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Subject/Course Title: Biology-H
Unit Title/Skill Set: 7-8 Biotech and Patterns of
Overview: This unit explores various tools and applications of biotechnology that
impact the fields of medicine, forensics and agriculture and examines the
functional relationships between DNA, genes, alleles and chromosomes and how
observed patterns of inheritance and mathematical probability can be used to
predict genotypes and phenotypes.
Unit Essential Question(s): How do biotechnologies impact the fields of medicine,
forensics and agriculture?
How can observed patterns of inheritance be used to predict genotypes and phenotypes
of offspring?
Unit Competencies as Do Now’s
* What students need to be able to do (skills)
1. Describe tools used in genetic engineering.
2. Describe applications of genetic engineering.
3. Explain how genetic engineering has impacted the fields of medicine, forensics, and agriculture.
4 Explain the functional relationships between DNA, genes, alleles, and chromosomes and their roles in
9. Describe and/or predict observed patterns of inheritance.
Unit Concepts as Guided Reading Assignments
*What students need to know
Tools of genetic engineering
o Gel electrophoresis
o Restriction enzymes
o Bacterial and viral plasmids
o Recombinant DNA
o Gene splicing
o Selective breeding
o Cloning
o DNA Sequencing
Applications of genetic engineering
o DNA fingerprinting
o Genetically modified organisms in medicine and agriculture
o Gene Therapy
o Stem cell therapy
Human Genome Project
Common patterns of inheritance
Tools for predicting patterns of inheritance
o Punnett square
o Pedigree
o Mathematics of probability
Relationship between genotype and phenotype
Every reading assignment is expected to be completed BEFORE you come to class. Confused
about the reading? Prepare questions to ask in class AS YOU READ.
Be a Scout and Be Prepared…Reading quizzes may be given at ANY time.
Homework is due ON THE DUE DATE (Sectionals—Turn in on the due date…Field trips
and illnesses—turn in on your first day back.).
Do Now’s are to be completed in class and turned in THAT BLOCK. (Absent??—Turn in
first day back. Questions on the reading that goes with the Do Now??—Turn in written
question specifying what you don’t understand. Be specific. Don’t say, “I don’t get it”.)
Vocabulary understanding is necessary. Attend to the words at the beginning of each
chapter, or words that you encounter that are new to you.
6. **In order for you to participate in structured activities and labs, you must have
your Guided Reading up-to-date as well as your vocabulary.
Homework/Due Dates
Biotech-Guided Reading, corrections
Read: Biotech packet reading
Biotech/Genetics Bubblegram
For additional info: Ch 13
Vocab Game: Strip Match
Guided Reading, corrections
Read: Ch 9, 11, 12
Vocab Game: Pictionary
Watch: videos: Amoeba Sisters episodes
14, 16, 17, 18 at:
Amoeba Sisters biology episodes in
DUE: Day 4 Bgram answers
Dominant, recessive, incomplete
DUE: Biotech Guided reading
dominance, codominance, genotype,
Lab: Penny Toss
Punnett Square practice
DUE: Day 6-Genetics Guided reading
Sex-linked traits, Pedigrees
Labs-Spot, Pure Gold
Sex-Linked Inheritance:
Interpreting Information in a Pedigree
Applied Genetics-Pedigree
Blood types, Polygenic
Labs-A Quick Switch (Blood types)
Genetic disorders
DUE: Do Now’s
Lab-Genetic Disorder
DUE: Disorder Lab
TBD Genetics Test
Biotech/Genetics Vocabulary
1. Biotechnology-Any procedure or methodology that uses biological systems or
living organisms to develop or modify either products or processes for specific
use. This term is commonly associated with genetic engineering, which is one of
many applications.
2. Cloning-A process in which a cell’s chromosomes, which are diploid, are
transferred to an egg whose own chromosomes have been deleted. The egg cell
containing the diploid donor chromosomes are then implanted in a uterus and
develop into an exact copy of the donor organism.
3. Do-dominance-A pattern of inheritance in which the phenotypic effect of two
alleles in a heterozygous organism are seen equally in the phenotype.
4. Dominant Inheritance-A pattern of inheritance in which the allele (capital) is seen
in the phenotype when combined with another like it OR when combined with a
recessive (lower case).
5. Gene Recombination-A natural process in which DNA is broken and then joined
to a different molecule. An example is crossing-over.
6. Gene Splicing-A type of gene recombination in which the DNA is intentionally
broken and recombined using laboratory process. The resulting organism shows
traits that were not original to the organism. An example: Human insulin
producing bacteria.
7. Gene Therapy-The intentional insertion, alteration, or deletion of genes within an
individual’s cells and tissues for the purpose of treating a disease.
8. Genetic Engineering-A technology that includes the process of manipulating or
altering the genetic material of a cell resulting in desirable functions or outcomes
that would not occur naturally. Examples would include the use of #5, 6, 7.
9. Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)-An organism whose genetic material has
been altered through some genetic engineering technology or technique. Ex: Corn
that has a gene resisting corn borer (a larvae that eats corn).
10. Genetics-The scientific study of inheritance.
11. Genotype-The genetic composition of an organism with reference to the
combination of alleles that code for specific proteins. Uses capital/lower case
12. Incomplete Dominance-A pattern of inheritance in which two alleles show an inbetween phenotype. Ex: Red (R) crossed with White (W) yields Pink (RW).
13. Inheritance-The process in which genetic material is passed from parents to
14. Nondisjunction-The process in which sister chromatids fail to separate during and
after mitosis or meiosis. Ex: 3 chromosome #21 produces Down’s Syndrome.
15. Phenotype-The observable expression (proteins) of the genotype. Uses adjectives
to describe.
16. Polygenic Trait-A trait in which the phenotype is controlled by two or more genes
at different locations on different chromosomes. Ex: Height, skin color, hair color.
Those traits that have many phenotypes outcomes.
17. Recessive Inheritance-A pattern of inheritance in which the phenotype (what you
see) is produced only when combined with another recessive (lower case). Ex: bb
produces blue eyes, whereas Bb produces brown eyes.
