Download Lecture 5 Sensory and Motor Systems

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Sensory and Motor Systems
Sensory System Principles
Specialized receptors
Limited receptive fields
Localization of stimuli
Complex neural pathways
Multiple representation in cortex
Sensory System Principles
• Specialized receptors
– Neurotransmitter receptors are replaced with
chemical- or mechanical motion- sensitive ion
gates which cause neuron depolarization, and in
most cases, action potentials.
– Two general types
• Slow adapting
– Sense stimulus for a longer period.
• Fast adapting
– Sense stimulus changes for a short period.
Sensory System Principles
• Limited receptive fields
– Each sensor responds to only part of the world.
• Localization of stimuli
– Localization by comparison of different views.
– The wider the sensor separation, the better the
Sensory System Principles
• Coding/Preprocessing
– Very little sensory information is used by the
nervous system exactly as it is transduced.
– High compression: many sensors, few neurons.
– Preprocessing and feature extraction.
– Allows the cortex to concentrate on
recognition, planning and response.
Sensory System Principles
• Complex neural pathways
– Most neuromuscular pathways are 1-2 neurons
– Most sensory pathways are 3-4 neurons
• More responses on different levels.
• Sensory systems can drive multiple centers.
• Multiple representations in cortex
– The same sense can be represented in multiple
ways in the cortex.
– Often related to the sensory feature extraction.
– Separate cortical areas for each sense.
The Senses
Vision (sight)
Olfaction (smell)
Gustation (taste)
Audition (hearing) / Vestibular (orientation)
Proprioception (body position)
Nociception (pain)
Chemosensors (BP, glucose, acidity, etc.)
• Probably one of the most important senses.
– Vision occupies a greater percentage of the
human cerebral cortex than any other sense.
• Almost all organisms are light sensitive and
can react to light intensity and/or direction.
• Ancient sense, possibly derived from a
symbiotic bacterial inclusion.
• Limited spectral range
– Humans see electromagnetic radiation in the
380-760 nm range,
which corresponds to
peaks of solar radiation.
– Insects can see UV.
– Snakes can see IR (heat).
– Polarized vision in some
• Eye anatomy
– Protective layers
• Cornea & sclera
– Deformable lens
– Fluid filled
– Photosensitive
retina, optic nerve
and blood supply
in rear
• Retina
– Rods
• Hi-sensitivity BW vision
– Cones
• Low-sensitivity color vision
– Blood supply
– Several layers of processing
• Light-sensitive cells involved in
circadian rhythms, not vision
– Tapetum in some species
• Rods
Night vision
Slowly adapting
120 million
Not in fovea
Cylindrical outer
segment with stack of
disks w/receptors
– Only one opsin
• Rhodopsin 498 nm (3)
• Cones
– Color vision
– Fast adapting
– 6 million, mostly in
– Conical outer segment
of stacked disks
– Three opsins
• Cyanolabe 437 nm (7)
• Chlorolabe 533 nm (X)
• Erythrolabe 564 nm (X)
• Vision receptors
– 7 TM receptor with
retinal-opsin sensory
– Retinal is derived from
Vitamin A.
– Opsin is frequency
(color) sensitive.
– Light stimulation
changes retinal
conformation & 2nd
messenger system.
– Releases glutamate
•2nd messenger transduction
•Single photon can be detected!
•Rods and cells produce graded potentials, no APs!
• Presence of cGMP
opens Na+ channels
• Dark
– cGMP keeps Na+
channels open
– Cell is depolarized
• Light
– 2nd messenger
system turns cGMP
into GMP
– No cGMP, Na+
channels close
– Cell hyperpolarizes
• Circadian sensor cells
• Newly discovered light-sensitive cells in the
inner ganglion layer of the retina project
directly to the suprachiasmic nucleus
(SCN), site of the human circadian clock.
• Sensitive pigment is melanopsin - a newly
discovered opsin (chromophore, derived
from vitamin B2).
