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Discussion Guide Chapter 4
Mader, 10th edition
1. List the three principles of the cell theory.
2. What is the significance of the word theory in reference to the basic properties of the cell?
3. Complete the following activity on cell size.
Table 1. Complete the following measurements of cell cube models
A= side x side SA = 6 x side x V= side x side
x side
Cell cube size
Area of one
Total surface
Volume of cell
(Length of one
face (Square
area of cell
(Cubic units)
(Square units)
D = side/2
Distance from
center to edge
Table 2. Determine the ratios of Cell-Model Measurements
Cell size (Length
Total surface area to volume
Total surface area to mass
of one side)
1. Which two measurements of your cell models best represent the contents (inside) of an actual
2. As a cell grows larger, will it need more or less nutrients in order to survive? Explain.
3. Which organelle of a cell is in charge of controlling what enters and exits a cell?
4. Which of the measurements of your cell models best represents the organelle answered in
question #3?
5. As a cell grows larger, does the surface area-to-volume ratio get larger, get smaller, or remain the
same (look at table 2)?
6. As a cell grows larger, what happens to the surface area-to-mass ratio?
7. Which cell model has the greatest surface area-to-volume and surface area-to-mass ratio?
8. Give one reason why cells cannot survive when the surface area-to-volume ratio and surface
area-to-mass ratios become too small (look at previous questions).
9. How many cells with s=1 would fit into a cell with s=3?
10. Which has more total surface area, one cell with s=3 or 27 cells, each with s=1?
11. There are a couple of ways that the surface area-to-volume and surface area-to-mass ratios be
increased in a large cell. Describe one of them.(Hints: cells will do this when they reach a
certain size. Also, how can you fit something large into smaller space????)
12. As the length of a side doubles in a cell, what happens to the distance that nutrients must travel to
reach the center of the cell?
13. Look back over the lab and the questions you have answered. Describe at least two reasons why
cells don’t grow indefinitely.
4. What distinguishes prokaryotes from eukaryotes?
5. Draw and label pictures of the three common shapes of prokaryotes.
6. Color the general bacteria picture. Then label and describe the following parts.
Cell envelope
Plasma membrane
Cell wall
Glycocalyx or
Inclusion body
Conjugation pili
7. Describe how the nucleus, the choloroplast, and the mitochondrion may have become a part of
the eukaryotic cell.
8. Describe three benefits of compartmentalization found in cells.
9. For each of the following, explain how the organelles work together to perform the life functions
of the cell.
a. Nucleus and ribosomes
b. Endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi bodies
c. Endoplasmic reticulum and ribosomes
d. Lysosomes and Golgi bodies
e. Nucleus and Endoplasmic reticulum
f. Endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi bodies and vesicles
g. Endoplasmic reticulum and cell membrane
Cell analogies
Due September 26th
“It takes 3 million cells to cover the head of a pin, but only one cell project to cover a large part
of your Biology grade!”
1. Show a plant or animal cell on 6. Include the following structures appropriate to your
a. Cytoplasm
b. Cell wall – cellulose and chitin
c. Plasma membrane
d. Plasmodesmata
e. Choloroplast
f. Centriole
g. Nucleus including nuclear envelope, chromatin, chromosomes, nucleosomes,
h. Cytoskeleton -- microtubules (intermediate filaments, microfilaments), centrioles,
basal bodies
i. Cila and flagella
j. mitochondrion
k. Golgi apparatus
l. vesicles (types: food, storage, central, contractile, transport)
m. Lysosome and peroxisomes
n. Ribosome
o. Vacuole
p. Endoplasmic Reticulum
i. Smooth and Rough
2. Identify your cell as a plant cell or an animal cell.
3. Find the function each structure has in the cell.
4. Find a magazine, newspaper, or internet image of an everyday object which has a
similar function or use as each cell structure. Write an analogy between the cell part
and the everyday object. Be sure to explain the reasoning behind your analogies.
5. You may present you analogies in any creative format you choose. Just follow the
guidelines above.
Cell analogies collage
Identify the cell as plant or animal cell. 2 points ______
Includes appropriate structures for cell type, Minimum of 15 _____
Picture of cell structure, with an analogy between the cell part and the everyday object. 5
points x ________ (# of organelles) = _______ (75 points)
5 -The analogies and 4 - The analogies and
functions for each
functions are present
organelle must be well but not well explained
explained, have a
picture and labeled
3 - Just the function is
given and the analogy
is not well explained.
No picture
Neatness 5 points ____
Is there apparent care taken? Typed or neatly written?
Originality 3 points ______
Total 85 points _______
2 - Just the function and
little or no analogy. May
or may not have a