18. Selective Breeding-The process of mating specific parents to produce a specific
outcome in offspring. Ex: Triple Crown winning stallion mated with a Triple
Crown winning mare.
19. Sex-Linked Traits-A trait that is carried on the X sex chromosome by either the
male or female parent. Ex: Color-blindness, hemophilia.
BioTech Vocab Strip Match
 Choose any ten words from the Biotech section of the unit.
 Write the word in the left box.
 Write the definition in the right box.
 Cut on the horizontal strip lines.
 Cut on the vertical lines between the word and definition.
 Leave them at your seat.
 Move to another student seat.
 On the signal from me, match the word and definition.
 Be the first to yell, ‘Strip Match Vocab!’ and win a prize.
Genetics Pictionary
 Choose any ten words from the Genetics section of the unit.
 Draw a model of the word in the left box.
 Write the definition in the right box.
 Cut on the horizontal strip lines.
 Cut on the vertical lines between the word and definition.
 Leave them at your seat.
 Move to another student seat.
 On the signal from me, match the word and definition.
 Be the first to yell, ‘Genetics Pictionary!’ and win a prize.
Biotech Unit Reading
Name ________________________
Restriction Enzyme (#1, 2, 3 are recall from unit 2 and 3).
_______________ or ________________1. An enzyme either __ or __ bonds.
_____________________2. If it makes bonds, energy is __.
_____________________3. If it breaks bonds, energy is ___.
_____________________4. In genetic engineering, either adding genes to a
chromosome, or cutting genes out of a chromosome, ___ enzymes are said to ‘digest’ a
specific segment of genes. When the enzyme does this, the chromosomes appear as
broken with two pieces of chromatid and bases without their opposite complementary
bases attached.
_________________5. The ends without complementary base pairs are said to be __.
_____________________6. There are typically three different restriction enzymes
commonly use that target specific base pair sequences. The restriction enzymes are
common found in ___, a prokaryote.
_____________________7. Originally in the bacteria, the enzyme provided a defense
mechanism against invading ___.
___________________8. Over ___ enzymes have been studied in detail. Over ___
have been made commercial (for sale to a vast audience.).
Look at the bacteria model with its DNA and Plasmids.
_____________________9. What are plasmids thought to contribute to bacteria that
would benefit it?
_______Stop! Ask your teacher to review your work and sign here.
Vector—A living organism that is a carrier for some other living organism. An example
would be a mosquito (the vector) that carries a parasite in its saliva. When it bites a
human, the parasite is injected into human blood vessels and then the parasite starts to
reproduce. This parasite causes malaria. In bacteria, a vector is used to carry gene
segments to other bacteria, creating diversity where there would otherwise only be clone
___________________ ____________________10. How do bacteria reproduce?
___________11. If the offspring are genetically identical to the parent, it will be called
______________________12. A __ is a DNA molecule that is used to artificially carry
foreign genes into a different cell.
Biotech Unit Reading
Page 2
Re—To do something over again. To make new.
Combine—To add one thing to another thing to make a completely new thing. You can
think of it this way: A + B = C
_________ 13. This is the name for the vector
containing foreign DNA which can then be attached to another organisms’ genes.
_____________ _______________, ________________,
and _____________________ _____________________ 14. are four types of vectors.
Selectable marker—A known area of nucleotide (phosphate, sugar, base) with specific
base sequences.
Insert—To put one thing into another.
Transgene—The new
________________________15. The ‘backbone’ of the vector holds the __ sequence.
16. _____________________, ____________________, or ________________ is the
purpose of the vector in the target cell (where the new combination of genes will be).
Promoter—The gene that sort of ‘starts’ the inserted transgene working.
____________________17. For bacteria, __ is the insertion of a vector into a target cell.
____________________18. For eukaryotes, __ is the insertion of a vector into a target.
____________________19. For viruses, __ is the insertion of a vector into the target.
________Stop! Ask your teacher to review your work and sign here.
Cloning Vectors
_____________________ ________________ 20. A DNA molecule that carries
foreign DNA into a host cell, replicates inside that cell, and produces many copies of
itself and the foreign DNA.
Cloning vectors have three types of features:
1. Base pair sequences that make the host produce copies of the inserted
2. A specific location for ‘inserting’, or adding foreign DNA.
3. A site that ‘marks’ for specific traits such as drug resistance.
Biotech Unit Reading
Types of cloning vectors:
Page 3
_________________21. An extra, small circular piece of DNA inside the bactea.
_________________22. Line of DNA segment that can be cut out of the bacteria
without changing the bacteria’s life cycle.
_________________23. A sort of mix of plasmid and phage circle of DNA.
_________________24. Bacteria mini-plasmids.
_________________25. A segment of yeast chromosome able to be cloned.
Steps of Cloning with Any Vector
1. Cut the vector (the carrier of the DNA you want to insert) so that
it has the ‘sticky ends’; the opposite base pairings.
2. ‘Glue’ the foreign DNA with the enzyme ligase.
3. Insert the new DNA into bacteria or yeast cells.
4. Check all of the new cells to be certain that they contain the newly added
DNA by finding the ‘marker’. This is usually a drug resistance DNA.
___________STOP!! Ask your teacher to check your work and sign.
Insulin Gene models:
Look at the models of how to transfer the gene for making insulin into bacteria cells.
Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas. When you eat something containing
glucose (sugar), insulin breaks it down into small molecules that are easier to digest.
This process releases ATP energy.
If your pancreas is not producing enough insulin, you have too much undigested
sugar traveling around in your blood. This causes you to be dizzy, disoriented, and
could eventually cause death. The disease is called diabetes.
Diabetes can be caused by trauma (an accident) to your pancreas, OR you can
become diabetic by eating so much food with sugar in it that your pancreas simply
can’t keep up with it and quits working OR you can become diabetic because you
have faulty genes.
Diabetes can be treated by controlling your intake of calories/sugar, and by taking
an artificial insulin made by bacteria that have had the insulin gene inserted into
them. These bacteria produce lots of insulin in a sterile environment and is much
less expensive that harvesting insulin from slaughterhouse pig pancreas. The
bacteria are known as genetically modified organisms, or GMO’s.
