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Mind and
Chapter 4
Chapter Preview
 Principles
 Sites
of Psychopharmacology
of Drug Action
 Neurotransmitters
and Neuromodulators
Routes of Administration
Intravenous (IV) Injection – injection of a substance directly into a vein.
Intraperitoneal (IP) Injection – injection of a substance into the
peritoneal cavity, the space that surrounds the stomach, intestines, liver,
and other abdominal organs.
Intramuscular (IM) Injection – injection of a substance into a muscle.
Subcutaneous (SC) Injection – injection of a substance into the space
beneath the skin
Oral Administration – administration of a substance into the mouth so
that it is swallowed.
Sublingual Administration – administration of a substance by placing
it beneath the tongue.
Routes of Administration
Intrarectal Administration – administration of a substance
into the rectum.
Inhalation – administration of a vaporous substance into the
Topical Administration – administration of a substance
directly onto the skin or mucous membrane.
Insufflation – sniffing drugs; contacts mucous membranes
of the nasal passages; sniffing not same as inhalation!
Intracerebral Administration – administration of a
substance directly into the brain.
Intracerebroventricular (ICV) Administration –
administration of a substance into one of the cerebral
Thinking about routes of drug
advantage is there to using a
cannula to put the drug directly into
the brain?
Copyright © 2006 by Allyn and Bacon
+ Figure 4.5 Drug Affects on Synaptic
Amino Acids
Soluble Gases
Neurotransmitters and
Neurotransmitters have 2 general effects on postsynaptic
EPSP (depolarization)
IPSP (hyperpolarization)
GABA, glycine (spinal cord and lower brainstem)
Most of the activity of local circuits of neurons involves
balances between the excitatory and inhibitory effects of
Glutamate and GABA (info transmitted within the brain)
All sensory organs transmit information to the brain through
axons whose terminals release glutamate (except pain)
Neurotransmitters and
All other neurotransmitters have modulating effects rather than
information-transmitting effects
Secretion of Ach activates the cerebral cortex and facilitates
But the information that is learned and remembered is
transmitted by neurons that secrete glutamate and GABA
Secretion of NA increases vigilance and enhances readiness to act
Secretion of 5-HT (serotonin) suppresses certain categories of
species-typical behaviors and reduces the likelihood that the
animal acts impulsively
Secretion of DA (dopamine) activates voluntary movements (does
not specify which movements) or reinforces ongoing behaviors
Acetylcholine (ACh)
Primary neurotransmitter secreted by efferent axons of the PNS.
All muscular movement accomplished by release of ACh
ACh found in the ganglia of the autonomic nervous system
ACh found at the target organs of the parasympathetic branch
of ANS
Major concentrations of ACh in the CNS include:
Dorsolateral Pons (role in REM sleep)
Basal Forebrain (role in learning)
Medial Septum (role in memory)
Figure 4.9 Acetylcholinergic Pathways in a Rat Brain
REM sleep
+ Figure 4.5 Drug Affects on Synaptic
Nicotinic Receptor – an ionotropic ACh receptor that is stimulated
by nicotine and blocked by curare.
Muscle fibers, which must be able to contract rapidly, contain
the ionotropic nicotinic receptors
Some nicotinic receptors found at axoaxonic synapses in the
brain, where they produce presynaptic facilitation (nicotine
Muscarinic Receptor – a metabotropic ACh receptor that is
stimulated by muscarine and blocked by atropine.
While the CNS contains both types of receptors, the muscarinic
receptors predominate
+ Figure 4.5 Drug Affects on Synaptic
The Monoamines
A class of amines that includes indolamine, such as serotonin; and
catecholamines, such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and
See Table 4.1
Dopamine (DA)
A catecholamine synthesized from L-DOPA.
DA can produce both EPSP and IPSP depending on the
postsynaptic receptor.
