A SMN missense mutation complements SMN2 restoring snRNPs
... (30 – 32). Mice lack SMN2 and thus, lethality can be rescued by introduction of SMN2. Low copy number of SMN2 gives rise to SMA and a high copy number of SMN2 rescues mice that lack mouse Smn (33,34). Expression of SMN(D7) in SMA mice containing two copies of SMN2 is not detrimental, but is benefici ...
... (30 – 32). Mice lack SMN2 and thus, lethality can be rescued by introduction of SMN2. Low copy number of SMN2 gives rise to SMA and a high copy number of SMN2 rescues mice that lack mouse Smn (33,34). Expression of SMN(D7) in SMA mice containing two copies of SMN2 is not detrimental, but is benefici ...
... wild-type heart-stage embryos is expressed throughout the cotyledon primordia (Long and Barton, 1998; Schoof et al., 2000), was detected around the whole apical circumference of gnom embryos (Fig. 1D,H), and was mainly restricted to the epidermis. This aberrant marker expression reflects the failure ...
... wild-type heart-stage embryos is expressed throughout the cotyledon primordia (Long and Barton, 1998; Schoof et al., 2000), was detected around the whole apical circumference of gnom embryos (Fig. 1D,H), and was mainly restricted to the epidermis. This aberrant marker expression reflects the failure ...
Depressive Rumination: Nature, Theory and Treatment
... recurrence/relapse of depression. In the past 15 years, persistent, recyclic, negative thinking, in the form of rumination, has attracted increasing theoretical and empirical attention as an important factor. This book brings together leading theorists, researchers, and clinicians working in the fiel ...
... recurrence/relapse of depression. In the past 15 years, persistent, recyclic, negative thinking, in the form of rumination, has attracted increasing theoretical and empirical attention as an important factor. This book brings together leading theorists, researchers, and clinicians working in the fiel ...
Changes in retinoic acid signaling alter otic patterning
... Otic defects generated by changes in RA signaling are considered mostly secondary consequences due to changes in Fgf signaling, because hindbrain patterning is disturbed in RA gain- and loss-offunction studies. In embryos with no RA signaling, such as mouse Aldh1a2 mutants, expression of Fgf3, which ...
... Otic defects generated by changes in RA signaling are considered mostly secondary consequences due to changes in Fgf signaling, because hindbrain patterning is disturbed in RA gain- and loss-offunction studies. In embryos with no RA signaling, such as mouse Aldh1a2 mutants, expression of Fgf3, which ...
A caudal mRNA gradient controls posterior development in the wasp
... highlighted several common and different pathways to pattern the embryo (reviewed by Liu and Kaufman, 2005). We have chosen to study the wasp Nasonia, an important model system with which compare early development that is functionally accessible, through both genetics and parental RNAi (Pultz and Le ...
... highlighted several common and different pathways to pattern the embryo (reviewed by Liu and Kaufman, 2005). We have chosen to study the wasp Nasonia, an important model system with which compare early development that is functionally accessible, through both genetics and parental RNAi (Pultz and Le ...
as Adobe PDF - Edinburgh Research Explorer
... the specification of subtypes of VM in mice (Lettice et al. 1999) and flies (Azpiazu and Frasch 1993). This high level of functional conservation suggests that the underlying transcriptional circuitry governing VM development may also be conserved. To date, most progress has been made in elucidating ...
... the specification of subtypes of VM in mice (Lettice et al. 1999) and flies (Azpiazu and Frasch 1993). This high level of functional conservation suggests that the underlying transcriptional circuitry governing VM development may also be conserved. To date, most progress has been made in elucidating ...
Smn - Nationwide Children`s Hospital
... scAAV9-SMN results in over a year survival of SMA mice survival. scAAV9 is even more effective in larger animals ( primates). Intravenous and intrathecal delivery can be considered both target motor neurons. IND given clinical phase 1 trial started. Early results positive no adverse affects and stil ...
... scAAV9-SMN results in over a year survival of SMA mice survival. scAAV9 is even more effective in larger animals ( primates). Intravenous and intrathecal delivery can be considered both target motor neurons. IND given clinical phase 1 trial started. Early results positive no adverse affects and stil ...