Biotech Unit Reading
Page 4
Some people think that ANY genetically modified organism is bad for the
environment, bad for humans, and just a bad idea in general.
26. Make ONE of the models here. Use a title and labels.
Write one or two sentences explaining one part of the model.
Sticky ends
________________________________27. What type of macromolecule is ligase?
________________________________28. What does the ligase do to the ‘sticky ends’?
__________Ask your teacher to check your work and sign.
Biotech Unit Reading
Page 5
___________________________29. This process is a special technique used in genetic
engineering to separate and identify DNA fragments that you want to clone or identify.
___________30. This chops (digests) the DNA into pieces.
_____________ ____________31. Dye the DNA. Inject it into the __ __ , which
allows the DNA to move through it. It’s like a thick jello solution.
___________32. Run an __ __ through this thick substance.
__________________33. After some time passes, the DNA has ‘run’ from the negative
end nearest the well, to the positive end and has formed ___.
Look at the diagram of the electrophoresis set up with the wells at the top end.
__________________34. The larger and heavier fragments of DNA are at the __ end.
__________________35. The smaller and lighter fragments of DNA are at the __ end.
__________________36. The DNA moves from the negative end to the positive end
because the phosphates have a slight negative charge. They are therefore attracted to the
__ electrode.
DNA electrophoresis has three main uses:
1. Makes picking a particular DNA fragment that you want to use easier to find.
2. Makes it easier to map the genes on the DNA by identifying the AT/CG pairs.
3. Makes it easier to identify hair, blood, saliva, semen, skin cells etc. and match them
with the person they came from. This is useful in criminal investigations.
_________STOP!! Ask your teacher to check your work and sign.
DNA fingerprinting
__________________________________37. The researcher who developed DNA
___________ ___________ ___________________38. The process that may be
replacing DNA fingerprinting. A much smaller sample amount is needed for this process.
___________________________________38. This is the photographic image of the
electrophoresis type image showing the bands of genes on chromosomes.
________________________40. By comparing a mother, a child and two potential
‘fathers’, ___ cases can determined.
Biotech Unit Reading
Page 6
41. Explain how you can identify the unknown father:
_______STOP!! Ask your teacher to check your work and sign.
42. Read the instructions for the DNA ‘Fingerprinting’ Worksheet. Do the activity.
Write the results below in the box.
Letters that are Letters that are Letters that are alike for Letters that are
alike for M/C/F alike for M/C/F
alike for M/C/F
Write a sentence telling if the alleged father is the father. Why or why not?
_________STOP!! Ask your teacher to check your work and sign.
Biotechnology Guided Reading Text
Restriction Enzyme
A restriction enzyme is a tool used in genetic engineering that "chops up" (or technically, digests) DNA at
designated nucleotide locations along the DNA chain. Every different type of restriction enzyme has a
different place where it will "cut" the DNA. Common restriction enzymes include EcoRI, HindIII, and
HpaI. Restriction enzymes are synthesized in certain bacterial cells.
Restriction Enzyme
A restriction enzyme (or restriction endonuclease) is an enzyme that cuts DNA at or near specific
recognition nucleotide sequences known as restriction sites.[1][2][3] Restriction enzymes are commonly
classified into three types, which differ in their structure and whether they cut their DNA substrate at their
recognition site, or if the recognition and cleavage sites are separate from one another. To cut DNA, all
restriction enzymes make two incisions, once through each sugar-phosphate backbone (i.e. each strand) of
the DNA double helix.
These enzymes are found in bacteria and archaea and provide a defense mechanism against invading
viruses.[4][5] Inside a prokaryote, the restriction enzymes selectively cut up foreign DNA in a process called
restriction; while host DNA is protected by a modification enzyme (a methylase) that modifies the
prokaryotic DNA and blocks cleavage. Together, these two processes form the restriction modification
Over 3000 restriction enzymes have been studied in detail, and more than 600 of these are available
commercially.[7] These enzymes are routinely used for DNA modification in laboratories, and are a vital
tool in molecular cloning.[8][9][10]
Figure 1: Illustration of a bacterium with plasmid enclosed showing chromosomal DNA and plasmids.
A plasmid is a small DNA molecule that is physically separate from, and can replicate independently of,
chromosomal DNA within a cell. Most commonly found as small circular, double-stranded DNA molecules
in bacteria, plasmids are sometimes present in archaea and eukaryotic organisms. In nature, plasmids carry
genes that may benefit survival of the organism (e.g. antibiotic resistance), and can frequently be
transmitted from one bacterium to another (even of another species) via horizontal gene transfer. Artificial
plasmids are widely used as vectors in molecular cloning, serving to drive the replication of recombinant
DNA sequences within host organisms.[1]
In molecular cloning, a vector is a DNA molecule used as a vehicle to artificially carry foreign genetic
material into another cell, where it can be replicated and/or expressed. A vector containing foreign DNA is
termed recombinant DNA. The four major types of vectors are plasmids, viral vectors, cosmids, and
artificial chromosomes. Common to all engineered vectors are an origin of replication, a multicloning site,
and a selectable marker.
The vector itself is generally a DNA sequence that consists of an insert (transgene) and a larger sequence
that serves as the "backbone" of the vector. The purpose of a vector which transfers genetic information to
another cell is typically to isolate, multiply, or express the insert in the target cell. Vectors called expression
vectors (expression constructs) specifically are for the expression of the transgene in the target cell, and
generally have a promoter sequence that drives expression of the transgene. Simpler vectors called
transcription vectors are only capable of being transcribed but not translated: they can be replicated in a
target cell but not expressed, unlike expression vectors. Transcription vectors are used to amplify their
Insertion of a vector into the target cell is usually called transformation for bacterial cells, transfection for
eukaryotic cells, although insertion of a viral vector is often called transduction.
Cloning Vectors
The molecular analysis of DNA has been made possible by the cloning of DNA. The two
molecules that are required for cloning are the DNA to be cloned and a cloning vector.
