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Ch. 7.2 , 8.1, and 8.3 Notes
Section 7.2 DNA structure and Replication
1. What are the 3 parts of a nucleotide? _________________, _________________, and
__________________ (pg. 160)
2. In DNA the 4 nitrogenous bases are:
__________________,_________________, _______________,_________________ (pg. 161)
3. ___________________ and ________________are the purines. While __________________
and ___________________ are the pyrimidines. (pg. 161)
4. __________________ and _________________ photographed DNA using X-rays. (pg. 161)
5. The DNA molecule is shaped like a _______________, and is called a ___________________
________________. (pg. 161)
6. Define Replication: (pg. 163)
7. Using Figure 7.6 on page 162, list and explain the 3 steps of DNA Replication
Section 8.1 From Genotype to Phenotype
8. Define Protein Synthesis: (pg. 182)
9. Use Figure 8.1 and complete the table.
RNA and DNA: Structural Differences
10. ________________code for the sequence of _______________ ____________ that make up
_____________________. (pg. 182)
11. Define RNA:
12. Protein Synthesis occurs in 2 stages: _____________________ and ______________________
13. The word “transcribe” means ___________________.
14. Define Transcription:
15. Using Figure 8.2 (pg. 183). Draw and label the “bigger” picture of Step 2.
16. RNA bases (__________________) bind with complementary DNA bases (______________).
Note that in RNA it is _______________, not thymine, that bind with adenine. (pg. 183)
17. Look at Figure 8.3 (pg. 184), and answer the following questions.
a. What process turns the DNA into RNA? ______________________
b. What part of the RNA is removed? ______________
c. ____________are spliced together and create _____________.
d. mRNA will then leave the ______________ and enter the _______________.
18. Define Translation: (pg. 183)
19. In the cytoplasm, mRNA attaches to a ________________. The ________________, with its
attached mRNA, is now ready to synthesize a __________________.
20. During Translation, a __________ molecule transfers an _____________________to the
ribosome. Each new ______________________links with the previous __________________,
forming an amino acid chain (protein). (pg. 184)
21. Define Codon: (pg. 184)
22. Define Anticodon: (pg. 185)
23. Use figure 8.4 (pg. 185) to answer the following questions.
a. What is the codon sequence labeled in the diagram? ______________
b. On what molecule will you find the codon? _______________
c. Where is the Anticodon located? ______________
d. What is the greatest # of tRNA’s that can be in a ribosome at one time? _________
e. If the codon is GGC, what is the anticodon? ___________