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1. What happens during Transcription? What molecules and enzymes are involved?
2. What happens during Translation? What molecules are involved?
3. What are some of the major differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic protein synthesis?
4. What is the genetic code? Why is it said to be universal?
5. In terms of the reading frames of codons, what is the effect of mutations? Use the terms
missense, nonsense , insertion, deletion and substitution. What is the evolutionary importance
of mutations?
6. Explain how repressible operons work. Use the term regulatory gene, regulatory protein,
promotor and regulatory sequence
7. Explain how an inducible operon works. Use the term regulatory gene, regulatory protein,
promotor and regulatory sequence
8. Explain how eukaryotes regulate gene expression? Use the terms transcription factors,
regulatory proteins, activators, and DNA