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Regulation of Gene Expression-Chapter 12
Figure 12.1
The stickleback is an
example of an organism
in which mutations
cause changes in the
regulation of gene
expression. These
mutations confer a
selective advantage in
some environments.
Natural selection acts
on mutations altering
gene expression as well
as those changing the
coding regions of
Within most multicellular organisms, every cell contains essentially the same
genomic sequence. How then do cells develop and function differently from each
other? The answer lies in the regulation of gene expression. Only a subset of all
the genes is expressed (i.e. are functionally active) in any given cell participating in a
particular biological process. Gene expression is regulated at many different steps
along the process that converts DNA information into active proteins. In the first
stage, transcript abundance can be controlled by regulating the rate of transcription
initiation and processing, as well as the degradation of transcripts. In many cases,
higher abundance of a gene’s transcripts is correlated with its increased expression.
In this chapter, we will focus on transcriptional regulation. Be aware, however,
that cells also regulate the overall activity of genes in other ways. For example, by
controlling the rate of mRNA translation, processing, and degradation, as well as the
post-translational modification of proteins and protein complexes.
12.1 THE lac OPERON
Early insights into mechanisms of transcriptional regulation came from studies of E.
coli by researchers Francois Jacob & Jacques Monod. In E. coli, and many other
bacteria, genes encoding several different proteins may be located on a single
transcription unit called an operon. The genes in an operon share the same
transcriptional regulation, but are translated individually. Eukaryotes generally do
not group genes together as operons (exception is C. elegans and a few other
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Chapter 12 – Regulation of Gene Expression
Figure 12.2
Diagram of a segment
of an E. coli
chromosome containing
the lac operon, as well
as the lacI coding
region. The various
genes and cis-elements
are not drawn to scale.
E. coli encounters many different sugars in its environment. These sugars, such as
lactose and glucose, require different enzymes for their metabolism. Three of the
enzymes for lactose metabolism are grouped in the lac operon: lacZ, lacY, and
lacA (Figure 12.2). LacZ encodes an enzyme called β-galactosidase, which digests
lactose into its two constituent sugars: glucose and galactose. lacY is a permease
that helps to transfer lactose into the cell. Finally, lacA is a trans-acetylase; the
relevance of which in lactose metabolism is not entirely clear. Transcription of the
lac operon normally occurs only when lactose is available for it to digest.
Presumably, this avoids wasting energy in the synthesis of enzymes for which no
substrate is present. A single mRNA transcript includes all three enzyme-coding
sequences and is called polycistronic. A cistron is equivalent to a gene.
12.1.2 cis- AND trans- REGULATORS
In addition to the three protein-coding genes, the lac operon contains short DNA
sequences that do not encode proteins, but are instead binding sites for proteins
involved in transcriptional regulation of the operon. In the lac operon, these
sequences are called P (promoter), O (operator), and CBS (CAP-binding site).
Collectively, sequence elements such as these are called cis-elements because they
must be located on the same piece of DNA as the genes they regulate. On the other
hand, the proteins that bind to these cis-elements are called trans-regulators
because (as diffusible molecules) they do not necessarily need to be encoded on the
same piece of DNA as the genes they regulate.
One of the major trans-regulators of the lac operon is encoded by lacI. Four
identical molecules of lacI proteins assemble together to form a homotetramer
called a repressor (Figure 12.3). This repressor binds to two operator sequences
adjacent to the promoter of the lac operon. Binding of the repressor prevents RNA
polymerase from binding to the promoter (Figure 12.4). Therefore, the operon will
not be transcribed when the operator is occupied by a repressor.
Figure 12.3
Structure of lacI
homotetramer bound to
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Besides its ability to bind to specific DNA sequences at the operator, another
important property of the lacI protein is its ability to bind to lactose. When lactose
is bound to lacI, the shape of the protein changes in a way that prevents it from
binding to the operator. Therefore, in the presence of lactose, RNA polymerase is
able to bind to the promoter and transcribe the lac operon, leading to a moderate
level of expression of the lacZ, lacY, and lacA genes. Proteins such as lacI that
change their shape and functional properties after binding to a ligand are said to be
regulated through an allosteric mechanism. The role of lacI in regulating the lac
operon is summarized in Figure 12.4.
Regulation of Gene Expression-Chapter 12
A second aspect of lac operon regulation is conferred by a trans-factor called cAMP
binding protein (CAP, Figure 12.5). CAP is another example of an allosterically
regulated trans-factor. Only when the CAP protein is bound to cAMP can another
part of the protein bind to a specific cis-element within the lac promoter called the
CAP binding sequence (CBS). CBS is located very close to the promoter (P). When
CAP is bound to at CBS, RNA polymerase is better able to bind to the promoter and
initiate transcription. Thus, the presence of cAMP ultimately leads to a further
increase in lac operon transcription.
Figure 12.4 When the concentration of lactose [Lac] is low, lacI tetramers bind to
operator sequences (O), thereby blocking binding of RNApol (green) to the promoter (P).
