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Cells Past Exam Questions
Section A - Multiple Choice
Question 1
A plant cell can be distinguished from an animal cell because of the presence of
A. cytosol.
B. a cell wall.
C. a nucleus.
D. chloroplasts.
Question 2
The plasma membrane of a cell
A. is inflexible due to the presence of protein molecules.
B. allows substances to pass through only by active transport.
C. contains cholesterol molecules which can act as cell receptors.
D. is relatively impermeable to large water-soluble molecules due to the presence of the bilipid
Question 3
Examine the following cell.
Based on the internal structure, the cell is likely to
A. be a cheek epithelial cell.
B. be a mature red blood cell.
C. require high levels of oxygen.
D. produce high levels of sugars.
Question 4
A prokaryotic cell contains
A. a nucleus.
B. a vacuole.
C. ribosomes.
D. endoplasmic reticulum.
Question 5
A plant cell was placed in a sucrose solution and changes within the cell were observed.
From the information in the diagrams you can conclude that while the cell was in the sucrose
A. the cell wall was impermeable to water molecules.
B. the vacuole membrane was impermeable to water molecules.
C. sucrose molecules passed through the cell membrane.
D. water molecules passed through the cell membrane.
Question 6
Early experiments to investigate cell functioning used amoebae (Amoeba proteus). An amoeba is
a relatively large, single-celled organism. It is possible to bisect an amoeba to produce half with
the nucleus and the other half without a nucleus (enucleated).
The following diagram shows the results.
The most likely reason for the enucleated half-cell to die after seven days is that
A. water was lost by osmosis.
B. protein synthesis was reduced.
C. the fluidity of the membrane was lost.
D. no mitochondria were in the enucleated half-cell.
Question 7
An amoeba, Amoeba proteus, is a relatively large non-photosynthetic, single-celled organism.
Pond water can be used to grow cultures of amoebae. At a constant temperature of 18°C, and
given an adequate food supply at regular intervals, the majority of amoebae reproduce every 50
hours. Factors that affect the time for amoebae to reproduce were investigated. The modification
of one factor did not influence another. If the culture medium is modified as indicated, it is
reasonable to predict that the effect on the time for amoebae to reproduce is
Question 8
Skin cells are continually dying and being replaced by new cells.
The ongoing death of these skin cells is an example of
A. cancer.
B. mitosis.
C. apoptosis.
D. bacterial infection.
Question 9
The cell membrane of a nerve cell
A. is impermeable to glucose.
B. prevents the entry of water into the cell.
C. contains pores lined with carbohydrates.
D. is composed of phospholipids and protein.
Question 10
A defining characteristic of a prokaryote is the
A. presence of a cell wall.
B. presence of a nucleus.
C. absence of ribosomes.
D. absence of membrane bound organelles.
Question 11
A student set up an experiment with a semi-permeable membrane. The membrane was not
permeable to sucrose. At the beginning of the experiment the same amount of water was added to
both sides of the membrane. The student then added sucrose to the left side of the membrane as
shown in the following diagram.
You would expect
A. the level of water to rise on the left of the membrane.
B. the level of water to rise on the right of the membrane.
C. the level of water to remain unchanged on both sides of the membrane.
D. the concentration of sucrose to increase on the right side of the membrane.
The following information is required for Questions 12 and 13
Biologists investigating the regulation of body water in Peking ducks, Anas platyrhynchos, put
forward the hypothesis that Peking ducks drink more as the saltiness of their drinking water
The drinking water was to be supplied in 70 litre wading pools and replenished twice each day.
Twelve adult Peking ducks, males and females, were available and two experimental designs
were suggested.
Design 1
The same twelve ducks are provided with drinking water of increasing saltiness over a 24-week
Design 2
The twelve ducks are divided into four groups of three ducks and each group is exposed to
drinking water of a different saltiness.
Question 12
The variable being investigated is the
A. time.
B. species of duck.
C. gender of the ducks.
D. saltiness of the drinking water.
Question 13
Design 1 was chosen for the investigations because it better accounted for
A. variation between individual ducks.
B. homeostatic regulation of body water.
C. other factors that could affect drinking.
D. time taken for the ducks to acclimatise to the conditions.
Section B – Short Answer Questions
Question 1
The table below contains the names of six cellular structures found in a plant cell.
In the list below the table, a number of functions of cellular structures are given. Complete the
table by matching the letter of a function to the appropriate cellular structure in the plant cell.
You are not required to use every function given.
Functions of various cellular structures of the plant cell
A. site where ATP is generated
B. digestion of macromolecules
C. site of protein synthesis
D. proteins modified and packaged for transport
E. selective barrier that limits movement in or out of cell
F. solar energy is converted to chemical energy
G. contains DNA, a template for mRNA synthesis
H. storage of wastes and other materials
Total 3 marks
Question 2
Our brain is composed of many different cell types, each type with its own specialised function.
The structure of each cell can be related to its function.
a. Complete the following table by making a relevant entry in each of the three empty rectangles.
Identical pieces of celery of the same mass were placed in four different beakers and treated as
The celery was left in the conditions shown for 30 minutes.
b. Explain which piece of celery would show the greatest loss in mass after the 30 minutes.
Celery in beaker _______
2 marks
Total 5 marks
Question 3
A variety of cell types possess flagella. Having the correct length of flagella is important; for
example, a sperm without a flagellum is unable to swim.
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a unicellular organism, widely distributed in freshwater habitats.
Each cell has two flagella of equal length.
These organisms are excellent for studying the regulation of flagella length.
In one experiment, both flagella on a number of Chlamydomonas were removed. These
Chlamydomonas were observed over time and compared with a group of Chlamydomonas with
intact flagella. The results are shown in the following graph.
a. From the data shown in the above graph, what happens after flagella are removed?
1 mark
The following figure shows a drawing of a Chlamydomonas cell with some features labelled.
Chlamydomonas are classified into Kingdom Protista, Phylum Chlorophyta. Each cell has a cell
wall made of a complex molecule called a glycoprotein.
b. In what way is this cell wall not typical of a true plant cell?
1 mark
c. i. Name the structure labelled X in the Chlamydomonas figure above.
ii. Describe its function.
1 + 1 = 2 marks
Total 4 marks