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Honors Biology Guided Reading – Chapter 4
1. Explain the difference between the following types of microscopes and give an example of what
each could be used to view:
a. Light microscope
b. scanning electron microscope
c. transmission electron microscope
2. Define resolution
3. What does the cell theory state?
4. Who discovered cells and in what year?
5. Why can’t electron microscopes be used to study living organisms?
6. What are the smallest cells called and how big are they?
7. What influences the maximum size of a cell?
8. What types of life are prokaryotic cells?
9. What types of life are eukaryotic cells?
10. What do they have in common?
11. Explain where to find the genetic material in each.
12. What is the function of a pili?
13. Define the following:
a. cytoplasm
b. organelles
c. cellular metabolism
d. chromatin
e. chromosome
14. List 3 structures found in a plant cell that is not found in an animal cell.
15. List the function of the following organelles:
a. nucleus
b. nucleolus
c. smooth endoplasmic reticulum
d. rough endoplasmic reticulum
e. golgi apparatus
f. lysosome
g. vacuole
h. chloroplast
i. mitochondria
j. microfilaments
k. intermediate filaments
l. microtubules
m. flagells
16. List 3 structures that make up the endomembrane system.