• Retinal processing
– Receptors
• Graded potentials, gap junctions, hyperpolarize in light
– Horizontal cells
• L-type (luminosity) hyperpolarize in all light
• C-type (color) hyperpolarizes only for certain colors
• Only inhibitory
– Bipolar cells
• Concentric oppositional surround response
• 1:1 bypass for foveal receptors only
• Retinal processing
– Amacrine cells
• Seem to be responsive to changes
• Gets input from midbrain in some species
– Ganglion cells
First to generate action potentials
800,000 outputs (150:1 for rods, 8:1 for cones)
X (slow moving objects in fovea)
Y (fast moving objects in periphery)
W (orientation specific, vestigal in humans)
M (moving object detection, transient)
P (form, color, and fine detail, sustained)
- - + - - + + + - - + - -
• Anopsias
– Partial field of view
– Hemianopsia = ½ field
• Lesions before LGN
– Semi-hemianopsia =
¼ of field
• Lesions after LGN
4, 5
• Lateral Geniculate
Nucleus (LGN) in
– 80% of optic nerve
– Left hemi-fields of both
eyes project to right LGN
of the thalamus and then
onto the V1 cortex.
Both the LGN and Superior Colliculus are mapped retinotopically
• Superior Colliculi
– 20% of optic nerves project to 3 (of 7) most
superficial layers of the superior colliculi.
– Other 4 layers receive projections from
auditory and somatosensory systems.
– Topographically mapped – each column
corresponds to a spatial direction.
– Outputs project to ocular muscles, tectospinal
area (head and neck movements) and pulvinar
area of the thalamus (attention).
• Cortical cell types
– Simple
• Responsive to linear edges that fall on receptive area
– Complex
• Responsive to linear edges of preferred orientation
anywhere in the visual field
– Hypercomplex
• Additionally responsive to edge length, angles,
corners, and discontinuities
• Visual cortex
– V1, Brodmann area 17,
Striate cortex, orientation
– V2, Brodmann 18
– V3, Brodmann 19 shape
– V4, color
– V5, middle temporal
(MT) and inferotemporal
(IT) cortex, motion
– V6, depth
All of LGN output.
Mostly simple cells.
Ocular dominance.
Orientation sensitive.
Foveal area
- - - +
- - + - + - + - - -
- +
- +
+ + -
• V2, Brodmann’s area 18
Only covers central 50% of visual field.
Mostly complex and simple cells.
Larger receptive fields than V1.
80% of cells respond to ocular disparity (i.e.
distance sensitive).
– Electrical stimulation produces fully formed
and recognizable hallucinations (people,
animals, familiar objects, etc.).
• V3 (Shape, What?)
Very large receptive field, almost entire FOV
Prefers static and slow moving objects
Primary shape discrimination area
• Complex and hypercomplex cells decode shapes
from edges, angles, corners, discontinuities and
• V4 (Color)
– Color and texture processing
• V5 (Motion)
– Middle temporal cortex (MT in monkeys)
• Insensitive to color
• Prefers motion of 5-100 deg/sec either across the
field or towards/away from the eye.
• Some nerves respond to particular speeds and others
to disparities between near and far objects.
– Inferotemporal cortex
• Some respond to very specific shapes (i.e. faces) and
respond less if any component is missing (ex. nose).
• V6 (Depth)
Olfactory Neurons
• Specialized for the
detection of
airborne aromas.
• Two sets of
sensors in animals
– Smell for foods
– Smell for sex
(VNO is
degenerate in
human adults)
Olfactory Neurons
Olfactory Neurons
• Transduction
– Sensitive to over
2000 odorants, over
10% of genome!
– By 2nd messenger
– Odorant binds to Gprotein receptor
– G-protein activates
adenylyl cyclase
producing cAMP
– cAMP opens Na+
• Most senses project
• Gustatory and olfactory
neurons project primarily
• Some neurons are
diverted to control centers
in the medulla which
control swallowing,
salivation, gagging,
vomiting, digestion, etc.
• Somatosensory pathway
– Cell bodies in dorsal root ganglia
– Spinothalamic tract (lateral)
• Pain and temperature
• Cross cord at entry level and ascend contralaterally
– Dorsal columns
• Precise touch
• Ascend ipsilaterally until medulla, then crosses
– Synapse in medial lemniscus of thalamus
– Somatotopic primary somatosensory cortex on
postcentral gyrus (contralateral to sensors).
