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Protein Synthesis
1. Define protein synthesis.
2. What are the 2 phases of protein synthesis?
3. Sketch the pathway to making a protein.
4. What are the subunits of DNA called?
5. What 3 components make up a DNA nucleotide?
6. What are the 4 nitrogen bases that make up DNA?
7. How do the 4 bases complement each other?
8. A _____________________________ is always paired with a __________________________ due to
complimentary base pairing.
9. The shape of the DNA molecule is referred to as a double __________________________.
10. The 2 DNA strands are _____________________________________, meaning they run in opposite
11. Define DNA replication.
12. What enzyme aids in DNA replication by adding new nucleotides to each new strand?
13. How are the sugars in RNA and DNA different?
14. What nitrogen base does RNA have that DNA doesn’t?
15. What base does it substitute for?
16. How are the shape of DNA and RNA different?
17. What are the 3 types of RNA and what are each of their functions?
a. Messenger RNA (mRNA)
b. Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
c. Transfer RNA (tRNA)
18. Proteins are made of _______________________ __________________________.
19. There are ______________________ amino acids.
20. Define genes.
21. Two parts to protein synthesis:
a. Transcription –
b. Translation –
22. Define a codon.
23. Do amino acids have more than one codon?
24. There are ______________ amino acids with a possibility of ______________ codons.
25. How do you read the circle genetic code chart?
26. How do you read the square genetic code chart?
27. Use the genetic code chart to determine the amino acids for the following codons.
28. What was the DNA sequence for each of those same codons?
29. Where does transcription take place?
30. What enzyme aids in transcription by adding RNA nucleotides to form the mRNA molecule?
31. Do we copy both sides of the DNA molecule during transcription? Explain.
32. Transcription begins at a site called promoter DNA or ____________ box.
33. Transcription ends at a site called the terminator DNA or _______________.
34. Given the following DNA sequence, what would be the complementary RNA stand that was
5’ G C G T A T G 3’
35. Define exons.
36. Define introns.
37. What happens to the introns and exons during the processing of pre-mRNA?
38. What happens to the end product after the processing of pre-mRNA?
39. How many nucleotides make up the mature mRNA molecule?
40. What is the start codon?
41. What are the 3 stop codons?
42. What is the function of tRNA?
43. How many nucleotides make up a tRNA molecule?
44. What are anticodons and where do we find them?
45. Sketch and label a tRNA molecule.
46. How many nucleotides make up a rRNA molecule?
47. Where is rRNA made?
48. What 2 things make up a ribosome?
49. Describe a ribosome.
50. A ribosome is made of _____________% of rRNA and _____________% of proteins.
51. A ribosome contains 2 sites for tRNA to bind called _____ and ______.
52. Sketch and label a ribosome. Include the attachment sites and the mRNA in your drawing.
53. What is the purpose of translation?
54. What 4 things are involved in translation?
55. What are the three steps to translation?
a. _________________________________: start codon (AUG)
b. ________________________________: amino acids linked
c. ________________________________: stop codon (UAG, UAA, or UGA).
56. What is the end product of protein synthesis?
57. What type of bonds hold the amino acids together?