Cloning vector - a DNA molecule that carries foreign DNA into a host cell, replicates inside a
bacterial (or yeast) cell and produces many copies of itself and the foreign DNA
Three features of all cloning vectors
1. sequences that permit the propagation of itself in bacteria (or in yeast for YACs)
2. a cloning site to insert foreign DNA; the most versatile vectors contain a site that can be
cut by many restriction enzymes
3. a method of selecting for bacteria (or yeast for YACs) containing a vector with foreign
DNA; uually accomplished by selectable markers for drug resistance
Types of Cloning Vectors
Plasmid - an extrachromosomal circular DNA molecule that autonomously replicates
inside the bacterial cell; cloning limit: 100 to 10,000 base pairs or 0.1-10 kilobases (kb)
Phage - derivatives of bacteriophage lambda; linear DNA molecules, whose region can
be replaced with foreign DNA without disrupting its life cycle; cloning limit: 8-20 kb
Cosmids - an extrachromosomal circular DNA molecule that combines features of
plasmids and phage; cloning limit - 35-50 kb
Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes (BAC) - based on bacterial mini-F plasmids. cloning
limit: 75-300 kb
Yeast Artificial Chromosomes (YAC) - an artificial chromosome that contains
telomeres, origin of replication, a yeast centromere, and a selectable marker for
identification in yeast cells; cloning limit: 100-1000 kb
General Steps of Cloning with Any Vector
1. prepare the vector and DNA to be cloned by digestion with restriction enzymes to
generate complementary ends
2. ligate the foreign DNA into the vector with the enzyme DNA ligase
3. introduce the DNA into bacterial cells (or yeast cells for YACs) by transformation
4. select cells containing foreign DNA by screening for selectable markers (usually drug
Copyright © 1997. Phi
llip McClean
Sticky ends
DNA end or sticky end refers to the properties of the end of a molecule of DNA or a recombinant DNA
molecule. The concept is important in molecular biology, especially in cloning or when subcloning inserts
DNA into vector DNA. All the terms can also be used in reference to RNA. The sticky ends or cohesive
ends form base pairs. Any two complementary cohesive ends can anneal, even those from two different
organisms. This bondage is temporary however, and DNA ligase will eventually form a covalent bond
between the sugar-phosphate residue of adjacent nucleotides to join the two molecules together.
In biochemistry, ligase (from the Latin verb ligāre — "to bind" or "to glue together") is an enzyme that can
catalyze the joining of two large molecules by forming a new chemical bond, usually with accompanying
hydrolysis of a small chemical group dependent to one of the larger molecules or the enzyme catalyzing the
linking together of two compounds, e.g., enzymes that catalyze joining of C-O, C-S, C-N, etc. In general, a
ligase catalyzes the following reaction:
Ab + C → A–C + b or sometimes Ab + cD → A–D + b + c where the lowercase letters signify
the small, dependent groups.
Sorting out all the pieces
Electrophoresis is a special technique used in genetic engineering to separate and identify DNA
fragments. Here's a brief overview of how this process works:
Chop up the DNA into little pieces by using something known as a
enzyme. More than one enzyme may be used if necessary. This is technically known as
"digesting" the DNA.
Gather up the digested DNA and dye it if necessary. it up into an instrument known as a
micropipeter and inject it into a well in the agarose gel. This gel is a special type of gel that
allows the DNA to move through it.
Run an electrical current through the agarose gel. The current should run such that the negative
electrode is nearest the wells, and the positive electrode is at the opposite end.
After running the current for the designated time, you will see the little pieces of DNA have
moved down through the gel and have formed lines. Below is a diagram of what this should
finally look like:
The DNA fragments move because the DNA backbone contains the phosphate ion, which is charged
slightly negative. Remember that "opposites attract" so the negatively-charged DNA makes its way
towards the positive electrode. As shown by the diagram, the smaller pieces move farther than the larger
pieces. For an analogy of why this happens, picture a mouse and an elephant running through a dense
redwood forest. The smaller mouse doesn't have to slow down to knock down the trees or find a wideenough path to fit through, so it can make it though the dense forest much faster than the larger
elephant. Similarly, it's easier for the smaller pieces to move farther through the agarose gel.
But how is this useful?
DNA electrophoresis has three main uses:
1) To isolate DNA fragments so that they can be incorporated into
plasmid or some other
vector. Once this is done, the
host cell can begin producing the useful protein that is produced by
the gene within that DNA fragment.
2) To map DNA so that we know the exact order of the nucleic acid
base pairs (A, T, C, or G) along a DNA strand.
3) To perform DNA Fingerprinting, which can be used to test
organic items, such as hair or blood, and match them with the person
that they came from. This is useful in criminal investigations.
Genetics Disorders
Sometimes, chromosomes in gamete cells become damaged and carry mutations on their
genes. When this happens, the mutations may be passed on to offspring. When an
organism is born with a mutation caused in this manner, it is called a disorder (a disease
is something you catch from someone else). Disorders are usually thought of as those
mutations that cause problems in life processes, such as metabolic disorders, reproductive
disorders, muscular disorders, neurological disorders, etc. They may range in severity
from minimal (not serious at all) to lethal (will kill the organism). Most frequently,
disorder mutations, because they are carried in every cell of the body, are difficult to
impossible to treat. It is estimated that the cells in a human body make approximately
20,000 copies every day. That’s a lot of mutation that gets copied!
1. You will read about the disorders listed on your handout.
2. Choose 2 recessive traits, 1 dominant trait, 1 meiosis mutation, 1 heterozygous
3. Complete the chart for these traits.
4. Choose one disorder for which to make a model.
a. The model must have a Title, and labels  .
b. You must identify cause and effect of the disorder.
Discussion Questions, Choose two to complete:
1. Using a graphic organizer, compare and contrast traits inheritances patterns that
are dominant, recessive, heterozygous, and meiosis mutations.
2. Using actual disorders, compare the symptoms of traits with inheritance patters
that are dominant, recessive, heterozygous, and meiosis mutations.
3. Use unit packet material as evidence (any of the ‘mini’ lab activities) to:
a. Explain one inheritance pattern using specific examples. For example, you
may choose sex-linked traits and use the hemophilia activity to explain
how the trait is passed, and who is more likely to inherit it and why.
i. Who is more likely to inherit
ii. How does he/she inherit
iii. Why does he/she inherit
b. Make either Punnett squares or meiosis as a visual aid.
c. Make a key.
d. Identify which offspring are affected.
