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Genes are a set of instructions encoded in the DNA sequence of each organism
that specify the sequence of amino acids in proteins characteristic of that
organism. As a basis for understanding this concept:
Students know the general pathway by which ribosomes synthesize
proteins, using tRNAs to translate genetic information in mRNA.
Students know how to apply the genetic coding rules to predict the
sequence of amino acids from a sequence of codons in RNA.
Students know how mutations in the DNA sequence of a gene may or
may not affect the expression of the gene or the sequence of amino
acids in an encoded protein.
Analyze the structure o DNA
Determine how the structure of DNA enables it to reproduce.
Relate the concept of the gene to the sequences of nucleotides in DNA
Sequence the steps involving protein synthesis
Categorize the different kinds of mutations that can occur in DNA
Compare the effects of different kinds of mutations on cells and organisms.
The genetic composition of cells can be altered by incorporation of exogenous
DNA into the cells. As a basis for understanding this concept:
Students know the general structures and functions of DNA, RNA, and
Students know how to apply base-pairing rules to explain precise
copying of DNA during semi conservative replication and transcription
of information from DNA into mRNA.
Monday 02/09
POD: What are genes
composed of?
Chapter 12 review
Print DNA worksheet,
structure of DNA Print HW
pkt cover sheet
Tuesday 02/10
POD: What are the variables in
Griffiths experiment?
Notebook due
Chapter 12 test
Start DNA worksheet,
HMWK— Vocab w/ pic pg 293
(even) Close Read 293-299
(odd) Pg 299 questions 1-5.
Wednesday 02/11
POD: How are base pairs
held together?
Finish DNA wksht
HMWK—print and complete
d/r: structure of DNA Print
Do it yourself nucleotide kit
and DNA coloring
Thursday 02/12
POD: How was x-ray
diffraction used to model the
structure of DNA
 POD/Agenda/Hmwk
 Finish Dna PPT
 Start Ch 13.2 notes
HMWK—pg 300 vocab w/
pic (even)
Friday 02/13
POD: Why is proofreading
critical during replication?
Rally Day
Quiz 13.1
Do it yourself
nucleotide kit
. Print Strawberry DNA
Lab do prelab!!