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BIOLOGY - GCET prep series 1
1. Hershey and Chase used _ __ __
Experimental material for proving that
DNA controls heredity was
a) Streptococcus pneumoniae
b) Salmonella typhimurium
c) T2 phage
d) Saccharomyces cerevisiae
2. How can organisms sharing a common
habitat avoid competition among
I. unlimited resources
II. behavioural changes
III. resource partitioning
a) Only I
b) Only II & III
c) Only I & II
d) I, II & III
3. Two genetically variable individuals
are needed to produce the progeny in
only one of the following ?
a) Cutting
b) Layering
c) Gootee
d) Bud grafting
4. Which of the following is a true
dihybrid condition is
a) ttRr
b) Ttrr
c) ttrr
d) TtRr
5. Name the Russian scientist who
proposed the theory of origin of life:
a) Oparin
b) Haldane
c) Miller
d) Hooker
6. The Synthesis of a gene invitro & its
transfer to a cell is called :
a) Genetic engineering
b) Cloning
c) Mutation
d) Hybridization
7. A disease caused due to molecular
mutation is :
a) Erythroblastosis foetalis
b) Haemophilia
Karuna Saraswat 9527915212
c) Anaemia
d) Sickle cell anaemia
8. In angiosperms, the endosperm is
formed after fertilization from :
a) Synergids
b) Secondary nucleus
c) Antipodal cells
d) Egg
9. Perianth is :
a) Non – reproductive parts of flower
b) Calyx
c) corolla
d) none of the above
10. The most primitive cell – like , self
replicating chemical aggregates
capable of growth were :
a) Chemoautotrophs
b) Eobionts
c) Prokaryotes
d) Coacervates
11. The hormone responsible for
a) FSH
b) LH
c) Testosterone
d) Oestrogen
12. Testosterone is produced by :
Sertoli cells
Leydig’s cells
Oxyntic cells
Pituitary gland
13. Which of the following are the sex
organelles provided in some bacteria.
a) Circular DNA
b) Gametes
c) Sex pili
d) Plasmid
14. T- Lymphocytes mature in which
organ :
a) Thymus
b) Pancrease
c) Liver
d) Spleen
15. The Antiviral substances produced by many
vertebrates in response to viral infection for
resisting the multiplication of virus is called :
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BIOLOGY - GCET prep series 1
a) viriod
b) interferon
c) antiviron
d) antigen
16. “one gene – one enzyme hypothesis” states that
a) one gene codes for one enzyme
b) one gene codes for one polypeptide
c) one gene codes for one amino acid
d) one gene regulates all enzymes.
17. Golden rice is a transgenic crop with :
a) insect resistance
b) high yield
c) high protein content
d) high vitamin A content
18. Human placenta is derived from :
a) ectoderm
b) trophoblast
c) endoderm
d) mesoderm.
19. The theory of use and disuse of organs was
proposed by:
a) Charles Darwin
b) Lamarck
c) Hugo Devries
d) Mendel
20. Plants always belong to the first trophic level in a
food chain because :
a) only they can synthesise food
b) they absorb water and minerals
c) they are present almost everywhere
d) they have chloroplasts
21. Transcription involves
a) protein synthesis over ribosomes
b) lipids syntheoplasmic reticulum
c) synthesis of RNA over DNA
d) synthesis of DNA over RNA
22. In the process of making bread, the dough is
fermented by :
a) Thermus aquaticus
b) Streptococcus pneumoniae
c) Saccharomycetes cerevisiae
d) Streptococcus faecalis
23. In a mutation when only one nucleotide is
substituted for another, it is called :
a) transduction
b) point mutation
c) inversion
d) deletion
24. Hershey and Chase proved that
a) DNA controls heredity.
b) RNA controls heredity
c) Proteins control heredity
d) Lipids control heredity
Karuna Saraswat 9527915212
25. A high fever is dangerous to the human body
because it :
a) Denatures enzymes
b) Inactivates digestion
c) Coagulates blood
d) Boils fluids inside the body.