Mouse Lefty2 and Zebrafish Antivin Are Feedback
... axial structures, was absent except in a small anterior region of the midline (Figure 3T). Hesx-1 expression marks the AVE at E6.5, and expression extends into the anterior neuroectoderm at E8.0 (Thomas and Beddington, 1996). In the mutant embryos, Hesx-1 was found to be expressed appropriately in t ...
... axial structures, was absent except in a small anterior region of the midline (Figure 3T). Hesx-1 expression marks the AVE at E6.5, and expression extends into the anterior neuroectoderm at E8.0 (Thomas and Beddington, 1996). In the mutant embryos, Hesx-1 was found to be expressed appropriately in t ...
Signaling Pathways of Heme Oxygenase
... retardation, signs of a normochromic, microcytic anemia and iron overload of the kidney and liver. Moreover, HO-1 deficient mice have a proinflammatory phenotype with an exaggerated activation of mononuclear phagocytes and are highly susceptible to oxidative stress as indicated by a higher mortality ...
... retardation, signs of a normochromic, microcytic anemia and iron overload of the kidney and liver. Moreover, HO-1 deficient mice have a proinflammatory phenotype with an exaggerated activation of mononuclear phagocytes and are highly susceptible to oxidative stress as indicated by a higher mortality ...
Gene Section ATF4 (activating transcription factor 4 (tax responsive enhancer element B67)) -
... ATF4 gene is transcribed at very high levels (according to ACEview). Several stress conditions such as hypoxia, anoxia, and glucose deprivation result in endoplasmic reticulum stress (ER stress), initiating the unfolded protein response pathway (UPR pathway) that increases the synthesis (increased m ...
... ATF4 gene is transcribed at very high levels (according to ACEview). Several stress conditions such as hypoxia, anoxia, and glucose deprivation result in endoplasmic reticulum stress (ER stress), initiating the unfolded protein response pathway (UPR pathway) that increases the synthesis (increased m ...
Endothelin signaling activates Mef2c expression in the neural crest
... Endothelin-responsive element in the Mef2c-F1 enhancer contains a conserved, perfect consensus MEF2 site (Fig. 1A), suggesting that the Mef2c-F1 enhancer might require MEF2C itself for activation and for Endothelin responsiveness. Consistent with this idea, Mef2c-F1 enhancer activity was completely ...
... Endothelin-responsive element in the Mef2c-F1 enhancer contains a conserved, perfect consensus MEF2 site (Fig. 1A), suggesting that the Mef2c-F1 enhancer might require MEF2C itself for activation and for Endothelin responsiveness. Consistent with this idea, Mef2c-F1 enhancer activity was completely ...
Neurotrophin Receptor Genes Are Expressed in Distinct Patterns in
... the identification of receptors that mediate the biological actions of the neurotrophin family of neuronal growth factors (Klein et al., 1989, 1990, 199 1; Martin-Zanca et al., 1990; Lamballe et al., 1991; for a review, see Bothwell, 1991). The identification of these receptors is the first step in ...
... the identification of receptors that mediate the biological actions of the neurotrophin family of neuronal growth factors (Klein et al., 1989, 1990, 199 1; Martin-Zanca et al., 1990; Lamballe et al., 1991; for a review, see Bothwell, 1991). The identification of these receptors is the first step in ...
Transvection Is Common Throughout the Drosophila
... Janelia Farm Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Ashburn, Virginia 20147 ...
... Janelia Farm Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Ashburn, Virginia 20147 ...
Endogenous Cerberus activity is required for anterior head
... conclude that reducing Cerberus activity in the ADE was not sufficient to impair head formation in the Xenopus embryo. Gain of BMP, Nodal or Wnt function in the ADE perturbs head formation Cerberus protein can bind to and antagonize BMP4, Xnr1 and Xwnt8 molecules (Piccolo et al., 1999). We reasoned ...