Spinal Reflexes
– Afferent (sensory) nerve enters cord thru dorsal root.
– Synapses either directly on efferent nerve, or an
intermediary (interneuron) in spinal cord.
– Intermediaries can cross to opposite side.
– Efferent (motor) nerve leaves ventral root.
– Status sent to brain, which can modulate response.
Spinal Reflexes
• Ex: Knee-jerk reflex
(patellar tendon reflex)
– Spinal reflexes normally act to
keep flexors and extensors in
balance (no motion).
– The doctor’s hammer stretches the
quadriceps tendon (as if knee was
– Stretch receptors synapse in spinal
cord on quadriceps motor neurons.
– Quadriceps contract and knee
extends to counter the “flexing”
Neural Control of Movement
• Several parts necessary for movement:
– Sensory nerves (input)
• Proprioceptors
• Touch sensors
• Vestibular sensors
– Something to control the process:
• Spinal (reflex) control of movement (involuntary)
• Brain control of movement (voluntary)
– Muscles (output)
Involuntary Motor Control
• Reflexes
– In spinal cord
– Uni- or bi-lateral
– Can be sensed and
moderated by the cortex
• Balance
– Vestibular sensors
– Vestibular nuceli (VN) of
– Ventromedial pathways
Voluntary Motor Control
• Motivation (what?)
– Frontal lobe
• Strategy (how?)
– SMA, PMA, basal ganglia &
posterior parietal cortices
• Tactics (details)
– Pre-motor cortex and
• Execution
– Primary motor cortex,
brainstem, spinal cord and
Voluntary Motor Control
• Voluntary movements
– Thought originates in frontal cortex.
– Posterior parietal area knows body position.
– Descends to the basal ganglia (caudate nucleus,
putamen and globus pallidus) for focusing.
– Proceeds to premotor cortex for preplanning.
– Cerebellum coordinates multiple muscles and is
responsible for “motor memory.”
– Then onto primary motor cortex on the precentral
gyrus for final movement commands.
– Lateral descending pathways to effector muscles.
Voluntary Motor Control
Dopamine inhibits the basal ganglia from inhibiting movement.
The Cerebellum
• Contains over 50% of CNS neurons!
It must be important!
• Cerebellum coordinates complex sequences of
actions by many muscles.
• Takes an idea of a motion apart, and returns
details of force, direction and timing.
• Lesions result in ataxias. Alcohol-induced
cerebellar inhibition causes same
uncoordinated and inaccurate movements.
The Cerebellum
• Important site of motor learning
• Consider ballistic motions - they are too fast
for sensory information to be incorporated, so
they must be based on estimations.
• These estimations can only be made on the
basis of experience, which must be adjusted
and fine-tuned over time.
• “Practice makes perfect”
Descending Pathways
• Lateral pathway
– Corticospinal and
rubrospinal tracts
– Voluntary movements
controlled by the
• Ventromedial pathway
– Tectospinal,
reticulospinal tracts
– Involuntary
movements controlled
by the brainstem
– Balance & visual
• Made of interleaved
bundles of myosin
and actin.
• Tropomyosin heads
on myosin ratchet
and walk down the
actin fibers,
shortening the
• One alpha motor neuron and all of its
associated muscle fibers are collectively
known as a motor unit.
• Motor units can only fire as a unit, fiber
contraction is all or nothing.
• Strength of muscle contraction is controlled
by the recruitment of varying numbers of
motor units.
• Function similar to neurons.
• All efferent motor neurons all emit acetylcholine
(ACh) from their terminal buttons.
• Nicotinic ACh receptors (Na+) on muscles cause an
EPSP in the muscle unit.
• Muscle depolarization allows influx of Ca++ into
muscle and Ca++ release from sarcolemma.
• Ca++ causes tropomyosin heads to ratchet.
• The two sets of actin fibers surrounding the myosin
are drawn together.