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Name: _____________________________
Period: ________
Study Guide for Chp. 9, 11, 12: Nervous Tissue
Chapter 9: Nervous Tissue
I. Structures of the Nervous System
1. Know what CNS and PNS composed of; refer back to Nervous System Basics Quiz.
2. Know the functions of sensory neurons, motor neurons, and interneurons.
II. Organization of the Nervous System
1. Know the differences and similarities between SNS, ANS, and ENS.
2. What part of the nervous system are the SNS, ANS, and ENS a subdivision of?
3. Know the functions of SNS, ANS, and ENS are they voluntarily controlled or involuntarily.
III. Histology of Nervous Tissue
1. Know the structures of neurons and their general functions.
2. Know locations of the structures of neurons; refer back to Anatomy of Neuron worksheet
3. Know all the neuroglia by name, type of nervous system found in, and their functions; Table 9.1,
page 258 will help.
4. Know diseases associated with myelin sheath, refer back to Nervous Tissue Lab.
IV. Action Potentials
1. Understand the phases of action potential: resting period, refractory period, polarization,
hyperpolization, and repolarization.
2. Review section on ion channels for ion types and different types of channels.
3. Understand how impulses travel across myelinated and unmyelinated axons, pages 237-238.
V. Synaptic Transmission
1. Know events of synaptic transmission and be able to locate them on a diagram, refer back to
Synaptic Transmission worksheet.
2. Know what neurotransmitters are.
Chapter 11: Autonomic Nervous System
I. Comparison of Somatic and Autonomic Nervous Systems
1. Know what types of sensations the SNS and ANS are associated with.
II. Structure of Autonomic Nervous System
1. Be able to differentiate between sympathetic and parasympathetic activities.
III. Function of the Autonomic Nervous System
1. Be able to identify “fight-or-flight” response and “rest-and –digest” activities; their associated
nervous systems and subdivisions.
2. Know SLUDD.
Chapter 12: Somatic Senses and Special Senses
I. Overview of Sensations
1. Differentiate between special senses, general senses, and visceral senses.
2. Know what cause adaptation.
3. Know the sensory receptors presented in Table 12.1, page 291; structure, function, and
II. Somatic Senses
1. Know what are tactile sensations.
2. Know the receptors involved in tactile sensations.
III. Special Senses
1. Know which types of senses are considered to be special senses.
IV. Olfaction: Sense of Smell
1. Know characteristics of olfactory receptors.
V: Gustation: Sense of Taste
1. Know characteristics of gustatory receptors.
VI: Vision
1. Know photopigments and how photoreceptors work.
VII: Hearing and Equilibrium
1. Be able to describe the differences in function between static equilibrium and dynamic