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A Cell
Jacob Hodges
A cell is like a Dance Club.
The nucleus of a Cell can be related to
the DJ at a club. These two are
relatable because, the nucleus controls
the cell the way a DJ controls the
tempo of a club.
The cell membrane is very similar to the
velvet rope at a club. The cell
membrane regulates what goes in and
out of a cell the same way a velvet rope
regulates who enters and leaves a club.
The cell wall is similar to the walls of the
night club. They are similar because in
the same way a buildings walls give it
structure and shape a plant cell’s cell wall
serves the same purpose.
The Endoplasmic Reticulum or (ER) can be related to the
hallways around the dance floor at the Club. The ER’s
function in a cell is to provide a passage for things to
move around the cell. This is similar to the areas outside
of the public domain which provide a way for things to be
sent to customers who have ordered them without
passing through the crowd.
The Golgi apparatus is like the waiters that work in
a club. The function of the Golgi apparatus is to
package and ship things around the cell. The
waiters at a club bring the food and other items
ordered by customers to them the way the Golgi
apparatus transports proteins
The Mitochondria is called the powerhouse of the cell
and can be related to anything that brings in profits for
the club. The Mitochondria’s job in the cell is to
produce energy or ATP, the cell runs off of these this
energy. The things in a club that bring in profit are like
the mitochondria because it produces the money, ATP,
the club functions off of.
The vacuole in a cell is relatable to the safe/food
locker in a club. The function of a vacuole in a cell
is to store food, water, or waste. They are similar
because a club stores what is valuable in its safe
and its food in the food locker the same way a cell
stores its necessities in vacuoles.
A ribosome is like the bar in a club. A ribosome produces
proteins in a cell. A bar produces the beverages that keep
the people in the club going like the ribosome produces
protein that keeps the cell going.
Plant vs. Animal
• Cell membrane
• Cytoskeleton
• No chloroplast
• Many vacuoles
• Chloroplast
• Cell wall
• Green coloring
• Central vacuole