Patterns of Inheritance-Genetics Do Now’s
*Rephrase the question in your answer.
*Use complete sentences with punctuation.
Biotech Unit Reading
Name ________________________
Restriction Enzyme (#1, 2, 3 are recall from unit 2 and 3).
_______________ or ________________1. An enzyme either __ or __ bonds.
_____________________2. If it makes bonds, energy is __.
_____________________3. If it breaks bonds, energy is ___.
_____________________4. In genetic engineering, either adding genes to a
chromosome, or cutting genes out of a chromosome, ___ enzymes are said to ‘digest’ a
specific segment of genes. When the enzyme does this, the chromosomes appear as
broken with two pieces of chromatid and bases without their opposite complementary
bases attached.
_________________5. The ends without complementary base pairs are said to be __.
_____________________6. There are typically three different restriction enzymes
commonly use that target specific base pair sequences. The restriction enzymes are
common found in ___, a prokaryote.
_____________________7. Originally in the bacteria, the enzyme provided a defense
mechanism against invading ___.
___________________8. Over ___ enzymes have been studied in detail. Over ___
have been made commercial (for sale to a vast audience.).
Look at the bacteria model with its DNA and Plasmids.
_____________________9. What are plasmids thought to contribute to bacteria that
would benefit it?
_______Stop! Ask your teacher to review your work and sign here.
Vector—A living organism that is a carrier for some other living organism. An example
would be a mosquito (the vector) that carries a parasite in its saliva. When it bites a
human, the parasite is injected into human blood vessels and then the parasite starts to
reproduce. This parasite causes malaria. In bacteria, a vector is used to carry gene
segments to other bacteria, creating diversity where there would otherwise only be clone
___________________ ____________________10. How do bacteria reproduce?
___________11. If the offspring are genetically identical to the parent, it will be called
______________________12. A __ is a DNA molecule that is used to artificially carry
foreign genes into a different cell.
Biotech Unit Reading
Page 2
Re—To do something over again. To make new.
Combine—To add one thing to another thing to make a completely new thing. You can
think of it this way: A + B = C
_________ 13. This is the name for the vector
containing foreign DNA which can then be attached to another organisms’ genes.
_____________ _______________, ________________,
and _____________________ _____________________ 14. are four types of vectors.
Selectable marker—A known area of nucleotide (phosphate, sugar, base) with specific
base sequences.
Insert—To put one thing into another.
Transgene—The new
________________________15. The ‘backbone’ of the vector holds the __ sequence.
16. _____________________, ____________________, or ________________ is the
purpose of the vector in the target cell (where the new combination of genes will be).
Promoter—The gene that sort of ‘starts’ the inserted transgene working.
____________________17. For bacteria, __ is the insertion of a vector into a target cell.
____________________18. For eukaryotes, __ is the insertion of a vector into a target.
____________________19. For viruses, __ is the insertion of a vector into the target.
________Stop! Ask your teacher to review your work and sign here.
Cloning Vectors
_____________________ ________________ 20. A DNA molecule that carries
foreign DNA into a host cell, replicates inside that cell, and produces many copies of
itself and the foreign DNA.
Cloning vectors have three types of features:
1. Base pair sequences that make the host produce copies of the inserted
2. A specific location for ‘inserting’, or adding foreign DNA.
3. A site that ‘marks’ for specific traits such as drug resistance.
Biotech Unit Reading
Types of cloning vectors:
Page 3
_________________21. An extra, small circular piece of DNA inside the bactea.
_________________22. Line of DNA segment that can be cut out of the bacteria
without changing the bacteria’s life cycle.
_________________23. A sort of mix of plasmid and phage circle of DNA.
_________________24. Bacteria mini-plasmids.
_________________25. A segment of yeast chromosome able to be cloned.
Steps of Cloning with Any Vector
1. Cut the vector (the carrier of the DNA you want to insert) so that
it has the ‘sticky ends’; the opposite base pairings.
2. ‘Glue’ the foreign DNA with the enzyme ligase.
3. Insert the new DNA into bacteria or yeast cells.
4. Check all of the new cells to be certain that they contain the newly added
DNA by finding the ‘marker’. This is usually a drug resistance DNA.
___________STOP!! Ask your teacher to check your work and sign.
Insulin Gene models:
Look at the models of how to transfer the gene for making insulin into bacteria cells.
Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas. When you eat something containing
glucose (sugar), insulin breaks it down into small molecules that are easier to digest.
This process releases ATP energy.
If your pancreas is not producing enough insulin, you have too much undigested
sugar traveling around in your blood. This causes you to be dizzy, disoriented, and
could eventually cause death. The disease is called diabetes.
Diabetes can be caused by trauma (an accident) to your pancreas, OR you can
become diabetic by eating so much food with sugar in it that your pancreas simply
can’t keep up with it and quits working OR you can become diabetic because you
have faulty genes.
Diabetes can be treated by controlling your intake of calories/sugar, and by taking
an artificial insulin made by bacteria that have had the insulin gene inserted into
them. These bacteria produce lots of insulin in a sterile environment and is much
less expensive that harvesting insulin from slaughterhouse pig pancreas. The
bacteria are known as genetically modified organisms, or GMO’s.
Biotech Unit Reading
Page 4
Some people think that ANY genetically modified organism is bad for the
environment, bad for humans, and just a bad idea in general.
26. Make ONE of the models here. Use a title and labels.
Write one or two sentences explaining one part of the model.
Sticky ends
________________________________27. What type of macromolecule is ligase?
________________________________28. What does the ligase do to the ‘sticky ends’?
__________Ask your teacher to check your work and sign.
Biotech Unit Reading
Page 5
___________________________29. This process is a special technique used in genetic
engineering to separate and identify DNA fragments that you want to clone or identify.
___________30. This chops (digests) the DNA into pieces.
_____________ ____________31. Dye the DNA. Inject it into the __ __ , which
allows the DNA to move through it. It’s like a thick jello solution.
___________32. Run an __ __ through this thick substance.
__________________33. After some time passes, the DNA has ‘run’ from the negative
end nearest the well, to the positive end and has formed ___.
