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LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034 M.Sc. DEGREE EXAMINATION – BIOMEDICAL INSTRUMENTATION FIRST SEMESTER – NOV 2006 AG 04 BI 1803 - MOLECULAR CELL BIOLOGY (Also equivalent to BI 1950) Date & Time : 02-11-2006/1.00-4.00 Dept. No. Max. : 100 Marks PART A Answer all the questions 10X2=20 1. Define Base stacking. 2. What are the types of DNA Ligase? 3. Comment on the function of tranlocase. 4. Define DNA methylation. 5. List out the functions of UTRs. 6. What are Tumour suppressor genes? Give examples. 7. What are non -viral retro-transposons? 8. What is the importance of HMG proteins in nucleosome organization? 9. Define Transcription attenuation. 10. Comment on RNA life span. PART B Answer any four of the following (Draw diagrams wherever necessary) 4X10=40 11. Explain semi-discontinuous replication. 12. Bring out the characteristic features of Mt DNA. 13. Describe the different types of mobile elements in eukaryotes. 14. Explain the different transcriptional factors involved in eukaryotic gene expression. 15. Bring out the regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes with an example. 16. Explain the events, which lead to the transformation of a proto-oncogene to an oncogene. PART-C Answer any two of the following (Draw diagrams wherever necessary) 2X20=40 17. Describe the different methods of gene transfer in bacteria. 18. Explain Gene structure and its organization. 19. Describe the mechanism involved in eukaryotic transcription. Comment on the different types of initiation factors involved. 20. Write notes on :a)RNA Editing b) Transmembrane proteins. _______________________