Alternatively, when [Lac] is high, lactose binds to lacI, preventing the repressor from
binding to O, and allowing transcription by RNApol. (Origianl-Deyholos-CC:AN)
The physiological significance of regulation by cAMP becomes more obvious in the
context of the following information. The concentration of cAMP is inversely
proportional to the abundance of glucose: when glucose concentrations are low, an
enzyme called adenylate cyclase is able to produce cAMP from ATP. Evidently, E.
coli prefers glucose over lactose, and so expresses the lac operon at high levels only
when glucose is absent and lactose is present. This provides another layer of logical
control of lac operon expression: only in the presence of lactose, and in the absence
of glucose is the operon expressed at its highest levels.
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Chapter 12 – Regulation of Gene Expression
Figure 12.5 CAP, when bound to cAMP, helps RNApol to bind to the lac operon. cAMP
is produced only when glucose [Glc] is low. (Origianl-Deyholos-CC:AN)
The lac operon and its regulators were first characterized by studying mutants of E.
coli that exhibited various abnormalities in lactose metabolism. Some mutants
expressed the lac operon genes constitutively, meaning the operon was expressed
whether or not lactose was present in the medium. Such mutant are called
constitutive mutants.
The operator locus (lacO) - One example is Oc, in which a mutation in an operator
sequence and reduces or precludes the repressor (the lacI gene product) from
recognizing and binding to the operator sequence. Thus, in Oc mutants, lacZ, lacY,
and lacA are expressed whether or not lactose is present.
The lacI locus – One type of mutant allele of lacI (callled I-) prevents either the
production of a repressor polypeptide or produces a polypeptide that cannot bind to
the operator sequence. This is also a constitutive expresser of the lac operon
because absence of repressor binding permits transcription.
Another type of mutant of lacI called Is prevents the repressor polypeptide from
binding lactose, and thus will bind to the operator and be non-inducible.. This
mutant constitutively represses the lac operon whether lactose is present or not.
The lac operon is not expressed and this mutant is called a “super-suppressor”.
More can be learned about the regulation of the lac operon when two different
copies are present in one cell. This can be accomplished by using the F-factor to
carry one copy, while the other is on the genomic E. coli chromosome. This results in
a partial diploid in E. coli.
The F-factor is an episome that is capable of being either a free plasmid or
integrated into the host bacterial chromosome. This switching is accomplished by IS
elements where unequal crossing over can recombine the F-factor and adjacent
DNA sequences (genes) in and out of the host chromosome. Researchers have used
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Regulation of Gene Expression-Chapter 12
this genetic tool to create partial diploids (merozygotes) that allow them to test the
regulation with different combinations of different mutations in one cell. For
example, the F-factor copy may have a IS mutation while the genomic copy might
have an OC mutation. How would this cell respond to the presence/absence of
lactose (or glucose)? This partial diploid can be used to determine that IS is
dominant to I+, which in turn is dominant to I-. It can also be used to show the OC
mutation only acts in cis- while the lacI mutation can act in trans- .
Figure 12.6 When glucose [Glc] and lactose [Lac] are both high, the lac operon is transcribed at
a moderate level, because CAP (in the absence of cAMP) is unable to bind to its corresponding
cis-element (yellow) and therefore cannot help to stabilize binding of RNApol at the promoter.
Alternatively, when [Glc] is low, and [Lac] is high, CAP and cAMP can bind near the promoter
and increase further the transcription of the lac operon. (Origianl-Deyholos-CC:AN)
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Chapter 12 – Regulation of Gene Expression
Like prokaryotes, transcriptional regulation in eukaryotes involves both ciselements and trans-factors, only there are more of them and they interact in a more
complex way. A diagram of a typical eukaryotic gene, including several types of ciselements, is shown in Figure 12.7.
As in prokaryotes the RNA polymerase binds to the gene at its promoter to begin
transcription. In eukaryotes, however, RNApol is part of a large protein complex
that includes additional proteins that bind to one or more specific cis-elements in
the promoter region, including GC-rich boxes, CAAT boxes, and TATA boxes. High
levels of transcription require both the presence of this protein complex at the
promoter, as well as their interaction with other trans-factors described below. The
approximate position of these elements relative to the transcription start site (+1)
is shown in Figure 12.7, but it should be emphasized that the distance between any
of these elements and the transcription start site can vary, but are typically within
~200 base pairs of the start of transcription. This contrasts the next set of elements.
Even more variation is observed in the position and orientation of the second major
type of cis-regulatory element in eukaryotes, which are called enhancer elements.
Regulatory trans-factor proteins called transcription factors bind to enhancer
sequences, then, while still bound to DNA, these proteins interact with RNApol and
other proteins at the promoter to enhance the rate of transcription. There are a
wide variety of different transcription factors and each recognizes a specific DNA
sequence (enhancer element) to promote gene expression in the adjacent gene
under specific circumstances. Because DNA is a flexible molecule, enhancers can be
located near (~100s of bp) or far (~10K of bp), and either upstream or downstream,
from the promoter (Figure 12.7 and 12.8).
