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Essentials of Healthcare Final Study Guide
1. The definition of anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology.
2. Stack of membrane layers that produce, store and package secretions for discharge from
the cell.
3. The body cavity located in the chest, one that contains the urinary bladder, reproductive
organs, and end of the intestines.
4. The horizontal plane that divides the body into a top half and bottom half.
5. Explain the similarities and differences between proximal and distal, giving an example of
your explanation.
6. The four main groups of tissues.
7. Tissue that lines the intestinal and respiratory tracts and forms body glands.
8. The blood vessel that contain valves to prevent blood from flowing in a backward
9. The blood cells that contain hemoglobin, one that fights infection.
10. The heart valve which prevents blood from flowing back into the right atrium.
11. The muscle layer of the heart.
12. The chamber of the heart which receives blood from the lungs.
13. The muscle on upper back and neck that extends the head and moves the shoulder.
14. The difference between abduction and adduction; and flexion and extension.
15. Body system which carries some tissue fluid and waste to the blood and assists in fighting
16. Body system which protects the body from injury, infection and dehydration.
17. Body system which filters blood to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance in the body.
18. Body system which includes the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and alveoli.
19. Location of the pharyngeal tonsils.
20. Correct name of the voice box.
21. Identify the voluntary muscle type.
22. Group of vertebrae located at the waist.
23. Area where two or more bones join together.
24. Part of the brain responsible for muscle coordination, balance and muscle tone.
25. Part of the autonomic nervous system which acts in times of emergency.
26. Basic unit of the nervous system.
27. Nerve fiber which carries impulses toward the cell body.
28. The function of salivary amylase.
29. First section of the large intestine.
30. Folds in the lining of the stomach.
31. Organ which produces enzymes and insulin.
32. Tube where sperm mature and become motile in the male.
33. Innermost layer of the uterus which deteriorates and causes bleeding known as