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Lecture 11
A Scientific Revolution
 Genetic engineering is the process of moving genes from one
organism to another
 Having a major impact on agriculture & medicine
Restriction Enzymes
 Restriction enzymes bind to
specific short sequences
(usually 4- to 6- bases long) on
the DNA
 The nucleotide sequence on both
DNA strands is identical when GAATTC
read in opposite directions
Most restriction enzymes cut the
DNA in a staggered fashion
 This generates “sticky” ends
 These ends can pair with
any other DNA fragment
generated by the same
 The pairing is aided
by DNA ligase
Restriction Enzymes
4 Stages of a Genetic Engineering Experiment
All gene transfer experiments share four distinct stages
Cleaving DNA
Producing recombinant
Steps in cloning a gene
Stage 1
 Cleaving the DNA
 The large number of fragments produced are separated by
appear as
bands under
fluorescent light
Stages 2 & 3
 Producing Recombinant DNA
 Fragments of source DNA are inserted into vectors
 Vectors are plasmids or viruses that carry foreign DNA into the host
 Vector DNA is cut with the same enzyme as the source DNA, thus
allowing the joining of the two
 Cloning
 Host cells are usually bacteria
 As each bacterial cell reproduces, it forms a clone of cells
containing the fragment-bearing vector
 Together all clones constitute a clone library
Stage 4
 Screening
A preliminary screen of the
clone library eliminates
1. Clones without vectors
2. Clones with vectors
that do not contain
The vector employed
usually has genes for
 Antibiotic resistance
 This eliminates the
first type of clones
because they are
sensitive to antibiotics
 b-galactosidase
 This eliminates the
second type of clones
based on X-gal
metabolism and color
Stage 4 (cont.)
 Screening
 To find the gene of interest, the clone library is screened by a process termed
 The cloned genes form base pairs with complementary sequences on another
nucleic acid, termed the probe
 The bacterial colonies are first grown on agar
 They are then transferred to a filter
 The filter is treated with a radioactive probe
 The filter is then subjected to autoradiography
Working with DNA
 Key techniques used by today’s genetic engineers include
 PCR amplification
 Used to increase the amounts of DNA
 cDNA formation
 Used to build genes from their mRNA
 DNA fingerprinting
 Used to identify particular individuals
PCR Amplification
Target sequence
1 Denaturation
The polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) requires primers
Short single-stranded
sequences complementary to
regions on either side of the
DNA of interest
PCR consists of three basic
2 Annealing of primers
2 copies
3 Primer extension
4 copies
1. Denaturation
2. Primer annealing
3. Primer extension
Polymerase Chain Reaction
8 copies
DNA polymerase
Free nucleotides
cDNA Formation
 The primary mRNA
transcript contains
exons and introns
 The processed
mRNA contains only
 It is used as a
template to create a
single strand of
DNA termed
 cDNA is then
converted to a
DNA Fingerprinting
 This is a process that is
used to determine if two
DNA samples are from the
same source
 The DNA from the two
sources is fragmented
using restriction enzymes
 The fragments are
separated using gel
 They are transferred to a
 The filters are screened
with radioactive probes
 Then subjected to
DNA Fingerprinting
Genetic Engineering and Medicine
Genetic engineering has been used in many medical applications
1. Production of proteins to treat illnesses
2. Creation of vaccines to combat infections
3. Replacement of defective genes
Making “Magic Bullets”
 In diabetes, the body is unable to
control levels of sugar in the blood
because of lack of insulin
 Diabetes can be cured if the body
is supplied with insulin
 The gene encoding insulin has
been introduced into bacteria
 Other genetically engineered drugs
 Anticoagulants
 Used to treat heart attack
 Factor VIII
 Used to treat hemophilia
 Human growth hormone (HGH)
 Used to treat dwarfism
Piggyback Vaccines
 Genetic engineering has also been used to create subunit vaccines
against viruses
A gene encoding a viral
protein is put into the DNA of
a harmless virus and
injected into the body
The viral protein will elicit
antibody production in the
A novel kind of vaccine was
introduced in 1995
The DNA vaccine uses
plasmid vectors
It elicits a cellular immune
response, rather than
antibody production
Genetic Engineering of Farm Animals
In 1994, the recombinant hormone bovine
