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Bio1A Unit 2 Study Guide Cell Cycle ‐5% 1. Know and identify stages of cell a. Interphase: G1 (G0), S, G2 b. Mitosis: PMAT c. cytokinesis 2. Be able to describe the status of DNA in each stage 3. Know the importance of checkpoints and the result of failure 4. Nomenclature of DNA and functions of each a. Chromosomes, homologous, chromatid, centromere, telomere, centrosome, hitsone, etc. b. Autosomal vs sex chromosomes 5. Know Ploidy (n) and content (c)for all stages 6. Be able to describe movement of chromosomes: microtubule structure, buildup, removal, movement ‐ 7. Results of mitosis 8. Karyotyping Meiosis ‐5‐10% 1. Know and identify stages of cell cycle a. Interphase: G1 (G0), S, G2 b. Meiosis: PMAT I & II 2. Be able to describe the status of DNA in each stage and differences to mitosis 3. Understand concepts of homologous recombination, segregation of alleles, independent assortment 4. Results of meiosis 5. Nondisjunction and consequences Genetics – Mendelian, Chromosomal basis ‐30% 1. Definitions to know. a. Truebreeding, homozygous, heterozygous, b. Codominance, multiallelic, polygenic, sex‐linked c. Epistatic d. Barr body 2. Predict the outcomes of mating from above 3. Pedigrees & Punnett squares 4. Use the laws of probability to predict outcomes of: a. Mating, gamete production, allele combinations, etc. b. From multiplication rule(and) & rule of addition (or) 5. Be able to use drosophila genetic nomenclature 6. Be able to define/use the process of Hybridization, Test Cross, Complementation 7. Linkage a. Given recombination frequencies determine linkage (and vice versa) b. Make linkage maps DNA 10‐15% 1. Describe the basic structure of DNA a. Double stranded, antiparallel b. Phosphodiester bonds for sugar phosphate backbone, hydrogen bonding of base pairs c. Composition: AT and GC content d. Direction e. complementarity 2. definition / role of: a. Helicase, primase, DNA pol I, DNA pol III, DNA ligase, topoisomerase, okazaki fragments 3. Process of DNA replication a. Unwinding b. Leading & lagging strand From Gene tor protein: Ch 17 ‐20% 1. General Gene information a. Know what a gene is and the final product – enhancer elements, operators, operons, promoters, transcribed regions, untranscribed region, exons, introns, etc 2. Requirements of Transcription & RNA polymerase (be able to compare to Replication & DNA pol) a. Promoter, no primer (and therefore no primase), free NTPs no dNTPs, etc b. Terms: primary transcript & pre‐mRNA, codon, triplet, template strand, coding strand 3. Given a DNA or mRNA sequence be able to determine the amino acid sequence a. AUG start, reading frame, genetic code 4. Additional sequence in Eukaryotic transcription vs prokaryotic a. 5’ CAP, 3’poly A, introns spliced out 5. Requirements of Splicing a. Splice sites are sequence dependent b. pre‐mRNA, snRNPs(snRNAs), spliceosome c. snRNAs as enzyme 6. Requirements of Translation a. Initiation, Elongation, termination steps b. mRNA, Ribosome(rRNA), charge‐tRNAs c. rRNA is the enzyme 7. Be able to determine the anticodon sequence and amino acid of the tRNA for corresponding mRNA 8. Identify mutations and consequences to amino acid sequence and severity (and why) a. Silent, missense, nonsense, frameshift Gene Regulation: Ch 18 (351‐366) Ch 19 ‐20% 1. Transcriptional Gene Regulation a. Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic  Prok: 1 promoter with many genes. Operators close to promoter  Euk: 1 gene 1 promoter, regulatory DNA elements far upstream, multiple regulatory elements, general transcription factors, coordination through common enhancers.  Repressible – usually on  Inducible – Usually off b. Proteins – Activators & Repressors and how they work  Bind to specific DNA sequences  Repressor block RNA polymerase  Activators recruit RNA polymerase c. DNA Elements –  Operators (prok) = repressor binding sites  Repressor binding site – eukaryotes generally are not called operators similar naming to prokaryotic activators (ex: WT1 repressor binds to the WT1 binding site on DNA)  Enhancers (euk) = Activator binding sites  Activator binding site – prokaryotes generally named for activator (CAP binding site) d. Small Molecules – Inducer and corepressors  Inducers: non‐protein, small molecules that, when added, turn on gene expression either by binding and removing repressors or binding activators to cause them to bind their activator binding site  Corepressors: In prokaryotes: non‐protein, small molecules that, when added turn down gene expression either by removing activators or causing repressor to bind In Eukaryotes: protein that bind repressors to decrease gene expression but don’t bind DNA themselves  Coactivtators: Protein that binds activator to increase gene expression, but doesn’t bind DNA itself (only eukaryotes)  There is no analogous term in prokaryotes and so the terms corepressor and coactivator are blurred for prokaryotes and eukaryotes 2. Chromatin Remodeling a. Know the different types mentioned in class and results  acetylation (activation), methylation (repression) b. How they occur – HAT, HDAC, denovo methylation 3. Other silencing methods and how they work a. miRNA – post‐transciptional regulation  part of RISC, requires dsRNA to begin with, sequence specific targeting b. Ubiquitination – Post‐translational regulation  Proteasome  Directed by E3 ligases 4. Transposons – Retrotransposons and DNA Transposons (Ch 21, 434‐436) a. Know the requirements for movement b. Inverted repeats, reverse transcriptase (Retro), transposase (DNA) c. Presence in genome and why they occupy such a large portion. d. Footprints 5. Viruses a. Know general structure: capsid, genome, tail (binding protein) b. be aware of 2 viral life cycle – lysogenic, lytic and what they mean c. role of restriction enzymes in bacteria as defense against viral genomes d. Reverse transcriptase 6. Be aware of what prions and viroids are Biotechnology: Ch 20‐21 ‐5‐10% 1. Cloning – understand general procedure and components (more for lab test) a. Restriction enzymes and ligase b. Inserts and vectors (plasmids) c. Transformation d. Antibiotic resistance & selection 2. Libraries – understand what they are: vast array of unknown inserts in a known vector a. Genomic, cDNA b. How to produce them 3. PCR a. Basic procedure: Template, Primers, dNTPs, Taq Pol, thermocycling b. What steps of thermocycling do c. Basic design of primers: complement target sequence ends, bracket amplification zone, must face inwards d. Product 4. Sequencing a. Essentially same as PCR, but no cycling, only 1 round (what is your template?) b. Use of primer to specify region sequenced c. Addition of tagged‐ddNTPs d. Importance of bioinformatics 5. Southern blot a. Run DNA sample (ex: genomic fragments or cDNA libraries) b. Transfer DNA c. Probe: importance of sequence for probing 6. Northern blot a. RNA sample (break open cell and extract mRNA) b. probe specificity c. Microarray ‐ Thousands of probes, same sample 7. Western Blot a. Protein & antibody specificity