Movement, attention, learning, reinforcing effects of drugs of
Major CNS dopaminergic systems include (originate in
Nigrostriatal System (role in movement)
Mesolimbic System (role in reinforcement/reward)
Mesocortical System (role in short-term memory, planning,
and problem solving)
Figure 4.13 Dopaminergic Pathways in a Rat Brain
Nigrostrial = cell bodies in substantia nigra send axons to striatum = movement (parkinson’s)
Mesolimbic = VTA to limbic system including NA, AMYG, & HIP (NA important for rewarding
effects of stimuli including drugs of abuse)
Mesocortical = VTA to prefrontal cortex (short-term memories, planning and problem solving)
Parkinson’s Disease
Degeneration of DA neurons that connect the substantia
nigra with the caudate nucleus
Characterized by:
Tremors, rigidity of the limbs, poor balance, difficulty initiating
Treatment: L-DOPA, DA precursor
L-DOPA passes the BBB, unlike DA
Increased DA to be released by surviving DA neurons
Dopamine receptors
Several different types
All metabotropic
2 most common:
D1 receptors
Exclusively postsynaptic
D2 receptors
Found both presynaptically and postsynaptically
Cocaine – blocks DA reuptake
Amphetamine – causes transporter to run in reverse
Methylphenidate (ritalin) – blocks DA reuptake
May be involved in Schizophrenia
Hallucinations, delusions, disruption of normal, logical thought
Drugs – chlorpromazine blocks D2 receptors
+ Figure 4.5 Drug Affects on Synaptic
Norepinephrine (NE) – one of the catecholamines
a neurotransmitter found in the brain and in the sympathetic
division of the ANS.
Epinephrine – one of the catecholamines
a hormone secreted by the adrenal medulla; serves also as a
neurotransmitter in the brain.
Almost every region of the brain receives input from
noradrenergic neurons
The cell bodies of the most important noradrenergic system
are located in the locus coerulus
Locus Coeruleus (LC) – a dark-colored group of
noradrenergic cell bodies located in the pons near the
rostral end of the floor of the fourth ventricle.
Figure 4.16 Noradrenergic Pathways in a Rat Brain
Increased vigilance, attentiveness to events in the environment
Most neuron that release NE do not do
so at terminal buttons but through
axonal varicosities
Axonal Varicosities – beadlike
swellings of the axonal branches,
contains synaptic vesicles and
releases a neurotransmitter or
Adrenergic receptors (all sensitive to NE and E)
β1- and β2-adrenergic receptors
α1- and α2-adrenergic receptors
All are metabotropic, coupled to G proteins that control
production of second messengers
All are found in various organs in addition to the brain
Adrenergic receptors produce both excitatory and inhibitory
effects but, in general, the behavioral effects of NE release are
Serotonin (5-HT)
An indolamine neurotransmitter; also called 5-hydroxytryptamine.
Behavioral effects are complex
Regulation of mood
Control of eating, sleep and arousal
Regulation of pain
Most important clusters of serotonergic cell bodies are found in the
dorsal and medial raphe nuclei
Figure 4.18 Serotonergic Pathways in a Rat Brain
Like NE, 5-HT is released from varicosities rather than terminal
There are least 9 different types of 5-HT receptors
5-HT1A-1B, 5-HT1D-1F, 5-HT2A-2C and 5-HT3
all are metabotropic except the 5-HT3 receptor, which is
5-HT3 receptor controls a chloride channel, which means it
produces IPSPs
Drugs that inhibit the reuptake of 5-HT (SSRIs) treat mental illness
Fluoxetine – treats depression
Fenfluramine – treats obesity
Several hallucinogenic drugs produce their effects by
interacting with 5-HT transmission
LSD – distortions of visual perceptions
direct agonist for 5-HT2A
MDMA (ecstasy) – NE and 5-HT agonist
Excitatory and hallucinogenic effects
Causes NE and 5-HT transporters to backwards
Can damage 5-HT neurons and cause cognitive deficits
Amino Acids
An amino acid; the most important excitatory neurotransmitter in
the brain.
In addition to producing PSPs by activating postsynaptic
receptors, glutamate (and GABA) have direct excitatory and
inhibitory effects on axons; they raise or lower the threshold of
excitation, thus affecting the rate at which action potentials occur
Glutamate receptors
4 major types of glutamate receptors: 3 are ionotropic and named
after the artificial ligands that stimulate them. The other is
metabotropic (about 8 different subtypes)
Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor – a category of metabotropic
receptors that are sensitive to glutamate.
AMPA Receptor – an ionotropic glutamate receptor that controls
a sodium channel; stimulated by AMPA; most common.
Kainate Receptor – an ionotropic glutamate receptor that
controls a sodium channel; stimulated by kainic acid.