Look at the diagram of the electrophoresis set up with the wells at the top end.
__________________34. The larger and heavier fragments of DNA are at the __ end.
__________________35. The smaller and lighter fragments of DNA are at the __ end.
__________________36. The DNA moves from the negative end to the positive end
because the phosphates have a slight negative charge. They are therefore attracted to the
__ electrode.
DNA electrophoresis has three main uses:
1. Makes picking a particular DNA fragment that you want to use easier to find.
2. Makes it easier to map the genes on the DNA by identifying the AT/CG pairs.
3. Makes it easier to identify hair, blood, saliva, semen, skin cells etc. and match them
with the person they came from. This is useful in criminal investigations.
_________STOP!! Ask your teacher to check your work and sign.
DNA fingerprinting
__________________________________37. The researcher who developed DNA
___________ ___________ ___________________38. The process that may be
replacing DNA fingerprinting. A much smaller sample amount is needed for this process.
___________________________________389 This is the photographic image of the
electrophoresis type image showing the bands of genes on chromosomes.
________________________40. By comparing a mother, a child and two potential
‘fathers’, ___ cases can determined.
Biotech Unit Reading
Page 6
41. Explain how you can identify the unknown father:
_______STOP!! Ask your teacher to check your work and sign.
42. Read the instructions for the DNA ‘Fingerprinting’ Worksheet. Do the activity.
Write the results below in the box.
Letters that are Letters that are Letters that are alike for Letters that are
alike for M/C/F alike for M/C/F
alike for M/C/F
Write a sentence telling if the alleged father is the father. Why or why not?
_________STOP!! Ask your teacher to check your work and sign.
Genetics Reading H—Visual 1 Theory Ch 9
Make visuals to compare the following: (Use additional paper if needed.)
1. Demonstrate your mastery of Mendel’s discoveries. Read the text and…
a. Use the following words and concepts:
complete dominance
Mendel’s Legacy
Mendel’s Results and
Support for Mendel’s
monohybrid cross
P generation
law of segregation
independent assortment
#2 On the Back---------------------------
2. Demonstrate your mastery of concepts. Read the text to compare/contrast…
a. Use the following words and concepts:
Genetic Crosses
Genotype and Phenotype
Predicting Results of Monoprobability
hybrid Crosses
Predicting Results of Dihybrid
Punnett square
geno ratio
pheno ratio
complete dominance
incomplete dominance
dihybrid cross
Genetics Reading H—Visual 2 Application Ch 12
Make visuals to compare the following: (Use additional paper if needed.)
3. Demonstrate your mastery of Inheritance Patterns.
a. Read the text and…Use the following words and concepts:
sex chromosomes
Chromosomes and Inheritance
sex-linked trait
Effects of Gene Location
germ-cell mutation
somatic-cell mutation
lethal mutation
#4 On the Back---------------------------
4. Demonstrate your mastery of Human Genetics.
a. Read the text and…Use the following words and concepts:
Human Genetics
Inheritance of Traits
genetic disorder
Genetic Traits and Disorders
Detecting Genetic Disease
Treating Genetic Disease
genetic counseling
gene therapy
For the vocab words on the left:
Give examples of the first five vocab words.
Tell the next four words inheritance patterns.
Explain how the last two function in predicting outcomes.
For the topics on the right:
Make a graphic organizer with linking words, examples, and supporting evidence.
Genetics Reading H—Auditory 1 Theory Ch 9
Make VOKI’s to answer the following:
1. Demonstrate your mastery of Mendel’s discoveries. Read the text and…
a. Use the following words and concepts to compare and contrast:
complete dominance
Mendel’s Legacy
Mendel’s Results and
Support for Mendel’s
monohybrid cross
P generation
law of segregation
independent assortment
Use this space to formulate your thoughts before making your VOKI.
#2 On the Back---------------------------
2. Demonstrate your mastery of ratios. Read the text and…
a. Use the following words and concepts:
Genetic Crosses
Genotype and Phenotype
Predicting Results of Monoprobability
hybrid Crosses
Predicting Results of Dihybrid
Punnett square
geno ratio
pheno ratio
complete dominance
incomplete dominance
dihybrid cross
Use this space to formulate your thoughts before making your VOKI.
Genetics Reading H—Auditory 2 Application Ch 12
Make VOKI’s to answer the following:
3. Demonstrate your mastery of Inheritance Patterns.
a. Read the text and…Use the following words to support the concepts:
sex chromosomes
Chromosomes and Inheritance
sex-linked trait
Effects of Gene Location
germ-cell mutation
somatic-cell mutation
lethal mutation
Use this space to formulate your thoughts before making your VOKI.
#4 On the Back---------------------------
4. Demonstrate your mastery of Human Genetics.
a. Read the text and…Use the following words and concepts:
Human Genetics
Inheritance of Traits
genetic disorder
Genetic Traits and Disorders
Detecting Genetic Disease
Treating Genetic Disease
genetic counseling
gene therapy
Define the first four vocab words on the left, using the text, not the glossary.
Identify the inheritance patterns for the next six phenotypes.
Write a brief (2-3 sentences) explaining gene therapy.
Use this space to formulate your thoughts before making your VOKI.
