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2nd quarter bio final
*Remember this does not include
Genetic mutations, but they will be
on the final
1. What is the longest phase of the
cell cycle? (p. 245)
2. What is made at the end of
mitosis (how many and type)?
(p. 248)
• 2 identical diploid cells
3. Briefly describe what happens in meiosis
I: (p.276-277)
Prophase I=
• 1-Chromosomes form
homologous tetrads;
• 2-centrioles form;
• 3-nuclear breakdown;
• 4-crossover
1- homologous
(cont.) Metaphase I=
chromosomes meet in the
middle/equator randomly;
2- spindles fibers attach
(cont.) Anaphase I=
1-separate into chromosomes
(cont.) Telophase I=
• 1-nuclear membrane
forms (temp); 2centrioles & fibers
4. Briefly describe what happens in each
phase of mitosis: (P. 246—247)
Prophase= 1-Chromosomes forms;
2-centrioles form;
3-nuclear breakdown
• 1-line up into a line at the
Cont.Metaphase= middle/equator;
• 2-spindle fibers attach
• 1-separate into
(cont.) Anaphase= chromatids
• 1-nuclear membrane
• 2-centrioles & fibers
• 3. chromosomes
5. What are the differences
between mitosis and meiosisII?
6. How many and what type of cells are
produced in meiosis? (p.276)
• 4 nonidentical haploid gamete (eggs
and sperms)cells
7. What cells and where in the
body does mitosis occur (hint:
somatic or sex cells)?(notes)
• Somatic cells-all over the body
8. What cells and where in the
body does meiosis occur? (use the
hint from #7) (notes)
• Sex cells-sex organs
9. What are gametes?(p.266)
• Sperm and eggs/haploid cells
10. How many chromosomes from
each parent? (p. 341 & 342)
• 23 individual (no pairs)
11. How is a zygote produced? (p. 1009)
• 2 gamete cells join in fertilization
12. What two phases produce genetic
diversity and what occurs? (p. 276, 277
& notes)
• Prophase I (crossing over) and
Metaphase I (homologous tetrads lining
up randomly)
13. What is the process of meiosis
called in females? Males? (p.
278 & notes) • Oogenesis/females
14. What do you call the exchange of
genetic information between
homologous chromosomes (prophase
I)? (p. 277)
• Cross over
15. What is heredity? (notes)
• Passing of traits from parent to offspring
16. What is a genotype? (p. 268)
• Genetic make up/alleles
17. What is a phenotype? (glossary)
• Physical trait
18. What is an allele? (glossary)
• A form of the gene
19. What does heterozygous mean?
• Alleles are different same as hybrid
20. What does homozygous mean?
• Alleles are the same as purebred
21. What is a dominant allele and what type
of letter is used? (notes)
• Hides all other allele traits-capital-can
be seen as long as 1 allele is dominant
22. What is a recessive allele and what type
of letter is used? (notes)
• Shows only when there are no
dominant-2 lowercase alleles ONLY
23. What is a male genotype? Female?
(p. 342)
• XY-male & XX-female
24. What is the general term used to
describe the identifying, manipulating,
and transferring of genes?
• Genetic engineering
25. What is the shape and components of
DNA? (p. 293)
• Double helix (twisted ladder)-Deoxyribose
& phosphate sides and 2 nucleic bases as
26. What is the shape and components of mRNA?
(p. 300-301)
• Single strand-ribose & phosphate side
with a nucleic base attached
27. What is tRNA? (p. 300-301)
• Transfer RNA-amino acid on 1 side and
Anticodon on other side-brings the
amino acid to the rRNA
28. What is rRNA? (p. 300-301)
• Molecule forms ribosomes
29. What is the pairing of DNA nucleotides?
• A-T & C-G
30. What is the pairing of mRNA to
DNA nucleotides? (p. 301)
• A-U C-G
31. What is a codon? (p.302-305)
• 3 sequence section on the mRNA that
is used to code for the amino acids/use
• 3matching nucleotides code
Anticodon? on the tRNA with the
corresponding amino acid on
the other side of the tRNA
32. What is the order of protein synthesis?
2. translation/transfer;
3. assembly line; &
4.completion of the
polypeptide chain/protein
33. What are the start and stop codons and
what process do they help with? (p.302303)
• AUG-Start translating codon
• UAA, UAG, & UGA are stop
translating codons
34. What is replication and where does it
occur?(p. 297-299 & 246)
• Replication is the copying of DNA during
the S phase of Interphase that occurs in
the nucleus
35. What is and where does
transcription occur?(p. 301 & 304305) • Transcription is the 1st step in
protein synthesis where mRNA
copies part of the DNA code
36. What is translation and where does it
occur? (p.301-303)
• Translation is part of protein synthesis
where mRNA is decoded at the ribosome
• The tRNA matches up its anticodons to the
mRNA’s codons
37. Where in the cell and how is protein
synthesized? (p. 302-306 & notes)
• When the tRNA matches its anticodons to
the mRNA’s codons at the ribosomes, it
brings with it a particular amino acid. After
the tRNA’s drops off amino acids from the
start to the stop codon, the protein is
38. Briefly define the sequence mutations?
(p. 307)
– Point mutation= occurs in a single point
of the DNA.
– Frameshift mutation= The shifting of DNA
nucleotides caused by an insertion or
39. Are all mutations bad? (p. 308)
• No, some are bad, some are good, and
some cause no change
DNA, and replaced with
40. Thymine is in ______
Uracil on the _____
RNA strand. (p. 297-299 & 302)
41. Write the complementary strand to the
strand of DNA shown under the process of
• T A A G G C A G T TT------Complimentary DNA strand
42. Write the complementary strand of DNA
shown under the process of TRANSCRIPTION.
(p. 301-301)
(mRNA stand)