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What is it?
Selective breeding
among live stock
and even dogs
have been around
since the
beginning of
time. Using
microbes to make
food and drinks
Charles Darwin
natural selection
Gregor Mendel
genetics (pea plants)
 Selective breeding has been around since the
beginning of time
 Humans have selected particular traits and bred
organisms to have these traits
 Don’t we as humans use selective breeding when
selecting our mates?
 Complete The Genetic Technology worksheet front
and back
 The driving force behind DNA technology we have today.
 13 yr long research project completed in 2003 where scientist
from around the world tried to identify the 20,000-25,000 genes
in the human DNA and find the sequences of the 3 billion
chemical base pairs
 Directors of the HGP are hoping that the information gained will
help make advances in biotechnology fields.
 At least 350 biotechnology-based products resulting from the
Human Genome Project are currently in clinical trials.
2. Medicinal
3. Forensics
Biotechnology and
Genetic Engineering The process of
altering the genetic material of cells or
organisms to allow them to make new
We can do this because
DNA is the same from
One organism to nextJust a little different order of bases.
 GMO – genetically modified organism
 Organisms that have acquired one or more genes
 Transgenic organisms –
organisms that have acquired a gene from another
species or organism
ex – “super mice” in 1980’s used this in mice so that they
could produce a human protein needed for clotting.
Biotechnology and food
 Healthier farm animals
 Pest resistant plants – so grow more food
 Temperature, drought resistant, other environmental conditions
allow us to grow food where we couldn’t before creating greater
genetic diversity in different regions.
 May have an increase in nutrient value
Ex. India – 1992- salinity resistant crops (rice / wheat) has allowed
people to grow these in areas that would not normally sustain
Ex. Golden rice – transgenic variety created with more beta carotin
that could help prevent vitamin A deficiencies that lead blindness
in poorer nations
 New allergies may develop with these plants
 Pollen from GMO’s can spread to wild species and
change their genetics
 Unpredictable health effects – only been around since
1990’s so we do not know long term effects yet
 Insufficient government regulation – GMO’s are not
mandatory to label in grocery stores – yet
 May create unwanted effects in soil or surrounding
water supplies (ground water)
1. Gene therapy
 Alteration of afflicted individual’s genes for therapeutic
 Try to supplement or replace a defective gene causing
the disease by inserting a normal allele into cells of
tissues that have the disorder.
 For this to be permanent, the allele would have to be
transferred into cells and multiply throughout life.
 They are trying to a achieve this for blood and immune
disorders. Using bone marrow cells which contain stem
cells for all blood products and immune system.
 Currently being used to cure genetic disorders
 Specific DNA sequences are inserted to try to replace
fully or absent genes so that gene expression can occur
 The most effective way to is to using viruses to insert
the gene sequences into cells.
Why viruses? Any ideas?
 All viruses naturally insert their genetic material into
their host cell as part of the replication cycle
2. Diagnose Disease:
 DNA technology used today to diagnose diseases even
before birth.
3. Vaccines
 A mutant of the pathogen (virus / bacteria) used to
stimulate our immune system to create defense against
the pathogen
 Some are genetically modified to be better.
 Genetically altered crops are now grown that can
synthesize certain vaccines and eaten by
 Gene therapy different ways to fight cancer:
 Inject cancer cells with special genes that make the
tumor more receptive to cancer drugs
 Place multi drug resistant (MDR) genes into the bone
marrow to make stem cells more immune to side effects
of anticancer drugs. (this preserves more red blood cells
for the patient and they are less tired as they go through
 Recent research is looking a genetically altering a
person’s T cells (ones that give us immune memory) to
be cancer specific. Find and recognize cancer and kill it.
The good thing about this is that it should last a lifetime
due to the “immune memory” of the T cells.
 Complete DNA Medicine worksheet
 Read and complete questions about Genetic Testing
 Read Scientific American article:
 Gene-Therapy Successes Spur Hope for Embattled Field
 By Erica Check Hayden
Scientific analysis of evidence from a crime scent to be
used in investigations or court of law
1. DNA profiling;
 Can get DNA from any body fluid, small pieces of
tissue, hair, etc… left at the crime scene
 used to prove paternity
 Used to identify victim of a crime
 Ex. World trade center nearly ½ of victims identified by
DNA analysis
Get DNA fingerprint activity from Lambert
 Therapeutic hormones such as insulin and human
growth hormone are made by modified bacteria.
 Until now, insulin was recovered from slaughtered pigs
and cattle. Now can genetically modify bacteria to
produce human insulin.
 In past HGH recovered from cadavers, now bacteria
with modified DNA fragments chemically synthesize
HGH to help with dwarfism or other height deficits.
How Genetic Engineering Works:
Recombinant DNA technology
When DNA from two different organisms is
1) Isolate the desired DNA and plasmid
Plasmid small rings of DNA
2 ) A restriction Enzyme is used o cut the DNA
into fragments
3) Sticky ends hold the plasmid and DNA
together until enzyme DNA ligase joins them
4) The recombinant bacterium is inserted into
a host bacterium
5) The bacterium then reproduces, the desired
DNA is identified using a probe
Probe – a strand of RNA labeled with a
radioactive element or fluorescent dye
Gene Splicing  The process in which
fragments of DNA from one or more different
organisms are combined to form recombinant
 Take a look at the virtual lab
 For homework complete the lab and print your results
 Need to an example the works
 Process of producing a genetically identical copy of a
living organism.
 Occurs naturally in bacteria during asexual
 Types of artificial cloning
1. Gene cloning
2. Reproductive cloning
3. Therapeutic cloning
 Copies of genes or segments of DNA
 Used by scientists to make copies of genes they wish to
 Isolate DNA from organism
 Isolated DNA is cut at the gene you want (by enzymes) and
creates “sticky ends”
 This gene can then be “glued” into plasmids of a bacteria or
 After gene is inserted the bacteriais allowed to multiply and
each time it multiplies, the gene they would like to study
also multiplies.
 They now have multiple copies of this gene to work with.
 Copies an entire organism
Remove somatic cell (skin cell) from an animal being
Transfer the DNA of the somatic cell into an egg (DNA
removed from egg)
Shock it with electricity to start dividing
The egg is allowed to develop and then implanted into
the womb of a surrogate mother.
 Cloned animals may be used for testing new drugs or
Allows a uniform response because they are identical
Build endangered animals
Bring back extinct animals
Clone pets
 Creating a cloned embryo for sole purposes of making
embryonic stem cells
 These cells can be used in experiments to understand
diseases and develop new treatments
Philosophical Issue:
 Stem cells come from blastocysts (embryonic stem
cells 5 days after the cells start to divide).
 Cells harvested from cloned embryo, which results in
the destruction of embryo.