NMDA Receptor – a specialized ionotropic glutamate receptor
that controls a calcium channel that is normally blocked by
Mg2+ ions; contains at least 6 different binding sites.
+Figure 4.19 NMDA Receptor
4 binding sites on exterior and 2
binding sites deep in ion channel
•When channel is open both Na and
Ca ions move inside the cell, causes
•Ca also serves as 2nd messenger
and activate enzymes important for
learning and memory
•Must also have glycine binding for
channel to open
•Also Mg ion must not be attached to
Mg binding site
•Mg repelled if membrane is
partially depolarized
•Need glutamate & depolarization
•Voltage and NTS-dependent ion
PCP – angel dust
PCP, when attached to its binding site, prevents Ca from passing
into the ion channel
Not a natural ligand (not produced in the brain)
Alcohol serves as an antagonist of NMDA receptors
GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid)
An amino acid; the most important inhibitory neurotransmitter
in the brain.
Two types of GABA receptors
GABAA – ionotropic; controls a chloride channel
Complex; contains at least 5 different binding sites
GABAB – metabotropic; controls a potassium channel
Can be both a postsynaptic receptor and a presynaptic
+ Figure 4.20 GABA
•Barbiturates, steroids and
benzodiazepines all promote
activity of GABA receptor (indirect
•Picrotoxin inhibits activity of
GABA receptor (indirect
An amino acid; an important inhibitory neurotransmitter in the
lower brain stem and spinal cord.
Glycine receptor
Ionotropic; controls a chloride channel
 Peptides
2 or more amino acids linked together by peptide bonds
Released from all parts of the terminal button, not just from
active zone (only portion released into synaptic cleft
Others act on receptors belonging to neighboring cells
Most serve as neuromodulators; but some act as
Once released, they are destroyed by enzymes (no reuptake or recycling)
Sometimes co-released with a ‘classical’ neurotransmitter
 Peptides
Endogenous Opioids
 A class of peptides secreted by the brain that act like
opiates (opium, morphine, heroin).
 Enkephalin – one of the endogenous opioids.
Opiate receptors
 At least 3 different types: μ(mu), δ(delta) and κ(kappa)
* Opioid refers to endogenous chemicals and opiates refers to drugs
 Activation
of opiate receptors
Inhibits species-typical defensive response such as fleeing
and hiding
Simulates a system of neurons involved in reinforcement
Naloxone – a drug that blocks opiate receptors; reverse
opiate intoxication.
 Lipids
 Endogenous ligand for cannabinoid receptors
 CB1 and CB2
 Both are metabotropic
 CB1 receptors found in brain (frontal cortex, anterior
cingulate cortex, basal ganglia, cerebellum,
hypothalamus and hippocampus; very low levels in the
 CB2 receptors found outside the brain, in cells of the
immune system
 CB1 receptors serve as presynaptic heteroreceptors
Binds with THC, the active ingredient of marijuana.
 Analgesia, sedation, simulates appetite, reduces
nausea (cancer drugs), relieves asthma attacks,
decreases pressure in eye (glaucoma), reduces
symptoms of certain motor disorders
 Interferes with concentration and memory, alters
visual and auditory perception, and distorts
perceptions of the passage of time
 Anandamide
– the first cannabinoid to be
 2-arachidonyl
glycerol (2-AG)
Compounds that consist of a sugar molecule bound with a
purine or pyrimidine base.
 Adenosine – a nucleoside; a combination of ribose and
adenine; serves as a neuromodulator in the brain.
 Adenosine receptors are coupled to G proteins and open
potassium channels (IPSP)
 Caffeine – a drug that blocks adenosine receptors.
 Prolonged use of caffeine leads to a moderate amount of
 Withdrawal symptoms – headaches, drowsiness,
difficulty concentrating
 Caffeine does not produce compulsive drug-taking
 Lab animals will not self administer caffeine
Soluble Gases
Soluble Gases
NO and CO
Nitric Oxide (NO) – a gas produced by cells in the nervous
system; used as a means of communication between cells.
Released by diffusion as soon as it is produced
Triggers production of second messengers (cyclic GMP) in
adjacent cells
Control of muscles in the wall of the intestines
Dilates blood vessels in brain
Stimulates the changes in blood vessels that produce penile
May play a role in learning
Table 4.4!!!