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Chapter Readings
Chapter 5
Section 4 – Proteins perform most functions in cells.
Chapter 9
Section 1 – All cells come from cells.
Section 2 – The cell cycle multiples cells.
Section 3 – Cells divide during the mitotic phase.
Section 4 – Cancer cells grow and divide out of control.
Chapter 11
Section 1 – Genes are made of DNA.
Section 2 – Nucleic acids store information in their sequences of chemical units.
Section 3 – DNA replication is the molecular mechanism of inheritance.
Section 4 – A gene provides the information for making a specific protein.
Section 5 – There are two main steps from gene to protein.
Section 6 – Mutations can change the meaning of genes.
Chapter 12
Section 1 – The nucleus contains an information-rich genome.
1. What category of organic molecules does DNA belong to?
2. What does DNA stand for?
3. Name the three people who won the Nobel prize for their work leading to the
discovery of DNA structure. Identify which two worked together, and explain the
methods that they used in determining the structure of DNA.
4. Name the female who didn’t win a Novel prize. Identify who she worked with, and
explain the method that they used in helping to discover the structure of DNA.
5. Diagram and label the parts of a DNA nucleotide. Which of these parts is DNA
named after?
6. Name the four nitrogenous bases found in DNA. Which are pyrimidines? Which are
purines? Describe how pyrimidines and purines look different from each other, and
how they were important in determining DNA structure.
7. What are the bonding rules for DNA nitrogenous bases? Whose research was most
responsible in helping Watson and Crick to determine the bonding rules?
8. How was Linus Pauling involved in the discovery of DNA’s structure? Was his work
more like that of Watson and Crick or Franklin and Wilkins?
9. Diagram the bonding of three nucleotides on one strand with the three nucleotides on
the other strand. Label the location of the sugar phosphate backbones and the
weak hydrogen bonds. How wide is DNA? What is the distance between two
adjacent nitrogenous bases? What is the distance of a full turn in the DNA
10. Where is DNA found in a cell? How does DNA aid the cell in carrying out its
function as a place where chemical reactions occur?
11. Describe experiments of Griffith, Avery et. al, and Hershey and Chase and explain
how they were important in determining that DNA was the hereditary information.
12. Who first extracted DNA? Where did he get the DNA from? What characteristics
did he find that the DNA had? From your knowledge of DNA, which of his
discoveries makes the most sense? Explain.
13. What does RNA stand for?
14. Diagram and label the parts of a RNA nucleotide. Which of these parts is the RNA
named after?
15. Name the three different types of RNA. What is the function of each of these types
of RNA?
16. What does DNA hold the information for making? Diagram the central dogma?
17. Name the two processes that have to occur to convert the sequence of DNA letters
into a sequence of amino acids? Where does each of these processes occur?
Which type of RNA solves the problem that exists because DNA can’t leave the
nucleus of the cell?
18. List and diagram the steps that occur in transcription. Transcribe the following DNA
19. List and diagram the steps that occur in translation. Translate the following
following mRNA sequence: AUG GAA UUU CCU ACC
20. Draw a tRNA molecule and label the two parts that it has at its top and bottom.
What does tRNA transfer? Where does it transfer it?
21. Diagram the first three tRNA molecules that would bond with the mRNA sequence
given in 18.
22. How many difference amino acids does the genetic code code for? What are the
two major categories of the amino acids? Describe how the characteristics of amino
acids in these categories is important to the shape of proteins in the membrane and
in the watery environment of the cell cytoplasm.
23. What is a gene?
24. What is a codon? And anticodon?
25. What is a genome? How many nucleotides are found in the human genome? How
many chromosomes are found in our cells? How many nucleotides are found in a
typical virus?
26. What was the goal of the Human Genome Project? Describe the role of Francis
Collins and Craig Ventor in this project.
27. Name the common gene mutations and demonstrate each using the following DNA
28. Describe how substitutions (point mutations) and base pair deletions and additions
(frameshift mutations) may affect the protein that is formed. Which of these two
types of mutations is more likely to result in poorly folded protein?
29. Name the three major stages of the cell cycle. Describe the general goal of each
stage. Name and diagram the three forms that DNA takes while in the stages of the
cell cycle. Diagram and describe how proteins important in the coiling or packing of
DNA in the nucleus.
30. Name the three phases of interphase. What happens in each of these phases?
31. Name the four phases of mitosis. Diagram each of the phases of mitosis, including
what is happening to the nuclear membrane, the centrioles and spindle fibers, and
the chromosomes.
32. Name the early stages that a zygote passes through as it develops into a
multicellular adult organism. What are the characteristics of cells during early
embryological development? What are the characteristics of most cells during
33. Name the two types of tumors. What are the characteristics of cancer cells?
Compare and contrast cancer cells with the cells of embryos and adults.
34. Name three things that cause cancer? Name and describe manners in which
cancer is treated. What are some of the common side effects of some cancer
treatments? Why do these common side effects make sense?
35. Diagram and label the structure of an amino acid.
Chapter 5
Side chain
amino acid
amino group
carboxyl group
Chapter 9
Benign tumor
malignant tumor
sister chromatids
cell division
spindle fibers
cell cycle
Chapter 11
Nitrogenous base
James Watson
Linus Pauling
DNA polymerase
Triplet code
Ribosomal RNA
Base deletion
Francis Crick
Erwin Chargaff
messenger RNA
RNA splicing
protein synthesis
base addition
phosphate group
Rosalind Franklin
Johann Meischner
RNA polymerase
transfer RNA
double helix
Maurice Wilkins
DNA replication
Beadle & Tatum
base substitution
helical fiber
Chapter 12
x-ray diffraction
hydrogen bonds
sugar phosphate backbone