Genetics Reading H—Kinesthetic 1 Theory Ch 9
When your strip is finished, send it to: [email protected]
Use to create an answer for the following:
1. Demonstrate your mastery of Mendel’s discoveries. Read the text and…
a. Use the following words and concepts in a story:
complete dominance
Mendel’s Legacy
Mendel’s Results and
Support for Mendel’s
monohybrid cross
P generation
law of segregation
independent assortment
#2 On the Back---------------------------
2. Demonstrate your mastery of ratios. Read the text and…
a. Use the following words and concepts tv advertisements:
Punnett square
geno ratio
pheno ratio
complete dominance
incomplete dominance
dihybrid cross
Genetic Crosses
Genotype and Phenotype
Predicting Results of Monohybrid Crosses
Predicting Results of Dihybrid
Genetics Reading H—Kinesthetic 2 Application Ch 12
Use to create an answer for the following:
When your strip is finished, send it to: [email protected]
3. Demonstrate your mastery of Inheritance Patterns.
a. Read the text and…Use the following words and concepts to take a tour
through the topics using the vocab words:
sex chromosomes
Chromosomes and Inheritance
sex-linked trait
Effects of Gene Location
germ-cell mutation
somatic-cell mutation
lethal mutation
#4 On the Back---------------------------
4. Demonstrate your mastery of Complex Patterns of Heredity.
a. Read the text and…Use the following words and concepts by pretending
to be a genetics counselor and you are giving a tour of your facility to
perspective customers:
Human Genetics
Inheritance of Traits
genetic disorder
Genetic Traits and Disorders
Detecting Genetic Disease
Treating Genetic Disease
genetic counseling
gene therapy
Genetics Reading H—Universal 1 Theory Ch 9
1. Demonstrate your mastery of Mendel’s discoveries. Read the text and…
a. Use the following words and concepts (see b):
complete dominance
Mendel’s Legacy
Mendel’s Results and
Support for Mendel’s
monohybrid cross
P generation
law of segregation
independent assortment
b. Write a news announcement about Mendel and his experiment as if it is a
current story.
c. Use the concepts on the right as ‘headlines’ and text headings, and the
vocab on the left explained. Underline the vocab words.
2. Use p. 188, Chapter Review to complete the following:
a. Using Vocabulary #1-4.
i. Rephrase the ‘directions’ in your answer.
ii. Write using complete sentences.
iii. Use punctuation.
b. Understanding Key Concepts #5-8 (same as i, ii, iii above.).
#3 On the Back---------------------------
3. Demonstrate your mastery of ratios. Read the text and…
a. Use the following words and concepts (see b):
Genetic Crosses
Genotype and Phenotype
Predicting Results of Monoprobability
hybrid Crosses
Predicting Results of Dihybrid
Punnett square
geno ratio
pheno ratio
complete dominance
incomplete dominance
dihybrid cross
b. Explain the concepts on the right using sentences.
c. Write the words and define them as used in the text, not the glossary.
4. Use p. 188, Chapter Review to complete the following.
a. Understanding Key Concepts #9-14, 16-17 (same as i, ii, iii above.).
Genetics Reading H—Universal 2 Application Ch 12
5. Demonstrate your mastery of Inheritance Patterns.
a. Read the text and…Use the following words and concepts (see b):
sex chromosomes
Chromosomes and Inheritance
sex-linked trait
Effects of Gene Location
germ-cell mutation
somatic-cell mutation
lethal mutation
b. Use the concepts on the right as major headings.
c. Use the vocab words on the left as titles for a visual that conveys the
definition. Use labels.
6. Complete the Section 1 Review questions #1-9.
a. Rephrase the question in your answer.
b. Use complete sentences.
c. Use punctuation.
#7 On the Back---------------------------
7. Demonstrate your mastery of Complex Human Genetics.
a. Read the text and…Use the following words and concepts (see b):
Human Genetics
Inheritance of Traits
genetic disorder
Genetic Traits and Disorders
Detecting Genetic Disease
Treating Genetic Disease
genetic counseling
gene therapy
b. Create a pedigree for the first genetic disorder listed on the left.
c. Use titles, labels.
i. Make a key.
d. Create a Punnett square showing the inheritance pattern for the autosomal
dominant disorder.
i. Make a key.
e. Create a Punnett square for the autosomal recessive disorder.
i. Make a key.
f. Create a meiosis visual that explains the fourth genetic disorder.
8. In 3-5 sentences, convince the carrier parents that they should use genetic
counseling to help make an informed decision on reproduction possibilities.
Genetics Guided Reading—H
9.1 Mendel’s Legacy, 9.2 Genetic Crosses
Directions: Write the answers to numbers 1-15 in the spaces provided.
1, the ‘Father of Genetics’, studied 2 plant inheritance patterns. The passing of
characteristics is called 3. Some 4, or characteristics, that he observed were:
For each of these traits, Mendel described the trait that he saw after many generations of
self-pollination as ‘true-breeding’. In other words, the result would always produce a
predictable outcome. The text example is purple flowers would always produce purple
flowered-offspring. The parents are referred to as the 12 generation, and the first group of
offspring are the 13 generation. If these first offspring reproduced, the next generation
would be the 14.
In Fig 9.3, Mendel bred purple flowers that produced plants with purple flowers. He also
bred white flowered-plants that produced white-flowered plants. However, when he bred
the purple and the white together, he got 15. What a surprise! But wait, Ronco does it
again! The next neat trick is a real conundrum (puzzle). He allowed all of the purple
offspring of the purple crossed with the white to self-fertilize and guess that his results
were? Aw, come on. Guess! You bet, 16. This was then represented in mathematical
terms referred to as a ‘ratio’, which means a fraction compared to another fraction. We
only use the numerators of the fractions as long as the denominators are the same. But we
write is like this: 3:1. This actually means ¾ compared to ¼.
______________14. ______________15.
________________________ and ___________________16.
In each of these seven characteristics, he noticed two possible outcomes. He suggested
that the outcome was a result of some ‘factor’ that was passed from
Genetics GR—H
Page 2
parent to offspring. His results, even though he didn’t use the exact words that we use
today, are still surprisingly accurate. The four parts of his results are: True breeding
means that all offspring are exactly like both parents.
17. True breeding means that all offspring are ????? 17 like both parents.
18. The first generation of offspring from true purple and true white were all
19. The next generation of offspring from the all purple were a mix of purple and
20. Mathematically, this is represented as a ????20 ratio.
_____________17. ________________18. ______________19. ____________20.
Support for Mendel’s Conclusions and 9.2 Genetic Crosses
21. Each organism inherits ????21 forms/copies of one trait.
22. Each gene may have alternate forms (red vs green) called ?????22.
23. If two alternative forms are present and one form is seen but the other is not, the
form that is seen is called ‘?????23.’. If the two forms present are the same and
are NOT the one seen before, it is said to be ‘recessive’. In other words, the
recessive is ‘masked’ by the dominant. The recessive will be seen only when
BOTH forms are recessive.