26. ELISA test is used to :
a) Duplicate RNA
b) Purify proteins
c) Isolate DNA sequences
d) Identify specific proteins
27. Chromosomes bearing satellites are called SAT –
chromosomes. Prefix SAT stands for
a) Sine acid Thymidine
b) Sine Acid Thymine
c) Sine Acid Tyrosine
d) Satellite
28. Semiconservative DNA replication using 15 N was
demonstrated by
a) Griffith
b) Avery, Mcleod, Mcarty
c) Meselson & Stahl
d) Hershey & Chase
29. Lung cancer may be caused by:
a) Calcium phosphate
b) Calcium fluoride
c) Calcium chloride
d) Calcium nitratre
30. Cri – du – chat syndrome occurs due to
a) Deletion
b) Duplication
c) Inversion
d) translocation
31. Evolution happens due to
a) Mutations
b) Acquired characters
c) Natural selection
d) Sexual reproduction
32. Characteristic flavour and large holes in Swiss
cheese are formed due to the amount of CO2 ,
released by the bacterium
a) Propionibacterium sharmanii
b) Penicillium roquefortii
c) Pediococcus acidilactici
d) Saccharomyces cerevisiae
33. Which of the following provide non specific
pathogen defence for the body
a) T lymphocytes
b) B lymphocytes
c) Phagocytes
d) NK cells
34. Code transfer for synthesis of polypeptide involves
a) DNA, t RNA, rRNA & mRNA
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b) mRNA, tRNA, rRNA & DNA
c) tRNA, DNA, mRNA & rRNA
d) DNA, mRNA, tRNA & amino acids
35. Maximum formation of RNA occurs in
a) Cytoplasm
b) Nucleoplasm
c) Nucleolus
d) Ribosome
36. During the development of an embryo, which of
the following occurs first
a) Differentiation of organs
b) Differentiation of tissues
c) Differentiation of organ systems
d) Differentiation of cells.
37. The maximum biomagnifications would take place
in which of the following , in an aquatic ecosystem
a) Zooplanktons
b) Phytoplanktons
c) Fishes
d) Birds
38. Which one of the following theories was proposed
by Weismann?
a) Law of inheritance
b) Theory of inheritance of acquired
c) Theory of natural selection
d) Theory of germ plasm
39. The process which destroys all living organisms is
known as
a) Pasteurization
b) Sterilization
c) Immunization
d) fertilisation
40. The point where the sperm forms
a) Axis of cleavage
b) Grey crescent
c) Dorsal lip of blasopore
d) Centre of embryo rotation
41. Cells are bombarded with high velocity
microparticles of gold coated with DNA in a
method known as
a) Biolistics
b) Molecular gun
c) Gene gun
d) Both a & c
42. Lichens are an example of
a) Parasitism
b) Competition
c) Commensalism
d) Mutualism
43. The chromosome carrying centromeres at one end
a) Metacentric
Karuna Saraswat 9527915212
b) Submetacentric
c) Acrocentric
d) telocentric
44. which of the following pyramid of biomass would
be inverted
a) fish & phytoplankton
b) birds & insect
c) cattle & grass
d) humans & spinach
45. spermatogenesis starts at puberty due to increase
in secretion of
a) LH
b) FSH
c) GnRH
d) Testosterone
46. Plant tissue culture allows growth of a whole plant
from explants. This is possible due to
b) Metastasis
c) Totipotency
d) Biofortification.
