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Chapter 4: Cell
 Pgs 74-105
Student Objectives
 Summarize the relationship among cell
organization, cell size and maintaining
 Discuss microscopy used to study cells
 Compare and contrast general
characteristics of prokaryotic and
eukaryotic cells
Student Objectives
 Distinguish among the different
organelles of a cell.
 Describe the structure and function
of the cytoskeleton.
 Compare and contrast cilia and
Cell Theory
 Cells are the basic units of organization
and function. (No isolated part of the
cell is capable of survival)
 Cells come from other existing cells
 All living things are made up of cells.
(They are the building blocks of
complex organisms)
Three main parts:
Plasma membrane (cell membrane) selectively permeable
Cytoplasm: Fluid and organelles outside
of the nucleus. (cytosol-fluid)
Nucleus - Control center of the cell.
Eukaryotic cells
Cell Size
 Cells are microscopic
 Measured in micrometers (µm)
 Cells organelles are measured in
nanometers (nm) - 1/1000 of a micrometer
 Cell size limited by its surface area to
volume ratio
*Some cells can be seen without a
microscope. (Eggs) human egg cell is 130
Cell Beginnings
First studied and documentated in 1665
by Robert Hooke.
He examined ‘cork’ cells. (dead
Anton van Leeuwenhoek - later looked at
cells at up to 200 times mag.
Allowed scientists to see microscopic
 Light Microscope.
Simple - 1 lens
Compound - 2 lens (ocular and
Magnify from 40 to 1000
Bright field or dark field microscopy
Electron Microscopes (EM)
Began in 1950’s
Can magnify up to 250,000 times
Transmission electron Microscope (TEM)
-Specimen is embedded in plastic and
cut into thin sections
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
-Electrons strike the surface of the
Electron Microscope
Cell Parts
 Nucleus
 Large organelle (5 µm) usually near the
center of the cell. ‘Control Center’ Contains chromosomes
 Nuclear membrane contains the
 Material is transported between
nucleoplasm and cytoplasm through nuclear
Cytoplasmic Organelles
 Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) - complex
compartments of the cell. Contain
enzymes ‘catalysts’
 Two Types
 Smooth ER - no ribosomes - site of lipid
 Rough ER - ribosomes - site of protein
Cytoplasmic Organelles
 Ribosomes
 Site of protein synthesis. Works
closely with ER and RNA
Cytoplasmic Organelles
 Golgi Complex
 Similar to ER except the stacks of
flattened membranous sacs are not
 Processes proteins and complex
Cytoplasmic Organelles
 Lysosomes
 Small sacs of digestive enzymes.
Slightly acidic
 Break down worn out organelles,
digest bacteria or other debris
Cytoplasmic Organelles
 Peroxisomes
 Contain enzymes that catalyze the
split of hydrogen peroxide H202 which
is toxic to the cell.
Cytoplasmic Organelles
 Vacuoles
 Found mainly in plant cells, does the same
job as lysosomes.
 As the vacuole grows with the addition of
water the size of the cell grows.
 May be up to 90% of a plant cell volume.
 Some vacuoles are specialized
 Food vacuoles - digest foods
 Contractile vacuoles - remove excess water
Cytoplasmic Organelles
 Mitochondria - ‘powerhouse’
 Site of aerobic respiration conversion of chemical energy to ATP
 Most numerous in cells requiring high
Cytoplasmic Organelles
 Chloroplasts - similar to
 Found only in algae and plants cells
 Convert light energy into chemical
 Contains chlorophyll, the green
pigment that traps light
 Give the cell its shape
 Dense network of protein fibers
 Microtubules - thickest filaments of
the cytoskeleton (25 nm)
 Microfilaments - flexible solid fibers
(7 nm)
 Cell division center
 Contains two centrioles (found in
animal cells but not plants)
 Centrioles move to the ‘poles’
Spindle Fibers
 Serve as a framework and
attachment for chromosomes for
the seperation to the opposite
Cell Coverings
 Glycocalyx (cell coat)
 Formed by carbohydrates, proteins
and lipids on the plasma membrane.
 Form adhesives for neighboring cells
and help in cell signaling
 Plant cells have Cell Walls - made of
Cilia and Flagella
 Made up of microtubes, aid in
movement of the cell
 Flagella are long compared to the
cell (200 µm)
 Cilia are short (2-10 µm), usually