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Chapter 11 Part 2
The Brain and Behavior
Key terms
• action
potential: A short-term change in the electrical potential that
travels along a cell (such as a nerve or muscle fiber); the basis of
neural communication.
• neural
impulse: The signal transmitted along a nerve fiber, either in
response to a stimulus (such as touch, pain or heat), or as an
instruction from the brain (such as causing a muscle to contract).
• Plasticity:
The ability to change and adapt over time.
• Polarity:
The spatial differences in the shape, structure, and
function of cells.Almost all cell types exhibit some sort of polarity,
which enables them to carry out specialized functions.
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The Brain and Behavior
• Reuptake:
The reabsorption of a neurotransmitter by a
neuron after the transmission of a neural impulse across
a synapse.
• Depolarization:
the act of depriving of polarity, or the
result of such action; reduction to an unpolarized
• resting
potential: The membrane potential of inactive
cells. The voltage that exists across plasma membranes
during the resting state of excitable cells; ranging from:
• -90 to -20 millivolts
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use pulses of electrical current to
the flow of information over long distances w/in
the body
Neuron Organization
Types of Neurons
Sensory Neurons
transmit information (senses) from body  brain
are afferent
specialized dendrites that initiate action
potential when stimulated
Types of Neurons
2. Motor Neurons
transmit signals to muscle fibers & glands
 are efferent
nerve impulses
occur in neurons only
neurons are electrically excitable
 communicate with one another using 2 types of
electrical signals:
graded potentials (short distances only)
action potentials (short or long distances)
junction between axon terminal & next cell
(another neuron, muscle fiber, gland cell)
neurotransmitters are chemical messengers
released @ most synapses that pass action
potential to receiving cell
presynaptic cell: cell releasing neurotransmitter
& passing on action potential
postsynaptic cell: receiving neurotransmitter
synaptic cleft: physical space between the 2;
neurotransmitter released into this space &
diffuses across it attaching to receptors on
postsynaptic cell
Ion Pumps
ions unequally distributed across plasma
inside of cell slightly (-) compared to outside cell
source of potential nrg
called the membrane potential
resting potential: the membrane potential of
neuron @ rest =
 -60 to –80 mV
Resting Potential
Formation of Resting Potential
Na+/K+ pump generates & maintains the
ionic gradients of membrane potential
1 turn of pump
3 Na+ out
2 K+ in
Membrane Potential
Ion Channels
pores that span the membrane allowing ions to
diffuse across (in or out)
membranes are selectively permeable and
variations in how easily any particular ion can
cross a membrane depends on the # of
channels & how often they are open
Types of Ion Channels
Action Potentials
neurons have gated ion channels that open or
close in response to stimuli
open/close changes permeability for that ion
neurons have K+ channels
when open K+ diffuses out of cell
changes resting potential from:
-60 mV to -90 mV
when K+ channels open & resting potential
decreases to -90 mV inside of cell becoming
more (-) than normal resting potential called:
K+ Ion Channels in Neurons
when Na+ ion channels open Na+ diffuse into
cell making inside less (-) compared to
outside cell
membrane potential shifts toward (+) mv
this reduction in magnitude of membrane
potential called
Graded Potentials
any shift in membrane potential
magnitude of shift varies with strength of
induce a small electrical current that flows
along the membrane leaking out of the cell
so only lasts short distance from source
Action Potential
electrical signal that propagates along the
membrane of a neuron as a nongraded (all or
nothing) depolarization
have a constant magnitude & can regenerate in
adjacent regions of the membrane
travel long distances
Voltage-Gated Ion Channels
ion channels that open/close based on
membrane potential passing a particular level
Na+ channels in neurons are voltage gated:
open when depolarization occurs  Na+
diffuses into cell  becomes more depolarized
 more Na+ channels open (+ feedback)
Action potentials occur when a depolarization
increases the membrane voltage to a particular
value (the threshold)
for mammals the threshold is a membrane
potential ~ -55mV
once started the action potential has a
magnitude independent of the strength of
triggering stimulus
+ feedback loop of depolarization & channel
opening triggers an action potential whenever
the membrane potential reached the threshold
membrane depolarization opens both Na+ & K+
channels but Na+ opens faster initiating the
action potential
Na+ channels become inactivated as action
potential proceeds (gates close) & remain so
until after membrane returns to resting
Refractory Period
(-) membrane potential restored by inactivation
of Na+ channels, which increases K+ outflow
This is followed by a refractory period:
no matter how strong the stimulus to initiate next
action potential is cannot initiate one during
refractory period
Conduction of Action Potentials
Action Potentials
An electrical impulse travels along the axon
via depolarized voltage-gated ion channels
in the membrane, and can either "jump"
along a myelinated area or travel
continuously along an unmyelinated area.