... conclude that reducing Cerberus activity in the ADE was not sufficient to impair head formation in the Xenopus embryo. Gain of BMP, Nodal or Wnt function in the ADE perturbs head formation Cerberus protein can bind to and antagonize BMP4, Xnr1 and Xwnt8 molecules (Piccolo et al., 1999). We reasoned ...
Ethanol exposure affects gene expression in the embryonic
... identified numerous genes active in this embryonic structure. Among the organizer-specific genes are transcription factors, growth factors and secreted proteins. It is known that the interactions between these organizer-specific genes and others expressed around the blastopore will determine many as ...
... identified numerous genes active in this embryonic structure. Among the organizer-specific genes are transcription factors, growth factors and secreted proteins. It is known that the interactions between these organizer-specific genes and others expressed around the blastopore will determine many as ...
Cerberus regulates left–right asymmetry of the embryonic head and
... later (stage 8–9) stages had little or no effect on the direction of heart looping or head turning compared with mocktransfected controls (Table 1). These results suggest that there is a narrow time window during which cCer can regulate left–right polarity. Does cCer act on the heart and the head to ...
... later (stage 8–9) stages had little or no effect on the direction of heart looping or head turning compared with mocktransfected controls (Table 1). These results suggest that there is a narrow time window during which cCer can regulate left–right polarity. Does cCer act on the heart and the head to ...
Abstracts - Parthenon Management Group
... pathology, and the variability that exists between regions and cell types even within the brain. Progress has been made in the study of a few particular genes, such as BDNF in a stress model of depression, and RELN in schizophrenia. There is some evidence in both of these cases that medications that ...
... pathology, and the variability that exists between regions and cell types even within the brain. Progress has been made in the study of a few particular genes, such as BDNF in a stress model of depression, and RELN in schizophrenia. There is some evidence in both of these cases that medications that ...
The enhancement of ribosomal transcription by the recycling of RNA
... I t has been suggested that the tandemly repeated ribosomal genes of eukaryotes may be subject to a special mechanism of transcriptional enhancement, called Readthrough Enhancement, in which transcription factors are recycled. Recent experiments with the mouse ribosomal genes, although consistent wi ...
... I t has been suggested that the tandemly repeated ribosomal genes of eukaryotes may be subject to a special mechanism of transcriptional enhancement, called Readthrough Enhancement, in which transcription factors are recycled. Recent experiments with the mouse ribosomal genes, although consistent wi ...
Additional Table 1. Genotype and phenotype of the
... kb, 14,823,878-15,041,954, genomic yes build hg 18). One gene involved (MACROD2 ). No parental studies were performed. The clinical significance of these copy number variants is unclear. ...
... kb, 14,823,878-15,041,954, genomic yes build hg 18). One gene involved (MACROD2 ). No parental studies were performed. The clinical significance of these copy number variants is unclear. ...
The Nodal Pathway Acts Upstream of Hedgehog
... requirement for Nodal signaling in the specification of both ventral diencephalic and ventral telencephalic nk2.1 expression. Nodal signaling is also involved in AP patterning of neural tissue (reviewed in Wilson and Rubenstein, 2000), and so to confirm that the loss of telencephalic nk2.1b expressi ...
... requirement for Nodal signaling in the specification of both ventral diencephalic and ventral telencephalic nk2.1 expression. Nodal signaling is also involved in AP patterning of neural tissue (reviewed in Wilson and Rubenstein, 2000), and so to confirm that the loss of telencephalic nk2.1b expressi ...
SPATULA, a bHLH carpel development gene
... cDNA 3.5 corresponds to predicted gene 44 in the AP2 contig of Terryn et al. (1999) (also called AT4g36930 by the Martinsried Institute for Protein Sequences, see http://www.mips.biochem.mpg.de/proj/thal/). Comparison of cDNA 3.5 and the predicted ORF suggested that it is not full length. Two longer ...
... cDNA 3.5 corresponds to predicted gene 44 in the AP2 contig of Terryn et al. (1999) (also called AT4g36930 by the Martinsried Institute for Protein Sequences, see http://www.mips.biochem.mpg.de/proj/thal/). Comparison of cDNA 3.5 and the predicted ORF suggested that it is not full length. Two longer ...