Figure 12.7
Structure of a typical
eukaryotic gene. RNA
polymerase binding may
involve one or more ciselements within the proximal
region of a promoter (green
boxes). Enhancers (yellow
boxes) may be located any
distance upstream or
downstream of the promoter
and are also involved in
regulating gene expression.
The processing of a primary
transcript to a mature mRNA is
also shown. (Origianl-DeyholosCC:AN)
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Regulation of Gene Expression-Chapter 12
Figure 12.8 A transcription factor (yellow) bound to an enhancer that is located far
from a promoter. Because of the flexibility of the DNA molecule, the transcription
factor and RNApol are able to interact physically, even though the cis-elements to
which they are bound are located far apart. In eukaryotic cells, RNApol is actually part
of a large complex of proteins (not shown here) that assembles at the promoter.
The yellow gene of Drosophila provides an example of the modular nature of
enhancers. This gene encodes an enzyme in the pathway that produces a dark
pigment in the insect’s exoskeleton. Mutants have a yellow cuticle rather than the
wild type darker pigmented cuticle. (Why call the gene “yellow”: recall that genes
are often named after their mutant phenotype.) Figure 12.9 shows three enhancer
elements (left side - wing, body, mouth), each binds a different tissue specific
transcription factor to enhancer transcription of yellow+ in that tissue and makes the
pigment. So, the wing cells will have a transcription factor that binds to the wing
enhancer to drive expression; likewise in the body and mouth cells. Thus, specific
combinations of cis-elements and trans-factors control the differential, tissuespecific expression of genes. This type of combinatorial action of enhancers is
typical of the transcriptional activation of most eukaryotic genes: specific
transcription factors activate the transcription of target genes under specific
Figure 12.9
Tissue-specific cisregulatory elements
within a simplified
representation of the
yellow gene of
Drosophila. (OrigianlDeyholos-CC:AN)
While enhancer sequences promote expression, there is an oppositely acting type of
element, called silencers. These elements function in much the same manner, with
transcription factors that bind to DNA sequences, but they act to silence or reduce
transcription from the adjacent gene.
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Chapter 12 – Regulation of Gene Expression
Again, a gene’s expression profile (transcription level, tissue specific, temporal
specific) is a combination of various enhancer and silencer elements.
Genetic researchers have taken advantage of a yeast distal enhancer sequence to
make the GAL4-UAS system, a powerful technique for studying the expression of
genes in other eukaryotes. It relies on two parts: a “driver” and a “responder”
(Figure 12.10). The driver part is a gene encoding a yeast transcriptional activator
protein called Gal4. It is separate from the responder part, which contains the
enhancer sequence, or upstream activation sequence (UAS, as it is called in yeast) to
which the Gal4 protein specifically binds. This UAS is placed upstream (using
genetic engineering) from a promoter transcribing a reporter gene, or other gene of
interest, such as GFP (green fluorescent protein).
Both parts must be present in the same cell for the system to express the responder
gene. If the driver is absent, the responder product will not be expressed. However,
both are in the same cell (or organism) the pattern of expression of the driver part
will induce the responder part’s expression in the same pattern.
Figure 12.10
The GAL4-UAS system.
The driver, with a wing
enhancers, expresses the
Gal4 protein that then
binds to the UAS
element upstream of a
marker gene, GFP. This
would express the GFP
in the wing tissues. The
modular aspect of this
system would let the
wing enhancer be
replaced by any other
enhancer and the GFP
marker replaced with
any other gene.
This system works is a variety of eukaryotes, including humans. It has been
especially well exploited in Drosophila where 100’s (1,000’s ? ) of differently
expressing driver lines are available. These lines permit the tissue specific
expression of any responder gene to examine its effect on development.
Mutations can occur in both cis-elements and trans-factors; both can result in
altered patterns of gene expression. If an altered pattern of gene expression results
in a selective advantage (or at least do not produce a major disadvantage), they may
be selected and maintained in future populations. They may even contribute to the
evolution of new species. An example of a sequence change in an enhancer is found
in the Pitx gene.
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Regulation of Gene Expression-Chapter 12
The three-spined stickleback (Figure 12.11) provides an example of natural
selection of a mutation in a cis-regulatory element. This fish occurs in two forms:
(1) populations that inhabit deep, open water and have a spiny pelvic fin that deters
larger predator fish from feeding on them; (2) populations from shallow water
environments and lack this spiny pelvic fin. In shallow water, it appears that a long,
spiny pelvic fin would be a disadvantage because it frequently contacts the sediment
at the bottom of the pond and allows parasitic insects in the sediment to invade the
stickleback. Researchers compared gene sequences of individuals from both deep
and shallow water environments as shown in Figure 12.11. They observed that in
embryos from the deep-water population, a gene called Pitx was expressed in
several groups of cells, including those that developed into the pelvic fin. Embryos
from the shallow-water population expressed Pitx in the same groups of cells as the
other population, with an important exception: Pitx was not expressed in the pelvic
fin primordium in the shallow-water population. Further genetic analysis showed
that the absence of Pitx gene expression from the developing pelvic fin of shallowwater stickleback was due to the absence (mutation) of a particular enhancer
element upstream of Pitx.
