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Goal 3 Key Concepts Review: The learner will develop an understanding of the continuity of life and the changes of
organisms over time.
1. Define DNA and give its function. (Ch 12)
2. What is the shape of DNA? (293)
3. Who discovered the structure of DNA in 1953? (293)
4. What are the three main parts of a nucleotide? (291)
5. List the four nitrogen bases present in DNA and tell how they pair up in a DNA molecule. (291)
6. What type of bond holds the base pairs together? (294)
7. What is the complimentary strand of DNA for the following base sequence: TACGGTTGC (295)
8. What is RNA? (300)
9. How does RNA differ from DNA? (291, 306)
10. Name the four bases four in RNA. How do they pair up in an RNA molecule? (300-301)
11. What is the complimentary strand of mRNA made from this strand of DNA: TAGCCAATG
12. What are the three types of RNA, what jobs do they do and where are they found? (301)
13. Where is DNA found? (295)
14. Define DNA replication. (297)
15. When does DNA replication happen? (297-299)
16. Where does DNA replication happen? (297-299)
17. What is protein synthesis? (301-305)
18. What happens during transcription? (301)
19. Where does the mRNA go? (301)
20. What happens during translation? (303)
21. What are: (304)
a. Codons
b. Anticodons
22. Be able to read a codon chart! Hint: Codons are on the _________RNA while anticodons are on the _______RNA. (303)
23. What are mutations? (307)
24. How do mutations occur (what can cause them)? (307)
25. How are some mutations beneficial? (308)
26. Explain how changing the DNA can change the shape of a protein. (306)
27. What is the difference between mitosis and meiosis? (246, 275-278)
28. What does “n” and “2n” mean? (275)
29. What does haploid (monoploid) and diploid mean? (275)
30. What happens to the chromosome in each stage of mitosis? Draw simple diagrams of the stages to show what occurs.
31. What is crossing over? (277)
32. When can crossing over occur? (277)
33. What advantage does crossing over provide? (272, 277)
34. What is nondisjunction? (352)
35. What human disorder is caused by trisomy 21? (352)
36. Explain how random assortment of chromosomes and recombination provide genetic variation. (320)
37. How does sexual reproduction lead to new genetic combinations? (17, 659).
38. What do geneotype and phenotype mean? (268)
39. Define:
a. Allele (265)
b. Homozygous (268)
c. Heterozygous (268)
d. Gene (265)
e. Chromosome (176)
40. What is a zygote?(1016)
41. Name the male and female gametes. (278)
42. What is a monohybrid cross?
43. When doing a Punnett square, how many boxes will it have (for a monohybrid cross)? Draw one. (268
44. What is a phenotypic ratio?
45. a. What is dihybrid cross? (270)
How many boxes? (270)
46. a. What is test cross and when is it used?
b. Draw two Punnett squares showing test cross results for a homozygous dominant vs. heterozygous
47. What organism did Mendel use for his experiments? (263)
48. What three laws of genetics did he develop based on his results and observations? (265, 270)
unknown. (247-
49. a. What are the alleles for human blood types? (344)
b. Which alleles are dominant?
Show a Punnett squares for the following parental phenotype: AB x O.
Show a test cross that could determine the genotype of an individual with type B blood.
50. What is meant by a codominant allele? (272)
51. How is this different from incomplete dominance? (272)
52. If a trait is sex-linked, where is the gene located? (350)
53. Name the sex-linked traits in humans. (350)
54. Show a Punnett square of a carrier female and normal male. (350)
55. What is a pedigree? (342)
56. Who determines the sex of a child? (341)
c. Show a Punnett square to illustrate this. (342)
57. What is meant by a polygenic trait? Give an example in humans. (273)
58. What important contribution did Charles Drew make? (Hint: Famous African-American Physician)
59. What is a karyotype? (341)
60. What can you tell by looking at the chromosomes in a karyotype? (341)
61. Explain how amniocentesis can be used to screen for genetic disorders.
62. How can gel electrophoresis be useful: (323)
In law enforcement?
b. In medicine?
63. Explain how human insulin can be produced using DNA technology. (331)
64. What is a transgenic organism? Give some examples used in agriculture. (331)
65. What is cloning? (333)
66. What are the advantages and disadvantages of cloning? (333)
67. List some human health conditions that are caused strictly by a genetic problem. (346-351)
68. List other human diseases with both genetic and environmental components.
a. Describe some conditions with mainly environmental causes.
b. What are some environmental factors that can cause health problems in humans?
69. What is the difference between spontaneous generation (or abiogenesis) and biogenesis? (9-13)
70. How did Louis Pasteur disprove abiogenesis? (12)
71. Describe Miller and Urey’s early earth experiments. (424)
72. What is Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection? (380-381)
73. What evidence do scientists use in developing theories of evolution? (382-385)
74. How can geographic isolation and reproductive isolation result in speciation? (404-405)
75. What is adaptive radiation? (436)
76. Where is adaptive radiation common? (436)
77. What is vestigial structure? Give some examples (384)
78. What is the role of mutations in evolution? (394)
79. Explain how bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics or insects can become resistant to pesticides. (403)