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Human Anatomy Lecture Exam II Review Sheet
Chapter 8- Joints
1. Where are joints located? What are the 2 types of joint classification? Define
synarthrosis, amphiarthrosis, and diarthrosis.
2. For the 3 main types of joints (fibrous, cartilaginous, and synovial) know what
holds the 2 bones together, type of movement, and give examples.
3. Describe the anatomy of a synovial joint.
4. Name an autoimmune disorder that involves the attack of articular cartilage.
Chapter 9/10- Muscle Tissue
1. Name, describe and locate the 3 types of muscle tissue. What are the functions of
2. Name and locate the connective tissue layers found in and around a muscle.
3. Describe the anatomy of a skeletal muscle fiber/cell. What is the function of T
tubules, sarcoplasmic reticulum, sarcolemma, and myofilaments.
4. What is a sarcomere? Describe the arrangement of proteins in a sarcomere. How
does a sarcomere work? Why do we see striations in muscle tissue when viewed
with a light microscope?
5. What are thin and thick filaments made up of? Does contraction of a muscle
involve shorten or folding of any proteins?
6. Describe what happens during muscle contraction beginning with a nerve
impulse. What role does Ca2+ play in muscle contraction? How is ATP involved
in muscle contraction?
7. Describe the events that occur at the Neuromuscular Junction.
8. Describe the anatomy of a cardiac muscle cell. Do they have striations? Are they
9. Describe the 2 types of smooth muscle. Do they have striations?
Chapter 11- Nervous Tissue
1. Name the 2 major divisions of the nervous system. What (structures/organs)
makes up each system? Name the subdivisions of the PNS.
2. What is the main cell type of the nervous system? Describe the anatomy of this
cell. What is the function of dendrites and axons? Where do impulses arise from
on a axon? What are the 2 types of axonal transport?
3. What are the 3 functional classifications of neurons? What are the 3 types of
structural classification of neurons?
4. Name and describe the functions of the neuroglials cells found in the CNS. Name
and describe the functions of the neuroglials cells found in the PNS. Which cells
are responsible for myelination in each division? Which cell forms the blood
brain barrier? Are neuroglial cells electrically excitable?
5. How many axons can a single Schwann cell myelinate? How many axons can a
single oligodendrocyte myelinate? What cells have a neurilemma? What is it?
Why is it important? What does myelination do for a neuron?
6. Where do you find gray and white matter? What do they consist of?
7. What is multiple sclerosis?
Chapter 12- The Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves
1. What division of the nervous system does the spinal cord belong to? Spinal
2. List the order of the connective tissue meninges that line the spinal cord. Are they
also found around the brain?
3. In the adult does the spinal cord extend through all vertebrae? What is the conus
medullaris and caudae equinae?
4. Describe the 2 roots that make up each spinal nerve. What types of cells do you
find in each? What is found in the dorsal root ganglion? What is a ganglion?
5. Order the connective tissue coverings found in a nerve. What is the difference
between a nerve and a neuron?
Chapter 12- The Brain and Cranial Nerves
1. Name and describe the function of the principal parts of the brain.
2. Know the names and functions of the 12 cranial nerves. What division of the
nervous system do cranial nerves belong to?
3. Where does CSF come from? What is its purpose? What are ventricles? Name
them and know their location.
4. What 3 parts make up the brain stem? Where do over 90% of the motor neurons
cross over from one side of the body to the other?
5. What is the white matter in the cerebellum called?
6. In what principal part of the brain are the thalamus and hypothalamus found?
What is the function of the thalamus? List some functions of the hypothalamus.
Which division of the PNS does the hypothalamus control?
7. Describe the anatomy of the cerebrum. What is its function?
Chapter 14- The Autonomic Nervous System
1. Contrast the somatic and autonomic nervous systems. Which one is under
voluntary control?
2. What is found between a preganglionic and postganglionic neuron?
3. What are the 2 divisions of the ANS? Are most organs innervated by both
divisions? Which division has a longer postganglionic neuron?
4. What are the physiological effects of the parasympathetic and sympathetic
5. What part of the brain is the main regulator of the ANS?