Figure 12.11 Development of a large, spiny pelvic fin in deep-water stickleback (left) depends on the
presence of a particular enhancer element upstream of a gene called Pitx. Mutants lacking this element, and
therefore the large pelvic fin (right), have been selected for in shallow-water environments. (Wikipedia-Richard
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Chapter 12 – Regulation of Gene Expression
Hemoglobin is the oxygen-carrying component of red blood cells (erythrocytes).
Hemoglobin usually exists as tetramers of four non-covalently bound hemoglobin
molecules (Fig 12.12). Each hemoglobin molecule consists of a globin polypeptide
with a covalently attached heme molecule. Heme is made through a specialized
metabolic pathway and is then bound to globin polypeptide through posttranslational modification.
Figure 12.12
The composition of the tetramers changes during development (Fig. 12.13). From
early childhood onward, most tetramers are of the type 2 2, which means they
contain of two copies of each of two slightly different globin proteins named  and
. A small amount of adult hemoglobin is 22, which has  globin instead of the
more common  globin. Other tetrameric combinations predominate before birth:
22 is most abundant in embryos, and 22 is most abundant in fetuses. Although
the six globin proteins ( = alpha,  = beta ,  = gamma,  =delta,  =epsilon ,  = zeta)
are very similar to each other, they do have slightly different functional properties.
For example, fetal hemoglobin has a higher oxygen affinity than adult hemoglobin,
allowing the fetus to more effectively extract oxygen from maternal blood. The
specialized  globin genes that are characteristic of fetal hemoglobin are found only
in placental mammals.
A tetramer of human
hemoglobin, type
22. The  chains
are labeled red, and
the  chains are
labeled blue. Heme
groups are green.
(Wikipedia-from Wood,
W.G. 1976 Br. Med.
Bull. 32, 282-CC:AS)
Figure 12.13 Expression of globin genes during prenatal and postnatal development in
humans. The organs in which globin genes are primarily expressed at each
developmental stage are also indicated. (Origianl-Deyholos-CC:AN)
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Regulation of Gene Expression-Chapter 12
Each of these globin polypeptides is encoded by a different gene. In humans, globin
genes are located in clusters on two chromosomes (Figure 12.14). We can infer that
these clusters arose through a series of duplications of an ancestral globin gene.
Gene duplication events can occur through rare errors in processes such as DNA
replication, meiosis, or transposition. The duplicated genes can accumulate
mutations independently of each other. Mutations can occur in either the regulatory
regions (e.g. promoter regions), or in the coding regions, or both. In this way, the
promoters of globin genes have evolved to be expressed at different phases of
development, and to produce proteins optimized for the prenatal environment.
Of course, not all mutations are beneficial: some mutations can lead to inactivation
of one or more of the products of a gene duplication. This can produce what is called
a pseudogene. Examples of pseudogenes () are also found in the globin clusters.
Pseudogenes have mutations that prevent them from being expressed at all. The
globin genes provide an example of how gene duplication and mutation, followed by
selection, allows genes to evolve specialized expression patterns and functions.
Many genes have evolved as gene families in this way, although they are not always
clustered together as are the globins.
Figure 12.14
Fragments of human
chromosome 11 and
human chromosome 16
on which are located
clusters of -like and like goblin genes,
Additional globin genes
(, ) have also been
described by some
researchers, but are not
shown here. (OrigianlDeyholos-CC:AN)
Eukaryotes regulate transcription via promoter sequences close to the transcription
unit (as in prokaryotes) and also use more distant enhancer sequences to provide
more variation in the timing, level, and location of transcription, however, there are
still additional levels of genetic control. This consists of two major mechanism: (1)
large-scale changes in chromatin structure, and (2) modification of bases in the DNA
sequence. These two are often inter-connected.
Despite the simplified way in which we often represent DNA in figures such as those
in this chapter, DNA is almost always associated with various chromatin proteins.
For example, histones remain associated with the DNA even during transcription.
Thus the rate of transcription is also controlled by the accessibility of DNA to
RNApol and regulatory proteins. So, in regions were the chromatin is highly
compacted, it is unlikely that any gene will be transcribed, even if all the necessary
cis- and trans- factors are present in the nucleus. The extent of chromatin
compaction in various regions is regulated through the action of chromatin
remodeling proteins. These protein complexes include enzymes that add or
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Chapter 12 – Regulation of Gene Expression
remove chemical tags, such as methyl or acetyl groups, to various DNA bound
proteins. These modifications alter the local chromatin density and thus the
availability for transcription. Acetylated histones, for example, tend to be
associated with actively transcribed genes, whereas deacetylated histone are
associated with genes that are silenced (Figure 12.15).
Figure 12.15
Acetylation of
histone proteins is
associated with
more a more open
Acetylation is a
reversible process.
Likewise, methylation of DNA itself is also associated with transcription regulation.
