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Unit 3
Chapter 7
A View of the Cell
History of the Cell theory
Anton van
simple microscope
lead to greatly
microscopes over
the next 200 years
Compound light microscopes
 With
light as its
energy source, it
uses a series of
lenses to
magnify up to
Electron microscope
Using a beam of electrons as its energy
source, it can magnify structures up to
500,000 X their actual size
(a pin head)
Cell Theory
1) All organisms are composed of one or
more cells
2) The cell is the basic unit of structure
and functions of living things
3) All cells come from preexisiting cells
Basic Cell Types
 Small, simple cells without membranebound organelles; i.e. bacteria
 Large, complex cells containing many
specialized organelles; i.e. plants, animals
& fungus
Plasma Membrane
A flexible boundary between the cell and
its environment maintains a balance of
nutrients, etc.
Selective permeability
 A process in which a membrane allows
some molecules to pass through while
keeping others out
Structure of the Plasma membrane
 A double layer that creates water-soluble
outsides surrounding water insoluble
 Transport Proteins
 Span the entire membrane to regulate
which molecules enter and which leave
Eukaryotic Cell Structures
Nucleus  cell control
 Strands of genetic
material (DNA) that
contains the directions
for making proteins
 Nucleolus
 A prominent body within
the nucleus, which
makes the ribosomes
Cytoplasmic Organelles
Endoplasmic reticulum
 Highly folded membranes
that is the site of cellular
chemical reactions
 Ribosomes
 Attached to the surface of
ER, they carry out the
function of protein
Cytoplasmic Organelles
Golgi apparatus
 A flattened stack of
membranes that
packages proteins
into vesicles to be
secreted by the cell
Cytoplasmic Organelles
 Membrane-bound
compartments for
temporary storage
of materials
 May be very large
in plant cells
Cytoplasmic Organelles
 Small bodies filled with
digestive enzymes that
digest worn-out
organelles, food
particles, and even
engulfed bacteria
 Responsible for the
cell’s recycling of
Cytoplasmic Organelles
 Containing the
green pigment,
chlorophyll, these
oval bodies
capture light
energy and turn it
into chemical
Cytoplasmic Organelles
 Rod-shaped
organelle with
many inner folds,
which breaks down
sugar to release its
stored energy for
cell use
(cell respiration)
Cytoplasmic Organelles
 Tiny rods and
filaments (called
microtubules) that
form a supporting
framework for the
cell and function in
Cytoplasmic Organelles
 Pairs of
microtubules that
play an important
role in cell division
Cytoplasmic Organelles
Cilia & Flagella
 External microtubules that aid the cell in
locomotion or feeding