Download Parts of The Eukaryotic Cell 1) Cell Membrane a) Selectively

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Parts of The Eukaryotic Cell
1) Cell Membrane
a) Selectively permeable - allows some molecules into and out of the cell “Bouncer
of the Cell”
b) Fluid Mosaic Model of the Cell Membrane - membrane is continually changing
2) Organelles
a) Cytoplasm - jelly-like substance within the cell membrane that supports
organelles and stores nutrients in cytosol - a watery fluid containing nutrients
b) Mitochondria *Power Plant of the Cell*
Works to generate energy for cell activities cell energy (ATP)
c) Ribosomes *Make Protein*
d) Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) *Highway of the Cell*
i) Rough ER - attached ribosomes
ii) Smooth ER - no ribosomes attached
e) Golgi Apparatus *UPS of the Cell*
Processing, packaging and distribution center of the cell
f) Lysosome *Custodian of the Cell*
Sacs of digestive enzymes that work to clean up old cell parts and cellular wastes
g) Cytoskeleton *Skeleton of the Cell*
A mesh-like network that shapes the cell and anchors organelles in place
h) Nucleus *Brain of the Cell*
Directs all cell activities
i) Nuclear envelope – *Bouncer of the Nucleus*
Encloses and protects the nucleus  
i) Chromatin - long, thin strands of DNA
ii) Chromosomes - coiled and condensed chromatin seen during Mitosis
j) Nucleolus -­‐ Found in the nucleus and works in protein synthesis
k) Vesicles *The Storage Shed of the Cell*
Sac like structure used for cell storage
3) Organelles only in the plant cell
a) Cell Wall - Keeps the cell rigid acts as a skeleton
b) Central Vacuole - Storage place for cell waste and water
c) Chloroplasts - Performs photosynthesis