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BIOL 104 Test 3 11/1/11
Name .£#'1 C. I i
./The central nervous system is protected by A. bone.
C. fibrous cartilage.
D. hyaline cartilage.
E. elastic cartilage.
2. Which of the following is not a function of the nervous system? A. receive sensory input
@cushion and protect soft tissue
C. perform information processing
D. perform integration
E. generate motor output
3. Which of the following is not a type of neuron?
A. sensory
B. interneuron
4. Which of the following parts of a neuron is correctly matched? A. cell body-short extensions
that receive impulses @axon-conducts nerve impulses
C. dendrite-contains the nucleus and other organelles
fthich one of the following is entirely located within the central nervous system?
A. sensory neuron
@sensory receptor C. motor neuron
Which of the following is associated with the PNS but not the CNS? . Schwann cells
myelin sheath
axon )dendrite
Which of the following types of nerves is not covered by a protective myelin sheath?
long axons
gray matter of the CNS white matter of the CNS
)nerve fibers within the PNS
;'Depolarization of the neuron occurs when
) the potassium gates open and potassium moves outside the cell. o the sodium-potassium
pump moves sodium inside the cell.
 sodium gates open and sodium moves inside the cell.
the sodium-potassium pumps moves potassium inside the cell. o water moves to the outside of
the cell and chloride ions follow.
The entire action potential (depolarization and repolarization) occurs in a matter of )
· seconds.
{WhiCh of the following is not a neurotransmitter?
 acetylcholine
 serotonin
11. Which of the following statements is not true concerning the central nervous system? A. The
central nervous system is made up of the spinal cord and the brain.
~The brain and spinal cord contain only white matter--myelinated axons that run together in
C. Both the brain and spinal cord are protected by bone.
D. Both the brain and spinal cord are protected by meninges.
E. The spaces around the brain and spinal cord are filled with fluid.
rWhiCh of the fo'ilowing is not a part of the brain?
A. corpus callosum
B. central canal
D. cerebellum @pons
13. Which is the largest part of the brain?
A. medulla oblongata
B. midbrain
C. diencephalon
D.cerebellum @erebrum
14. Which of the following is not a lobe of the cerebral hemisphere?
B. frontal
C. parietal
D. temporal
E. occipital
~WhiCh of the following is part of the limbic system? A. spinal cord
@primary somatosensory area
C. amygdala
D. reticular formation
E. cerebellum
i. When a student crams for a test at 3 in the morning before the test, the information usually
goes into skill memory.
episodic memory.
semantic memory.
long-term memory.
~short-term memory.
(What type of memory does language depend upon? short-term
, episodic )skill
3. How are the nervous system and the endocrine system alike? , They both utilize axons and
hhey both regulate the activities of other systems.
 They both utilize glands.
 They both respond very rapidly to stimuli.
 They both have an very prolonged response to stimuli.
(WhiCh of the following is an exocrine gland? \. parathyroids
 salivary glands
 thymus
'. testes Jadrenal gland
O. Why is the pancreas both an endocrine and an exocrine gland? ,. because it produces both
a neurotransmitter and a hormone
'. because it produces more than one hormone
)ecause it produces atJeast one hormone that is delivered through a duct and one that is
delivered to 1e bloodstream
). because it has an outer cortex and an inner medulla
:. because it is located within the abdominal cavity with ties to the gastrointestinal system
21. Which of the following is not an endocrine gland?
@ dudodenum
B. pituitary
C. adrenal
D. pineal
E. thymus
22. Which of the following hormones is not produced by the anterior pituitary?
A. prolactin
B. growth hormone
C. thyroid stimulating hormone
D.adrenocorticotropic hormone VOXytocin
J!. Which of the following hormones is controlled by positive feedback?
B. oxytocin
C. growth hormone
D. antidiuretic hormone
E. gonadotropic hormone
24. The thyroid gland is located
(6)in the neck.
B. in the brain.
C. on top of the kidneys.
D. near the ovaries or testes,
E. near the small intestines.
25. The hormone produced by the parathryoid gland influences the blood level of what to rise?
A. sodium
B. phosphate @alcium
D. glucose
E. cholesterol
i. Which of the following is not involved in blood calcium homeostasis? bones
thyroid gland parathyroid glands
kidneys )posterior pituitary
(Which of the following does not act to increase the amount of calcium in the blood? · bones
· kidneys 1intestines
· parathyroid hormone
3. Where are the adrenal glands located? · in the brain
· in the neck
) on top of the kidneys
 near the ovaries/testes
 near the small intestine
9. The adrenal medulla controls the short term response to stress by }raisin g blood glucose levels.
· breaking down protein and fat. •. reducing inflammation.
I. suppressing immune cells. · increasing blood volume.
~hen insulin is secreted, what happens? .. Tissue stores of glucose are depleted.
:. Adipose tissue breaks Qown fat.
:. The liver breaks down glycogen.
The blood glucose level rises.
:. Glucose is taken up by the cells.
31. Which gland produces melatonin?
A. testes
B.thymus gland @pineal gland D. ovaries
, 32. Where is the thymus gland located?
A. in the neck the brain ® in the chest
D. near the ovaries/testes
33. Which of the following hormones is mismatched with its producing gland?
@ovaries--follicle-stimulating hormone
B. ovaries--estrogen
C. thymus gland--thymosins
D. pineal gland--melatonin
E. testes--androgens
34. What is the function of melatonin?
A. regulate blood glucose levels
B. regulate blood calcium levels
C.aid in the differentiation of T lymphocytes @control the daily sleep-wake cycle
E. control the color of the skin
35. Which of the following secretes erythropoietin? @kidney
B. heart
C. small intestine
D. thymus
E. thalamus
(WhiCh of the
following is not involved in the regulation of the reproductive
adrenal gland
anterior pituitary
D-43 List the four lobes of the brain
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