Cytosine bases, particularly when followed by a guanine (CpG sites) are important
targets for DNA methylation (Figure 12.16). Methylated cytosine within clusters of
CpG sites is often associated with transcriptionally inactive DNA.
Figure 12.16 The
methylation reaction shown
here produces 5methylcytosine (5mC).
Methyl groups may also be
removed by various
processes. (flickr-Beardy
The modification of DNA and its associated proteins is enzymatically reversible
(acetylation/deacetylation; methylation/demethylation) and thus a cyclical activity.
Regulation of this provides another layer through which eukaryotic cells control the
transcription of specific genes.
The word “epigenetics” has become popular in the last decade and its meaning has
become confused. The term epigenetics describes any heritable change in
phenotype that is not associated with a change the chromosomal DNA sequence.
Originally it meant the processes through which the genes were expressed to give
the phenotype; that is, the changes in gene expression that occur during normal
development of multicellular organisms. This includes the change in transcriptional
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Regulation of Gene Expression-Chapter 12
state of a DNA sequence (gene) via DNA or chromatin protein reversible
modifications. Thus, DNA methylation and chromatin protein methylation,
phosphorylation, and acetylation have been targeted as mechanisms for “heritable”
changes in cells as they grow from a single cell (zygote) and differentiate to a
multicellular organism. Here, dividing cells commit to differentiate into different
tissues such as muscle, neuron, and fibroblast due to the genes that they express or
silence. Some genes are irreversibly silenced, through epigenetic mechanisms, in
some cell types, but not in others. This doesn’t involve any change in DNA sequence.
Remember, these epigenetic effects are not permanent changes and thus cannot be
selectable in an evolutionary context. However, mutations in the genes that regulate
the epigenetic effect can be selected.
More recently however, researchers have found many cases of environmentally
induced changes in gene expression that can be passed on to subsequent
generations – a multi-generational effect. These cases have also been called
“epigenetics”, and probably involve similar reversible changes to the DNA and
chromatin proteins. These altered expression patterns represent the diversity of
expression for a genome. This “extended” phenotype, the ability to influence traits in
the next generation, is a topic of current research and only some examples will be
discussed here.
One example comes from the grandchildren of famine victims are known to have
lower birth weight than children without a family history of famine. This heritability
of altered state of gene expression is surprising, since it appears not to involve
typical changes in the sequence of DNA. The term epigenetics is applied here since
the apparently heritable change in phenotype is associated with something other
than chromosomal DNA sequence.
This change is inherited from one generation to the next and is thus
In develpmental epigenetics, the expression state
(developmentally differentiated state) is conserved only from one mitosis to the
next, but is erased or rest at meiosis (the boundary of one generation to the next).
The basis of at least some types of epigenetic inheritance appears to be replication
of patterns of histone and DNA methylation that occurs in parallel with the
replication of the primary DNA sequence. It is becoming clear that epigenetics is an
important part of biology, and can serve as a type of cellular memory, sometimes
within an individual, or sometimes across a few generations, at least.
The permanence of this “change” is not the same as changes in the DNA sequence
itself. What is clear is that epigenetics is an important part of regulating gene
expression, and can serve as a type of cellular memory, certainly within an
individual, or across a few generations in some cases.
For some genes, the allele inherited from the female parent is expressed differently
than the allele that is inherited from the male parent. This is distinct from sexlinkage and is true even if both alleles are wild-type and autosomal. During gamete
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Chapter 12 – Regulation of Gene Expression
development (gametogenesis), each parent imprints epigenetic information on
some genes that will affect the activity of the gene in the offspring. Imprinting does
not change the DNA sequence, but does involve methylation of DNA and histones,
and generally silences the expression of one of the parent’s alleles. In humans, some
genes are expressed only from the paternal allele, and other genes are expressed
only from the maternal allele. The imprinting marks are reprogrammed before the
next generation of gametes are formed. Thus, although a male inherits epigenetic
information from both his mother and father, this information is erased before
sperm development, and he passes only one pattern of imprinting to both his sons
and daughters. Most examples of imprinting come from placental mammals, and
many imprinted genes control growth rate, such as IGF2 (insulin-like growth factor
Imprinting appears to explain many different parent-of-origin effects. For
example, Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) and Angelman Syndrome (AS) are two
phenotypically different conditions in humans that result from deletion of a specific
region of chromosome 15, which contains several genes. Whether the deletion
results in PWS or in AS depends on the parent-of-origin. If the deletion is inherited
from the father, PWS results. Conversely, if the deletion is inherited from the
mother, AS is the result. The gene(s) involved in PWS is maternally silenced by
imprinting, therefore the deletion of its paternally-inherited allele results in a
complete deficiency of a required protein. On the other hand, the paternal allele of
the gene involved in AS is silenced by imprinting, so deletion of the maternal allele
results in deficiency of the protein encoded by that gene.
