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Genetic Engineering
chart of chromosome
pairs used to identify
___________ &
_________________________– 3 chrom. at pair 21
Turner’s syndrome – only one X – sterile female XO
Klinefelter’s syndrome – extra X (male:XXY-sterile)
____________ – causes these unusual #s
of chromosomes; chromosomes________
___________ during __________
Selective breeding
We choose _______ __________& breed
plants and animals to have these traits
*Takes decades
________ _________
Cows produce 3x more milk than 50 years ago
Selective breeding – 2 methods
1. Hybridization – _________________
Ex. Crossing disease-resistant apple tree
with high yield apple tree = apple tree
that produces a lot and requires
less pesticides
2. Inbreeding –
 *because genetics are so close, often
allows expression of _______ ________
Study revealed that
20,000 boxers genetically
look like 70 – this leads
disorders like heart disease,
cancer, and epilepsy in
Test cross
A way of determining ________
 Cross a _______ _________(___________ ____________) with an unknown
– Unknown could be:
_______________________, ______
_______________________, ______
If unknown is homozygous dominant, all
offspring will show dominant trait
If unknown is heterozygous, some will show
dominant trait, some show recessive trait
Complete Problem Solving Lab 13.1 p.339
Genetic Engineering
Genetic engineering is a ________ more
__________ method for increasing the
frequency of a specific allele in a
 This method involves __________ -- or
cleaving -- DNA from one organism and
inserting into another organism!
Transgenic Organisms
Tobacco plant that contains firefly
Uses of transgenic animals
Insert spider genes into cells of lactating goats –
manufacture silk along with milk = light, tough, flexible
material  military uniforms, medical sutures
 30% of US milk produced
by genetically modified (GM)
 Pigs GM to produce
high levels of lean meat
Transgenic plants: Golden Rice – GM to have high
levels of beta-carotene – essential for health, eye sight
How do scientist cut DNA?
Restriction Enzymes - _____________
proteins that have the ability to _____ both
strands of a __________ at ___________
Restriction enzymes
Sticky Ends vs. Blunt ends
Restriction Enzyme Example
Do Lab 13.1 (page 343) in text book for practice.
Recombinant DNA - mixing up DNA
_________________- made by
connecting (____________), fragments
of DNA from ______________________
Recombinant DNA in Industry
Using genetically modified E.coli to
produce the expensive indigo dye that is
used to color denim blue jeans.
 Use of recombinant DNA techniques in
production of: __________, laundry
detergents, paper production, and
__________ ____________.
Recombinant DNA in Medicine
Pharmaceutical companies
Use recombinant DNA to produce a
hormone for pituitary dwarfism.
Insert the gene for human insulin into
__________ to produce large quantities of
_________. (for people with diabetes)
Other antibodies, hormones, vaccines,
enzymes, and various compounds have
been made for treatments.
Recombinant bacteria manufacture human insulin
Steps of Bacterial Transformation
______________cut out using
restriction enzymes into
bacterial __________.
2. Get bacteria to take in the
3. _________________________
4. ________________________.
Recombinant DNA in Agriculture
Crops have been created that are better
tasting, stay fresh longer, protected from
disease, and insect infestations.
Corn, broccoli, cotton, and potatoes have
been developed to produce a Bt toxin
from a bacterial gene, which makes them
resistant to certain pests.
Recombinant DNA in Agriculture
Canola pants have been modified to produce a
high yield of oil.
Various plants have been made resistant to
herbicide so they can be sprayed to get rid of
unwanted weeds in fields without harming the
crop plant.
Current research to increase vitamins in
certain crops,and to produce peanuts and soy
beans that do not cause an allergic reaction.
Gel Electrophoresis
Gel electrophoresis ________________
Sort DNA: Gel Electrophoresis
p. 346
Gel Electrophoresis
Practice on page 353 of Textbook.
Can you match the evidence with
the suspect?
Uses of DNA fingerprinting:
Identify ___________
Forensics, unknown solidiers, historical
Identify and catalog ________________
Ways of Manipulating DNA
Sort DNA by length
Analyze DNA
Human Genome Project (19902003)
*Sequenced all 3 billion base pairs of
human DNA and identified
all human genes.
*Used to determine
& ________________
Product of
Human Genome:
Gene therapy
___________________– allows body to
make proteins or enzymes needed,
eliminating disorder
 Used to treat SCID (severe combined
immunodeficiency syndrome) & _______
 Trials for sickle-cell and hemophilia
treatments are occurring now.
Uses a single
somatic cell from an
adult organism to
grow an entirely new
Somatic cell = _____ cell
Stem cells
_________: _______________ cells that
__________________themselves & have,
under appropriate conditions, the ability to
______________ into one or more types of
specialized cells
_______________ cells: stem cells that haven’t
differentiated yet & can be specialized into any
cell type
_____ stem cells: found in organisms (________
_______). May differentiate into __________
cell types
Ethics of Genomics &
Stem cell research
Gene therapy
GMOs: _________ __________ __________
Human Genome Project