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Download Endocrine Glands and their Hormones These are the hormones
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Endocrine Glands and their Hormones These are the hormones from each gland that I want you to know for this unit this year: Hypothalamus: Dopamine Gonadotropin-releasing hormone Oxytocin Vasopressin Pituitary Gland: Growth hormone Thyroid-Stimulating hormone Prolactin Oxytocin Anti-diuretic hormone Pineal Gland Melatonin Thyroid Thyroxine Parathyroid Parathyroid hormone (Parathormone) Thymus Thymosin Pancreas Insulin Glucagon Adrenal Glands Glucocorticoids Adrenaline Noradrenaline Dopamine Ovary Progesterone Androstenedione Estrogens Testes Androgens (Testosterone) Estradiol Kidneys Erythropoietin