreads and persists. Invasive species may cause large
scale economic and environmental harm. However, an estimated 50,000 species have
been introduced in US, which are not native. Some of these species are invasive and
cause ~$137 bn annually in direct and indirect effects and prevention measures.
Survival outside
of cultivation
Reproduction outside
of cultivation
Pollen flow to wild relatives
Hybrid formation
Hybrid survival & reproduction
Introgression of genes into wild relative
Spread and persistence
Studies on invasiveness
Transgenic trait
Character examined
Oilseed rape
glufosinate tolerance
Persistence in natural
(uncultivated habitat) kanamycin resistance
survival outside
cultivation unlikely
Oilseed rape
seed survival over winter
Oilseed rape
(Ag plot)
glu tolerant
intraspecific gene flow
possible, no risk
Oilseed rape
(field, GH)
high stearate
Oilseed rape
Oilseed rape
glu tol.
Gene flow with B. comp.
Introgression possible
gene flow with mustard
pollen flow to wild relative
Sugar beet
kan resistance
gene flow with potato
glu tol/
over winter survival
possible, no enhanced risk.
seed survivorship,
germination, vigor
survival outside cultivation,
hybrid formation possible
Scientific Correspondence
Nature 395, 25 (3 September 1998) | doi:10.1038/25626
Promiscuity in transgenic plants
Joy Bergelson, Colin B. Purrington & Gale Wichmann
The ecological risks of genetically modified crops are of greatest
concern when there are no inherent barriers to the spread of transgenes
through sexual reproduction. This is most likely when transgenes can
spread to weedy species through hybridization, or when the crop
species itself exists in weedy forms. If the potential recipient of a
transgene is a highly selfing species, such as Arabidopsis thaliana, this
risk is often considered negligible. Here, however, we report results of
a field experiment in which transgenic A. thaliana showed a
dramatically increased ability to donate pollen to nearby wild-type
mothers compared with A. thaliana mutants expressing the same
mutant allele as the transgenic plants.
Promiscuity in transgenic Arabidopsis?
Arabidopsis is a highly selfing species, so the risk of cross-hybridization between
transgenic Arabidopsis and non-transgenic target would be very low.
ALS-plant (transgenic) was found to have dramatic increase in its ability to donate
pollen as compared to als-mutant plant.
Collect seeds from WT plants, plate on
chlorslfuron, select resistants, grow and
examine their source by plating their
seeds on kanamycin.
T-plants contained chlorosulfuron (als) and kanamycin resistance (NPT) genes
Survey of 100,000 seeds showed that perplant outcrossing rate was 0.3% for the
mutant fathers and 5.98% for transgenic fathers
Direct non-target effects on beneficial/native organisms
Toxin source
BT corn pollen
(larva feeding on pollen)
44% death on Bt pollen (event 176)
none on non-bt pollen.
same (larva feeding on leaves
dusted with pollen)
20% mortality on eventBt11
vs 3% control.
Black swallow
Tail butterfly
Bt corn pollen (event 810, 176)
(field test)
2-spot ladybeetle
aphids colonizing transgenic
GNA potato plants
Lower fecundity, egg viability,
adult longevity.
Lady beetle
No effect
Soil microbes
GNA potato
glyphosate canola
No relation between pollen deposition
and larval wt. or mortality.
some transient effect on rhizosphere microbe
less diverse bacterial community of rhizosphere
Unwanted DNA in transgenic crops
Transgenic plants often contain other DNA sequences in addition to the
gene of interest: in the vector backbone lies E. coli antibiotic resistance
gene and origin of replication, and in the construct lies plant selectable
marker gene.
Horizontal gene transfer: gene transfer across sexually incompatible
species. Transfer of antibiotic resistance gene from plant to bacteria in
the gut flora of animals will pose medical risk to human and cattle: if the
antibiotic resistance gene escapes into bacterial cells, the drug would
become useless for medical treatment of that animal.
An example of horizontal gene transfer: Aquaporins (AQP) and/or
aquaglyceroporin (GLP) occur in all organism. GLP are absent in plants,
but one AQP located in tonoplast is capable of transporting glycerol just
like GLP does. Molecular phylogenic study suggests that this plant
glycerol transporter may have originated from a single event of
horizontal gene transfer from bacteria to plant, ~1200 million years ago.