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Cellular level of Organization: Cell organelle functions-glue in notebook Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: ______________ Period: ________ Use book/internet/handouts to fill in the information about cell organelles. Color back side diagram of parts. Memory clue: reminder of function Cell Organelle/ Location and Function How will you remember this info? Station/color Cell Wall/1 (plant cell only) Light green Cell membrane/1 Dark blue Cytoplasm/2 Yellow Ribosomes/2 Black Chloroplast/3 (plant cell only) Dark green Mitochondria/3 Orange Nucleus/4 Light blue Chromosomes/5 Red Centrioles /5 (animal cell only) Gold Endoplasmic Reticulum/6 Pink Golgi apparatus/6 Purple Vacuoles and vesicles/7 Teal Lysosomes (mostly animal cells)/7 Magenta Note: Each group assigned one part; backs up claim that this is most important cell part. Share aloud. Analysis: How do all these parts work together as a system?