Nutrition is one aspect of the environment that has been particularly well-studied
from an epigenetic perspective in both mice and humans. People alive today who
experienced the Dutch famine of 1944-1945 as fetuses have IGF2 genes that are
less-methylated than their siblings. Methylation of IGF2 (and birth rate) is also
lower in children of mothers who do not take folic acid supplements as compared
those who do. Furthermore, an individual’s phenotype can be influenced by the
nutrition of parents or even grandparents. This transgenerational inheritance of
nutritional effects appears to involve epigenetic mechanisms.
The mouse agouti gene produces a signaling molecule that regulates pigmentproducing cells and brain cells that affect feeding and body weight. Normally, agouti
is silenced by methylation, and these mice are brown and have a normal weight.
When agouti is demethylated by feeding certain chemicals or by mutating a gene
that controls methylation, some mice become yellow and overweight, although their
DNA sequence remains unchanged. Methylation of agouti and normal weight and
pigmentation of offspring can be restored if their mothers are fed folic acid and
other vitamins during pregnancy.
A study of an isolated Swedish village called Överkalix provides an example of
transgenerational inheritance of nutritional factors. Detailed historical records
allowed researchers to infer the nutritional status of villagers going back to 1890.
The researchers then studied the health of two generations of these villagers’
offspring, using medical records. A significant correlation was found between the
mortality risk of grandsons and the food availability of their paternal grandfathers.
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Regulation of Gene Expression-Chapter 12
This effect was not seen in the granddaughters. Furthermore, the nutrition of
paternal grandmothers, or either of the maternal grandparents did not affect the
health of the grandsons. It was therefore proposed that epigenetic information
affecting health (specifically diabetes and heart disease) was passed from the
grandfathers, to the grandsons, through the male line.
Many plant species in temperate regions are winter annuals, meaning that their
seeds germinate in the late summer, and grow vegetatively through early fall before
entering a dormant phase during the winter, often under a cover of snow. In the
spring, the plant resumes growth and is able to produce seeds before other species
that germinated in the spring. In order for this life strategy to work, the winter
annual must not resume growth or start flower production until winter has ended.
Vernalization is the name given to the requirement to experience a long period of
cold temperatures prior to flowering.
How does a plant sense that winter has passed? The signal for resuming growth
cannot simply be warm air temperature, since occasional warm days, followed
by long periods of freezing, are common in temperate climates. Researchers
have discovered that winter annuals use epigenetic mechanisms to sense and
“remember” that winter has occurred
Fortunately for the researchers who were interested in vernalization, some
varieties of Arabidopsis are winter annuals. Through mutational analysis of
Arabidopsis, researchers found that a gene called FLC (FLOWERING LOCUS C)
Figure 12.17
encodes a transcription repressor acting on several of the genes involved in early
A winter wheat crop
stages of flowering (Figure 12.16). In the fall and under other warm conditions, the
(green) in early spring
in the English
histones associated with FLC are acetylated and so FLC is transcribed at high levels;
countryside. (Flickrexpression of flowering genes is therefore entirely repressed. However, in response
Beardy Git-CC:AND)
to cold temperatures, enzymes gradually deacetylate the histones associated with
FLC. The longer the cold temperatures persist, the more acetyl groups are removed
from the FLC-associated histones, until finally the FLC locus is no longer transcribed
and the flowering genes are free to respond to other environmental and hormonal
signals that induce flowering later in the spring. Because the deacetylated state of
FLC is inherited as cells divide and the plant grows in the early spring, this is an
example of a type of cellular memory mediated by an epigenetic mechanism.
Figure 12.18
In the autumn, histones
associated with FLC are
acetylated, allowing this
repressor of flowering
genes to be expressed.
During winter, enzymes
progressive deacetylate
FLC, preventing it from
being expressed, and
therefore allowing
flowering genes to
respond to other signals
that induce flowering.
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Chapter 12 – Regulation of Gene Expression
Regulation of gene expression is essential to the normal development and efficient
functioning of cells
Gene expression may be regulated by many mechanisms, including those affecting
transcript abundance, protein abundance, and post-translational modifications
Regulation of transcript abundance may involve controlling the rate of initiation and
elongation of transcription, as well as transcript splicing, stability, and turnover
The rate of initiation of transcription is related to the presence of RNA polymerase
and associated proteins at the promoter.
RNApol may be blocked from the promoter by repressors, or may be recruited or
stabilized at the promoter by other proteins including transcription factors
The lac operon is a classic, fundamental paradigm demonstrating both positive and
negative regulation through allosteric effects on trans-factors.
In eukaryotes, cis-elements that are usually called enhancers bind to specific transfactors to regulate transcriptional initiation.
Enhancers may be modular, with each enhancer and its transcription factor
regulating a distinct component of a gene’s expression pattern, as in the yellow gene.
Sticklebacks provide examples of recent evolutionary events in which mutation of
an enhancer produced a change in morphology and a selective advantage.
Chromatin structure, including reversible modifications such as acetylation of
histones, and methylation DNA CpG sites also regulates the initiation of
Chromatin modifications or DNA methylation of some genes are heritable over
many mitotic, and sometimes even meiotic divisions.