24. ??????24. (egg or sperm) receive one RANDOM copy of each chromosome.
____________21. ______________22. _____________23. _____________24.
What we now know about inheritance, is that genes located on chromosomes, code for
proteins that give you traits/characteristics. Since each sexually reproducing organism
gets one ‘factor’ from each parent, the trait could be both the same, called 25, or two
different forms called 26. When we know that the basis of the trait is the combination of
one factor from each parent, we call this combination the 27. When we actually see the
different protein outcomes and can apply adjectives to describe the like red/blue,
tall/short, etc. it is called 28.
________________________________25. _________________________________26.
________________________________27. _________________________________28.
NOTE: USE THE LETTERS ‘B’ AND ‘b’ for all traits
A simple way to show the likelihood, or chance of a particular combination of genes in
an offspring between two parents is by making a 30. You need to know the genotype of
the parents in order to show the offspring genotype possibilities. However, it is possible
to use inference to guess at the parent genotypes. For instance, if I say that both the male
and female show the recessive phenotype, what are the genotypes of both parents 31?
Gen GR—H
Page 3
Another way to determine the parent genotypes is by looking at offspring they have
already produced. For example: If I see three offspring showing the dominant trait and
one showing the recessive trait, what are the parent genotypes 32? Use the remaining
space to make sample Punnett squares until you get the correct results.
Suppose you want to breed dogs that each show a dominant trait that you need to be
passed on to the puppies. One dog, the female, is a known homozygous dominant
genotype for the trait. The male is of unknown genotype. You need both the parents to be
homozygous dominant for that trait. You decide to breed the male parent to find out what
the puppies will look like to a female showing what allele? What two different outcomes
could you expect based on the unknown male parents’ genotype possibilities?
Using the above scenario and Punnett squares, explain in your own words, how a test
cross works 33.
So in thinking about probability, which is the 34 that an event will occur, will it tell you
100% for sure what the phenotype or genotype will be in any given sexually reproducing
event 35? Explain 36.
12.1 and 12.2 Human Genetics
It’s really cumbersome to make a Punnett square that follows all of the millions of traits
with their alleles not to mention finding a table big enough to put it on. So instead, a 37
can be used. It is much smaller that a Punnett square would be for tons of traits, and you
can see at a quick glance just who has it and is passing on a particular trait. It also shows
a lot about inheritance patterns.
Gen GR—H
Page 4
One type of pattern is 38, which is passed more frequently (twice as often) to males than
to females. This is because in order to show a mutation on the ‘X’ chromosome, a gal
would need the mutation on 39 of her X chromosomes. If a gal has one mutation and one
normal X chromosome, she doesn’t show the mutation and the normal X chromosome
makes the normal protein. She is called a carrier, because she carries the trait but doesn’t
show it. In order to show an X mutation, a man would need the mutation on 40 of his
chromosomes. Since the guy has ONLY one X
chromosome, he only needs to have a mutation on this single chromosome for that trait in
order to show it. Make a Punnett square showing a parent cross with one male offspring
having the trait, and one carrier female offspring, one female with the trait 41.
Traits that are dominant, such as dwarfism, are inherited by getting (how many) 42 alleles
for dwarfism. In this case, two dwarfs could have a normal-sized child both dwarfs
genotypes are 43. Make a Punnett square showing two dwarfs having a normal child 44.
In order to show in the phenotype, traits that are recessive must have a genotype of 45.
Gen GR—H
Page 5
Most traits are not so simply inherited as to be only dominant or recessive. So here are
some of the more complex inheritance patterns below.
Traits where more than one gene is involved, 46 accounts for the traits where there are
MANY in-between phenotypes instead of just two outcomes. Examples of these traits
are: 47 (list at least three).
_______________, ___________________47.
Traits that have three outcomes are called incomplete dominance. An example of this
would be a red flower crossed with a white flower and the offspring are all 48. It’s not
like paint where you are mixing the ‘colors’. Remember that traits are a
result of genes that code for 49. So it’s the interaction of these genes and their resultant
proteins that give the third outcome, pink.
Traits that are controlled by three or more alleles are called 50. An example of this is in
human blood types, 50 (list the different blood types). When thinking about blood types,
all you need to remember is that A and B are equally dominant, and O is recessive. So if
we have genotype AA, the phenotype is A. If we have genotype BB, the phenotype is B.
If we have genotype AB, the phenotype is AB because they are both equally dominant so
we see both of the proteins (Protein A AND Protein B). Therefore, we call this special
relationship, 51. If we have OO genotype, which is recessive, the phenotype is O. What
if…we have a genotype of AO? BO? What are the phenotypes for these genotypes 52?
Some traits are influenced by the environment to give different phenotypes under
different conditions. Examples of this are: temperature and pH. This is easy to think of
because these are conditions that influence proteins. In the arctic hare, warm summers
influence the fur color protein to produce brownish fur. In cold winter conditions,
temperature influences the fur proteins to be white. When we did pH in the chemistry
unit, we used red cabbage juice as our indicator solution. It was either pink or blue,
depending on the pH acid/base conditions of the solution it was added to. Hydrangea
flowers react in much the same way. More acid in the soil makes the flowers more blue.
If the soil is more base, the flowers will be more 53.
This section of your reading describes the genetic basis for inheritance patterns of many
disorders. Chose one inheritance pattern example each: Dominant, Recessive, Sexlinked and fill out the table below 54.
Gen GR—H
Page 6
Human Disorders
Treating Genetic Disorders
Most genetic disorders cannot be treated or cured because the chromosome damage is in
every cell of your body. It’s not like the Dr can take out ALL of your chromosomes over
the weekend, fix them, and stick them back in on Monday.
It’s not a good thing to have genetic disorders. However, many genetic disorders are not
life threatening. Some have treatment for the symptoms that allow the person to lead
fairly normal lives. Some disorders are fatal. What does ‘fatal’ mean 55?
Name a disorder that is not really very harmful, one that is harmful but can be treated,
and one that is fatal 56.
Your book says that genetic disorders may soon be able to be treated. The name for this
process is 57. What disorder was successfully ‘fixed’ in a petri dish culture, but could not
be treated successfully in humans, yet 58?