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CHAPTER 3.1 (part 2) and 3.2 READING GUIDE:
Name: ______________________________
3.1 → Communication in the Nervous System (part 2)
11. Discuss the process of a neurotransmitter binding to a receptor site on a postsynaptic neuron, including
why it is so specialized.
12. What are some key characteristics of acetylcholine (Ach)? What is its relationship with Alzheimer’s
13. Explain what is happening when nicotine acts as an agonist for Ach. Do the same for the drug curare
acting as an antagonist. What is the result?
14. Use the entire Monoamines section to discuss the
following three neurotransmitters (be sure to include specific
diseases/conditions associated with each):
Picture of woman, needle and hands on
p. 87: Is botox acting as an agonist or
antagonist? ______________________
Dopamine →
Serotonin →
Norepinephrine →
15. Summarize the relevant information for the following
Table 3.1: Write the disorder associated
with each of the following:
Ach: ____________________________
DA (too little): ____________________
DA (too much): ___________________
NE/Serotonin: ____________________
GABA: __________________________
Glutamate →
Concept Check 3.2: 1) ______ 2) ______
3) ______ 4) ______ 5) ______
Endorphins →
3.2 → Organization of the Nervous System
1. Briefly describe the important information for each of the
following (if there is not much more than a definition,
summarize/paraphrase/reword it, since you’ll be writing the
definition in your vocab.):
Figure 3.6: How many parts make up each of
the following? The NS: _____The CNS: _____
The PNS: _____ SNS: _____ ANS: _____
The peripheral nervous system →
The somatic nervous system →
Afferent nerve fibers →
Efferent nerve fibers →
The autonomic nervous system (include Cannon’s term) →
The sympathetic division →
The parasympathetic division →
The central nervous system →
The spinal cord →
The brain →
Figure 3.8 The ANS:
Parasympathetic division =
Pupils → ______________
Respiration/Heart rate →
Sympathetic division =
Pupils → ______________
Respiration/Heart rate →