Heritable changes in phenotype that do not result from a change in DNA sequence
are called epigenetic. Many epigenetic phenomena involve regulation of gene
expression by chromatin modification and/or DNA methylation.
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Regulation of Gene Expression-Chapter 12
gene expression
transcriptional regulation
lac operon
P / promoter
O / operator
CAP-binding site
cAMP binding protein
CAP binding sequence
adenylate cyclase
Oc / I- / Is
F-factor / episome
GC boxes
CAAT boxes
TATA boxes
transcription start site
transcription factors
gene families
chromatin remodeling
CpG sites
winter annual
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Chapter 12 – Regulation of Gene Expression
12.1 List all the mechanisms that can be l) I+, O+, Z-, Y+ / I+, Oc, Z+, Y+ (no lactose)
used to regulate gene expression in m) I+, O+, Z-, Y+ / Is, O+, Z+, Y+ (high lactose)
n) I+, O+, Z-, Y+ / Is, O+, Z+, Y+ (no lactose)
o) Is, O+, Z+, Y+ / I+, O+, Z-, Y+ (high lactose)
p) Is, O+, Z+, Y+ / I+, O+, Z-, Y+ (no lactose)
12.2 With respect to the expression of βgalactosidase, what would be the
12.4 What genotypes of E. coli would be
phenotype of each of the following
most useful in demonstrating that the
strains of E. coli?
lacO operator is a cis-acting regulatory
a) I+, O+, Z+, Y+ (no glucose, no lactose)
b) I+, O+, Z+, Y+ (no glucose, high lactose)
c) I+, O+, Z+, Y+ (high glucose, no lactose)
d) I+, O+, Z+, Y+ (high glucose, high lactose)
e) I+, O+, Z-, Y+ (no glucose, no lactose)
f) I+, O+, Z-, Y+ (high glucose, high lactose)
g) I+, O+, Z+, Y- (high glucose, high lactose)
h) I+, Oc, Z+, Y+ (no glucose, no lactose)
i) I+, Oc,Z+, Y+ (no glucose, high lactose)
j) I+, Oc, Z+, Y+ (high glucose, no lactose)
k) I+, Oc, Z+, Y+ (high glucose, high lactose)
l) I-, O+, Z+, Y+ (no glucose, no lactose)
m) I-, O+, Z+, Y+ (no glucose, high lactose)
n) I-, O+, Z+, Y+ (high glucose, no lactose)
o) I-, O+, Z+, Y+ (high glucose, high lactose)
p) Is, O+, Z+, Y+ (no glucose, no lactose)
q) Is, O+, Z+, Y+ (no glucose, high lactose)
r) Is, O+, Z+, Y+ (high glucose, no lactose)
s) Is, O+, Z+, Y+ (high glucose, high lactose)
12.5 What genotypes of E. coli would be
useful in demonstrating that the lacI
repressor is a trans-acting regulatory
12.6 What would be the effect of the
following loss-of-function mutations on
the expression of the lac operon?
a) loss-of-function of adenylate cyclase
b) loss of DNA binding ability of CAP
c) loss of cAMP binding ability of CAP
d) mutation of CAP binding site (CBS)
cis-element so that CAP could not bind
12.7 How are eukaryotic and
prokaryotic gene regulation systems
12.3 In the E. coli strains listed below, similar? How are they different?
some genes are present on both the
chromosome, and the extrachromosomal 12.8 Deep-water sticklebacks that are
F-factor episome. The genotypes of the heterozygous for a loss-of-function
chromosome and episome are separated mutation in the coding region of Pitx
by a slash. What will be the β- look just like homozygous wild-type fish
galactosidase phenotype of these from the same population.
strains? All of the strains are grown in phenotype or phenotypes would be
media that lacks glucose.
observed if a wild-type fish from a deepwater population mated with a wild-type
a) I+, O+, Z+, Y+ / O-, Z-, Y- (high lactose)
fish from a shallow-water population?
b) I+, O+, Z+, Y+ / O-, Z-, Y- (no lactose)
12.9 Some varieties of Arabidopsis,
c) I+, O+, Z-, Y+ / O-, Z+, Y+ (high lactose)
including those adopted for lab use, do
d) I+, O+, Z-, Y+ / O-, Z+, Y+ (no lactose)
require vernalization before
e) I+, O+, Z-, Y+ / I-, O+, Z+, Y+ (high lactose)
flowering. How might these varieties
f) I+, O+, Z-, Y+ / I-, O+, Z+, Y+ (no lactose)
have evolved?
g) I-, O+, Z+, Y+ / I+, O+, Z-, Y+ (high lactose)
12.10 Histone deacetylase (HDAC) is an
h) I-, O+, Z+, Y+ / I+, O+, Z-, Y+ (no lactose)
i) I+, Oc, Z+, Y+ / I+, O+, Z-, Y+ (high lactose)
enzyme involved in gene regulation.
j) I+, Oc, Z+, Y+ / I+, O+, Z-, Y+ (no lactose)
What might be the phenotype of a winter
k) I+, O+, Z-, Y+ / I+, Oc, Z+, Y+ (high lactose)
annual plant that lacked HDAC function?
