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Name: _________________________
Period: _____________
PAP Molecular Genetics & Biotechnology Notes
Applied Genetics: is the _________; of the hereditary characteristics of an organism to
improve or create specific traits in ______________.
Selective breeding: directed breeding to produce plant and animal with _____________ Ex:
breeding plants to produce larger fruits/vegetable
Inbreeding: ______ closely related organism are bred to have the desired traits and to
______________the undesired ones in future generations
Test Cross: A test cross involves breeding an organism that has the unknown genotype with one
that is ______________________for the desired trait.
If the unknown parent genotype is_____________________, all the offspring will have
the dominant phenotype.
If the unknown parent genotype is _________________, the offspring will show a 1:1
phenotypic ratio
Genetic Engineering
Genetic engineering is technology that involves ___________ the DNA of one organism in
order to _____________the DNA of another organism.
An organism’s ____________________ is the total DNA in the nucleus of each cell.
Gel Electrophoresis
1. DNA is cut into smaller pieces using restriction ___________________
2. An electrical current is applied
3. DNA is separated by size. Shorter fragments move farther down the ____________ than
longer fragments
Used in:
DNA _ _________________
DNA Fingerprinting
• Best way to determine if two people are genetically ______________
• Used in _______________counseling, parental _______________, crime scenes,
classification of new species of organisms.
Chromosome Painting
Scientists use chromosome______________ to make the locations of genes on human
chromosomes with fluorescent tags. It is also possible to apply this technique to compare
genomes of _______________species.
Biotechnology is the use of _________________ _______________to find solutions to
Goal for the Human Genome Project was to sequence all the ______________in the
human body. (3 Billion nucleotides and 20,000-25,000 genes)
 This was completed in _____________
 The study of how genetic inheritance _____________the body’s response to drugs is
called ______________________.
Gene therapy
 Gene therapy is a technique aimed at ___________mutated genes that cause human
 Scientists insert a normal gene into a chromosome to _________________ a
dysfunctional gene.
Main Idea
DNA codes for RNA, which guides ___________________
From Genes to Genetic expression
(The central dogma of molecular biology)
 _____->_____->____________->__________-> __________________
Answer the following questions as you watch the video
DNA codes for ________________
What does Protein Synthesis make? _______________
Yes or No: Is all the DNA turn on all the time?
DNA is located in the _________________
What are the 2 step in Protein Synthesis?
 _______________
 _______________
6. 6. How many letters are read at a time? ___
Role of DNA and RNA
 DNA is the _____________________
 RNA is the ________________ of the Master Plan
 Sugar-Deoxyribose
 Double Stranded
 Nitrogen Bases: Adenine, ________,
Guanine, Cytosine,
 Difference: ____________
 G,C,A,T
 Sugar Ribose
 Single Stranded
 Nitrogen Bases: Adenine, ________,
Guanine, Cytosine
 Difference: __________
G, C,A _______
RNA and Protein Synthesis
DNA remains in the __________, but in order for it to get its instructions translated into
proteins, it must send its message to the ribosomes where proteins are made.
There a 3 types of RNA involved in this process
2 Main Steps in Protein Synthesis
1. Transcription: Takes place in the__________, mRNA reads the DNA strand, then
moves to the ___________for translation.
2. Translation: Take place in the________, tRNA carries amino acids to the mRNA to
the site of a ribosome (rRNA)
 Adenine pairs with__________
 Guanine pairs with Cytosine
Circle a Codon, and put a square around
an Anti-Codon
What biomolecule does the growing
amino acid chain make? _____________
What process is shown in X?
What process is shown in Y?
What process is shown in Z?
Mutation can be harmful, helpful or neutral in their effect. Mutations create
Mutations are ________ changes in the genetic material. A mutation that occurs in the
______________ will most likely transferred to the _________________.
Types of Gene Mutations
 Include:
Point Mutations: Change of a single nucleotide.
1. Substitution: ___________in the nucleotide
2. Frameshift: __________ or __________ of a single nucleotide
Chromosome Mutation:
 Deletion: _______________ a chromosome segment
 Inversion: _________________ a segment within a chromosome
 Translocation: __________________ a segment from one chromosome to
another, non-homologous one
 Duplication: ______________ a segment
 Non-disjunction: chromosomes fails to _______________ properly during
Chromosome Mutation: creates ______________ variation.
Five types exist: