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Cell biology Analogy
Create an analogy for a eukaryotic cell such as a type of building, group of people, sport, or game.
Your analogy should include at least 5 organelles. Be clear whether your analogy corresponds to a
plant or an animal cell. Present your analogy as a drawing. Clearly label your drawing to show how
each item in your drawing represents a specific organelle of a cell. Include a title that describes how
the parts of your drawing function together as a whole similar to how organelles contribute to the
function of a cell. You will also briefly explain your analogy to the class.
Grading criteria: 20 pts
 Drawing of cell analogy
 Each part of the analogy is clearly related to a specific organelle
 Clear labels on drawing
 Uses 5 organelles
 Descriptive title
 The analogy parts function together as a whole similar to organelles working together in a cell
 Clear verbal description of how analogy and its parts compare to a cell and its organelles
18 pts: (one of the following is true)
 missing some labels or a title
 analogy is explained, but is a stretch
16 pts: (one of the following is true)
 Uses only 4 organelles
 parts do not work together as a whole
 poor verbal description
 analogy is poor
 no labels
14 pts: (two of the following are true)
 Uses only 4 organelles
 parts do not work together as a whole
 poor verbal description
 analogy is poor
 missing labels or a title
12 pts: Uses fewer than 4 organelles
12 pts: (more than two of the following are true)
 Uses only 4 organelles
 parts do not work together as a whole
 poor verbal description
 analogy is poor
 missing labels or a title
Becker, W. M., and D. M. Deamer. (1991). The World of the Cell. Redwood City, CA: The
Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.
Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. (2002). Cells, Heredity, and Classification. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.