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Regulation of Gene Expression-Chapter 12
12.1 Transcriptional: initiation, processing & splicing, degradation
Translational: initiation, processing, degradation
Post-translational: modifications (e.g. phosphorylation), localization
Others: histone modification, other chromatin remodeling, DNA methylation
12.2 Legend:
Lots of β-galactosidase activity
Moderate β-galactosidase activity
-No β-galactosidase activity
a) I+, O+, Z+, Y+ (no glucose, no lactose)
b) I+, O+, Z+, Y+ (no glucose, high lactose)
c) I+, O+, Z+, Y+ (high glucose, no lactose)
d) I+, O+, Z+, Y+ (high glucose, high lactose)
e) I+, O+, Z-, Y+ (no glucose, no lactose)
f) I+, O+, Z-, Y+ (high glucose, high lactose)
g) I+, O+, Z+, Y- (high glucose, high lactose)
h) I+, Oc, Z+, Y+ (no glucose, no lactose)
i) I+, Oc,Z+, Y+ (no glucose, high lactose)
j) I+, Oc, Z+, Y+ (high glucose, no lactose)
k) I+, Oc, Z+, Y+ (high glucose, high lactose)
l) I-, O+, Z+, Y+ (no glucose, no lactose)
m) I-, O+, Z+, Y+ (no glucose, high lactose)
n) I-, O+, Z+, Y+ (high glucose, no lactose)
o) I-, O+, Z+, Y+ (high glucose, high lactose)
p) Is, O+, Z+, Y+ (no glucose, no lactose)
q) Is, O+, Z+, Y+ (no glucose, high lactose)
r) Is, O+, Z+, Y+ (high glucose, no lactose)
s) Is, O+, Z+, Y+ (high glucose, high lactose)
12.3 Legend:
Lots of β-galactosidase activity
Moderate β-galactosidase activity
-No β-galactosidase activity
a) I+, O+, Z+, Y+ / O-, Z-, Y- (high lactose)
b) I+, O+, Z+, Y+ / O-, Z-, Y- (no lactose)
c) I+, O+, Z-, Y+ / O-, Z+, Y+ (high lactose)
d) I+, O+, Z-, Y+ / O-, Z+, Y+ (no lactose)
e) I+, O+, Z-, Y+ / I-, O+, Z+, Y+ (high lactose)
f) I+, O+, Z-, Y+ / I-, O+, Z+, Y+ (no lactose)
g) I-, O+, Z+, Y+ / I+, O+, Z-, Y+ (high lactose)
h) I-, O+, Z+, Y+ / I+, O+, Z-, Y+ (no lactose)
i) I+, Oc, Z+, Y+ / I+, O+, Z-, Y+ (high lactose)
j) I+, Oc, Z+, Y+ / I+, O+, Z-, Y+ (no lactose)
k) I+, O+, Z-, Y+ / I+, Oc, Z+, Y+ (high lactose)
l) I+, O+, Z-, Y+ / I+, Oc, Z+, Y+ (no lactose)
m) I+, O+, Z-, Y+ / Is, O+, Z+, Y+ (high lactose)
n) I+, O+, Z-, Y+ / Is, O+, Z+, Y+ (no lactose)
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Chapter 12 – Regulation of Gene Expression
o) Is, O+, Z+, Y+ / I+, O+, Z-, Y+ (high lactose)
p) Is, O+, Z+, Y+ / I+, O+, Z-, Y+ (no lactose)
12.4 You could demonstrate this with just I+OcZ-/I+O+Z+. The fact that this does not
have constitutive lactose expression shows that the operator only acts on the
same piece of DNA on which it is located. There are also other possible
12.5 You could also demonstrate this with just I+O+Z-/I-O+Z+. The fact that this has
the same lactose-inducible phenotype as wild-type hows that a functional lacI
gene can act on operators on both the same piece of DNA from which it is
transcribed, or on a different piece of DNA. There are also other possible
12.6 For all of these, the answer is the same: The lac operon would be inducible by
lactose, but only moderate expression of the lac operon would be possible,
even in the absence of glucose
a) loss-of-function of adenylate cyclase
b) loss of DNA binding ability of CAP
c) loss of cAMP binding ability of CAP
d) mutation of CAP binding site (CBS) cis-element so that CAP could not bind
12.7 Both involve trans-factors binding to corresponding cis-elements to regulate
the initiation of transcription by recruiting or stabilizing the binding of
RNApol and related transcriptional proteins at the promoter. In prokaryotes,
genes may be regulated as a single operon. In eukaryotes, enhancers may be
located much further from the promoter than in prokaryotes.
12.8 These fish would all have spiny tales like the deep-water population.
12.9 These could have arisen from loss-of-function mutation in FLC, or in the ciselement to which FLC normally binds.
12.10 If there was no deacetylation of FLC by HDAC, transcription of FLC might
continue constantly, leading to constant suppression of flowering, even after
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