47. The biotechnology method that protects plants
against infection by pests is
a) RNA interference
b) RNA interpretation
c) RNA ligation
d) RNA transcription
48. What is the strategy used to prevent inbreeding
a) Mating with unrelated superior animals
of the same breed
b) Conducting selfing
c) Mating male and female animals of two
different species
d) Mating superior males of one breed with
females of another breed
49. During transcription the template strand
a) Has a polarity of 3’ ------- 5’
b) Does not have the promoter and
terminator sequences
c) Is required for synthesis of codons
d) Has a methyl guanosine cap
50. In the Messelson and Stahl experiment , if E.coli
was allowed to grow for 60 minutes the
proportions of light and heavy DNA molecules
would be
a) 0 light, 2 hybrid , 6 heavy
b) 6 light , 2 hybrid, 0 heavy
c) 4 light, 4 hybrid, 0 heavy
d) 8 light, 0 hybrid, 0 heavy
51. Choose the sexual stages of malarial parasites life
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BIOLOGY - GCET prep series 1
a) Blood stage
b) Gametocyte
c) Liver stage
d) Sporozoite
52. For which of the following diseases a viral cause
has been found
a) Ascariasis
b) Cancer
c) Drug abuse
d) Alcohol abuse
53. Rheumatoid arthritis is an example of
a) Auto immune disease
b) Allergies
c) Humoral immune response
d) Passive immunization
54. development of egg without fertilization is
a) parthenocarpy
b) polyembryony
c) parthenogenesis
d) adventive embryony
55. first vaccination was produced by
a) Pasreur
b) Jenner
c) Leuwenhoek
d) Paul Berg
56. A plant which is cultivated by tissue culture
technique is
a) Citrus
b) Apple
c) Pear
d) Guava
57. Integrated pest management stands for
a) Chemical control
b) Biological control
c) Host plant resistance
d) Integration of the above
58. Ability of an organism to ward off infection is
a) Resistance
b) Pathogenicity
c) Infection
d) Virulence
59. Fertility of soil is determined by its ability to
a) Hold organic matter
b) Retain water
c) Retain nutrients
d) Support life
60. Corpus luteum secretes
a) LH
b) Estrogen
c) Progesterone
d) FSH
61. Bacterial role of carbon cycle is
Karuna Saraswat 9527915212
a) Chemosynthesis
b) Photosynthesis
c) Breakdown of organic matter
d) Assimilation of nitrogenous compounds
62. DNA sequences are identified by a technique
a) Northern blotting
b) Southern blotting
d) RIA
63. Which of the following contains both DNA &
a) TMV & Poliomyelitis virus
b) Bacteria & higher organism
c) Bacteriophage & adenovirus
d) HIV & Papiloma virus
64. If a colour blind man marries a normal visioned
woman then
a) Both sons & daughters will be colour
b) All the daughters are colour blind
c) All sons are normal
d) All sons are colour blind
65. Farmers have reported over 50% higher yields of
rice by using the biofertilizer
a) Mycorrhiza
b) Azolla pinnata
c) Cyanobacteria
d) Legume – Rhizobium symbiosis
66. Antrum is the cavity in the
a) Testis
b) Ovaries
c) Primary follicle
d) Graffian follicle
67. If the sequence of bases in DNA is ATTCGATG,
then the sequence of bases in its transcript will be
68. First artificial gene was synthesized by
a) Nirenberg
b) Mendel
c) Morgan
d) Khorana
69. The stimulant present in tea is
a) Tannin
b) Cocaine
c) Caffeine
d) Nicotine
70. Lichens indicate pollution by
a) Ozone
b) SO3
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c) NO3
d) CO
71. Non conventional sources of energy is
a) Coal
b) Wood
c) Petroleum
d) Biogas
72. In which of the following plants can self
pollination never occur either naturally or
a) Zea mays
b) Gossypium hirsutum
c) Carica papaya
d) Saccharum officinarum
c) Egg cell
d) Synergids
74. Which one is primary sex organ?
a) Scrotum
b) Penis
c) Testis
d) Prostarate
75. Middle piece of a mammalian sperm contains
a) Nucleus
b) Centriole
c) Mitochondria
d) Vacuole
73. In Angiosperms , pollen tubes liberate their male
gametes into the
a) Central cell
b) Antipodal cell
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