somatotropin (BST) became commercially
 Dairy farmers used BST as a supplement to
enhance milk production in cows
Consumers are concerned about the presence of
the hormone in milk served to children
 This fear has not been supported by research data
Genetic Engineering of Crop Plants
Pest resistance
 Leads to a reduction in the
use of pesticides
 Bt, a protein produced by
soil bacteria, is harmful to
pests but not to humans
 The Bt gene has been
introduced into tomato
plants, among others
Herbicide resistance
 Crop plants have been
created that are resistant to
Herbicide resistance offers two main advantages
 Leads to a reduction in the use of pesticides
 Lowers the cost of producing crops
 Reduces plowing and conserves the top soil
Genetic Engineering of Crop Plants
 More Nutritious Crops
 Worldwide, two major deficiencies are iron and vitamin A
 Deficiencies are especially severe in developing countries where the
major staple food is rice
 Ingo Potrykus, a Swiss bioengineer, developed transgenic “golden” rice
to solve this problem
Potential Risks of Genetically Modified (GM) Crops
The promise of genetic engineering is very much in evidence
However, it has generated considerable controversy and protest
 Are genetic engineers “playing God” by tampering with the genetic
Two sets of risks need to be considered
1. Are GM foods safe to eat?
The herbicide glyphosate blocks the synthesis of aromatic amino acids
 Humans don’t make any aromatic amino acids, so glyphosate doesn’t
hurt us
However, gene modifications that render plants resistant to glyphosate
may introduce novel proteins
 Moreover, introduced proteins may cause allergies in humans
2. Are GM foods safe for the environment?
Three legitimate concerns are raised
1. Will other organisms be harmed unintentionally?
2. Will pests become resistant to pesticides?
3. What if introduced genes will pass from GM crops to their wild or
weedy relatives?
Potential Risks of Genetically Modified (GM) Crops
 Should GM foods be labeled?
Every serious scientific investigation
has concluded that GM foods are
So there is no health need for a GM
However, people have a right to know
what is in their food
So there may be a need for label
after all
Cloning Higher Organisms
 The successful embryos (about 30 in 277 tries) were transplanted into
surrogate mother sheep
 On July 5, 1996, “Dolly” was born
 Only 1 of 277 tries succeeded
 However, Wilmut proved that reproductive cloning is possible
Since Dolly,
scientists have
successfully cloned
sheep, mice, cattle,
goats and pigs
 However, problems
and complications
arise, leading to
premature death
 Dolly died in 2002,
having lived only
half a normal
sheep life span
Embryonic Stem Cells
The blastocyst, an early
embryo, consists of
 A protective outer layer that
will form the placenta
 Inner cell mass that will
form the embryo
The inner cell mass consists of
embryonic stem cells
 These are pluripotent
 Capable of forming the
entire organism
As development proceeds,
cells lose their pluripotency
 They become committed to
one type of tissue
 They are then called adult
stem cells
The research in human embryonic stem cells is
associated with two serious problems
 Finding a source: harvesting them from
discarded embryos raises ethical issues
 Immunological rejection: Implanted stem
cells will likely be rejected by the immune
system of the individual
Stem Cells
 Embryonic stem cells
could be used to restore
tissues lost or damaged
due to accident or
 Experiments have
already been tried
successfully in mice
 Damaged spinal
neurons have been
partially repaired
 The course of
development is broadly
similar in all mammals
 Therefore, the
experiments in mice
are very promising
Grappling with the Ethics of Stem Cell Research
Stem cells offer enormous promise for treating a wide range
of diseases
 However, the research involves ethical issues
1. Destruction of human embryos
 When does human life begin?
2. Possibility of future abuse or misuse
 Is human reproductive cloning next?
3. Alternative sources of stem cells
 Are adult stem cells equally effective?
Gene Therapy
 Gene therapy involves the
introduction of “healthy”
genes into cells that lack
 It was first used successfully
in 1990
 Two girls were cured of a
rare blood disorder caused
by a defective adenosine
deaminase gene
 The girls stayed healthy
 In 1999, AAV successfully cured anemia in rhesus monkeys
 AAV was also used to cure dogs of a hereditary disorder leading to retinal
degeneration & blindness